There are plenty of reasons to be discouraged by the state of things. There are plenty of reasons to be cynical. But the Bible gives us no reason to "grow cold", no matter how bad things get.
Hey, welcome to politics by faith brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Thanks for being here. I was camping last week. That's why there were no episodes last week. I probably should have said that before we left. Sorry about that.
It was beautiful. We were in Indian boundary and like near teleco planes in the mountains of East Tennessee and there was no cell reception, which is the best part about it. And I think it was such a wonderful time we're gonna play five or six days we've never felt so relaxed when we came back home we run you know when you need a vacation for the vacation come back you almost got to
build another extra day to rest from a vacation we didn't have any of that we came back so fully completely refreshed it was it was wonderful my only regret We didn't I wish I the father made it a more spiritual time More Bible around the fire thing. I miss I miss that opportunity. That's a shame. I regret that a lot We talked a lot about God right we're hiking and all that stuff God's creation No question about that, but should have should have had more Bible reading with the family
So next camping trip, they'll be another one right kids loved it. Oh having the time of their lives it's just just fishing hiking getting dirty everything about it was just great we were coming back down the mountain about a 30-minute trip down the mountain and we're maybe 15 minutes down and I let out a sigh I was driving I let out sighs my wife said what was that for? And I said, I don't know, actually. I think the stresses of the world were just coming back.
I wasn't actively thinking about anything on a link. Just subliminally, pffft. It's like turning back around and going back up to the mountain. Times are going to be tough. There's no question. We were talking on the radio show this morning. Oh by the way on
Breitbart News Daily on Sirius XM patreon every Monday at 6 o'clock We have our gratitude segment and for like a half an hour people call in and talk about things are grateful for and it's been wonderful We talk more about that other day, but just a friendly reminder that that's if you can join us for that It's really really edifying and wonderful But anyway later in the show we talked about this poll that said if a country invaded America, like Russia invaded Ukraine,
would you stand and fight or would you run? And way too many people would run. 52% of Democrats said they would leave. And only 68% of Republicans said they would stay and fight. 25% of Republicans said they'd cut and run. As the Wall Street Journal said, that's not exactly the don't try to me spirit that we were hoping for even among
Republicans. And what's weird about this poll is I think of those 68% of Republicans who said they'd stay and fight, it's easy to talk a big game and say you would, but maybe you wouldn't when, when it really came down to it, right? China's really, you know, unloading troops in America or parachuting in. I bet a bunch of those people would run or not fight or join the Chai cops probably. But of the 52% of Republicans who said they run,
you could have lied too, right? Like why did more Democrats not just lie, be like, yeah, I'd totally fight, knowing they wouldn't even, right? Like what's up, you could have lied. It wasn't the military recruitment office I was asking.
It was just a poll, like a Pew poll. You could have lied and they didn't, wow. And the point was, Douglas Murray said, you have to do a lot to miseducate people, to hate this country. So we live in a country now where people are not,
they hate it so much, they've been taught from as early as they can go to school in the public school system that this is a rotten, no good country, now born out of slavery, rooted in slavery, built by slavery, still systemically oppressive,
blah, blah, blah, you get it now. That of course, young people don't even think this is a country worth fighting for. It's bad. Bad thing. If we continue down that path, bad things will happen for us here while we're on earth. Anyway, that's all that. That's the politics. Now let's jump to the faith. I happen to read Matthew 24 about end times. Jesus can come back. He will come back and it'll be any second.
We have no idea when it's going to be. We're not going to get into all of the end time stuff on this podcast, but there's one line that I think is worth thinking about and praying about. It's 24 and 9, Matthew. Then they will, let's read the whole thing. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all
nations for my name's sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved." It's this line here.
Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. Man, that speaks to me. Because in this political time, it's really easy to get cynical. But you can't... And maybe there's a good thing about cynicism too maybe there's something good about that or I'm realistic I'm not cynic I'm realistic
but whatever it is we can't let our love grow cold that's that's the sin that's the bad thing we can't let the love of the church grow cold we can't let our love ever grow cold as cold as as bad as things get outside of the church. That's a shame and all, but our love can never grow cold. We can never be brought down by the world.
Spurgeon made the analogy of the water outside of a ship. It can be cold, and it won't hurt the people inside the ship. It can't hurt the church of God. But when the mischief of the world oozes into the church itself, uh-oh, and the love of God's people waxes cold. Oh, then the ship is in sore distress. The people on the ship now as well. If the church's love grows cold,
oh man, then the world will be worse off too, of course, when our hearts grow cold. Spurgeon said, What cold singing we get, pretty music made by pipes and wind, But how little soul song! And what poor praying! You call it praying? What little giving!
When the heart is cold, the hand can find nothing in the purse. Is there anything that goes on as it ought to, when love waxes cold? We can never give up our hope, and we can never give up our love. Things one day will be very bad. Verse 21 says, Then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been seen since the beginning of the world until this time no nor shall ever be will be
the most awful time in the history of the world when God pours out his wrath on a world that has rejected him that'll be very ugly but then Jesus has a second coming he'll be back and if you're a Christian life will be grand I look forward to that day from the political perspective that's the only day that matters there November 5th is a big one, but nothing compared to Jesus coming back.
And who knows, it might happen before November 5th. Only God knows. But I hope this is all encouraging to you. I hope it takes some pressure off of your heart, off your shoulders today. No matter how broken the world gets,
we must never grow cold. And we shouldn't, because we're gonna go to heaven one day, and Jesus is gonna come back, and all will be made right. That's awesome. Why should we lose hope from that?
Why should we grow cold? Let's do the best we can in the meantime. But I'm grateful that there's already an end to the story that we know of and for us, it's good.
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