If we lived in a Christian culture, the NFL would have distanced itself from the lifestyle of Tyreek Hill. Instead, they're distancing themselves from the Christian worldview of Harrison Butker.
Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Thanks for being here. I want to talk about Harrison Butker, the kicker for the chiefs who is in a bit of a bit of hot water right now. We don't live in a Christian country anymore. There are a lot of Christians, a lot of so-called Christians and some Christians, but we don't
live in a Christian country. Every cultural institution in this country is controlled by people hostile to Christians for the most part. The NFL, if we were in a Christian world, the NFL would have put out a statement saying we don't agree with the lifestyle choices of Tyreek Hill. Tyreek Hill's wife is pregnant. Tyreek has had Enriquez had four kids this year and he already has ten. So in a Christian world, Christian country, the NFL would come out and say,
we don't approve of that. We'd like to distance ourselves from those lifestyles. We've decided that he can continue to play football with us, but just so you know, we don't want to platform that lifestyle. But no, instead the NFL puts out a statement against the guy who says husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. That's that's the guy that the NFL is
like whoa we need we need to put out a statement against this guy. So Harrison Butker spoke he gave the graduation commencement at Benedictine College never heard of this school but I'm grateful for all this pro-homos protest going on because it's given us another opportunity to look at other schools that maybe have not been historically as popular, have been around forever.
I guess Benedictine College is a newer school as well, it's in Kansas. So it's like, oh great, tell me more about these schools that are still schools. Let's see, the NFL's Senior Vice President and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
clarified that Butker's values are not the nfl's harrison bucker give a speech is personal capacity his views are not those of the nfl is an organization the nfl step-by-step and our commitment to inclusion which only makes our league stronger
weird we're very inclusive just not of harrison and those views those christian views those snow tyreek hill whatever that guy, very inclusive of that. Whatever worldview that is, we need more of it, it makes us stronger.
But the worldview, the Christian worldview of Harrison, that is no good. We'd like to distance ourselves from that. So here's what he said, I think it's important to say what he said. Every news article I read about it, it doesn't quote him or it won't link to his full statement. So here's one part and then I'll play a little bit. By the way, he's Catholic and this is at a Catholic college. I'm not Catholic by the way, but here we go. While COVID might have played a large role throughout your formative years, it's not unique. Bad policies and poor leadership
have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values and media all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder. Our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally. He's been so vocal in the support of the murder of innocent babies that I'm sure to many people
it appears that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice. He's not alone. From the man behind the COVID lockdowns, Fauci, to the people pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America, they all have a glaring thing in common. The Catholic. This is an important reminder that being Catholic alone doesn't cut it. He goes on, says, these are the sort of things we're told in polite society to not bring up, the difficult and unpleasant things, but if we're gonna be men and women for this time in history, we need to stop pretending
that the Church of Nice is a winning proposition. We must always speak and act in charity, but never mistake charity for cowardice. Very good. Okay, that's like the political thing that got him in trouble. Culturally, I think this is the thing that got him in most trouble.
For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you.
How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited
about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabel, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm on this stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of
the most important titles of all, poll maker. She's a primary educator to our children. She's the one who ensures I never let football all or my business become a distraction from that of a husband and father. She is a person that knows me best, and it is through our marriage that Lord willing
we will both attain salvation. That's not going to go over well. He went on to talk about men as well, but let's focus on this part here.
So a couple of years ago, certainly a few decades ago,
that would have been not even a thing to say. If someone said it, they'd be like, okay, yeah. But now the NFL has to distance itself from it. Someone called into the Breitbart show this morning and they said, Slater, I agree with it, I get it, but that really should be a message not to women
at their graduation ceremony after they spent four years and $100,000 in loans, that should be a message at like a high school graduation ceremony or maybe the first day of college, being like, hey, are you sure you really want to do this?
Are you sure this is the right decision? That's a good question for men and women. Like, there's pros and cons. You don't have to do this. You don't have to do the college thing. But let's take a minute here
and talk about a woman's role in the home or outside of the home. Let's talk about what he said. As opposed to every other media outlet which is just like, oh he's a monster. The outrage, the internet is crazed over. Let's actually just talk about it. The role of women in and outside of the home. Oh goodness that's a lot for this podcast to cover. But just a couple things to Titus 2 says this, first it talks about the men, then it goes to women.
The older women likewise, so this is advice Paul is giving, the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things, that they admonish the young women, the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their husbands, that the Word of God may not be blasphemed. So we have a message from Paul to the older women on what to do with their lives, what not to do, and then also to make sure that you teach the young women good things.
There's the teacher, teachers of good things is a Greek word that's only used once in the entire scriptures. It's a combination of a couple of words, but teachers of good things. That's beautiful.
The word admonish here is tricky as well. When I hear the word admonish, I think of something pretty harsh, like a harsh talking down. But that's not it. I looked up Webster's 1828 Dictionary. To warn or notify of a fault, to reprove with mildness, to counsel against wrong practices, to caution or advise Colossians 316 same word admonish one another in Psalms and hymns so it's not this harsh it's not calling for older women to yell scream or talk down to younger women it's to give a warning and counsel and reprove with mildness it's wonderful okay to do what to do what
what are the older women to teach the younger women to love their husbands to their children to be homemakers and what does all that entail. There's a lot here but I think the interesting thing here is that young women need to be taught how to love, taught to and taught how to love their husbands and children. If it was natural which I think a lot of people, I would think it is, if it's natural then it wouldn't be necessary to say, hey, make sure the older women teach the younger women
how to love their husbands, or to love their husbands, and children, and then how to do that. If it were natural, and some of it is, right, but if it were all natural, then that wouldn't be necessary to say. So the question is, what are we teaching young women
from the ages of like when they're five, or whenever they could start like really understand this, what are we teaching them? What are we teaching young girls and women about what it means to love your husband and love your kids as opposed to just loving yourself?
Give an example. Just came across this yesterday, perfect timing. Naomi Wolf, she wrote this on the Twitter. She said, I went to a nail salon today and I read a Cosmo, Cosmopolitan magazine, which I rarely do.
It's aimed at 20-something women, okay? So this would be older women working at Cosmo, or maybe they're just gay men, I don't know, but whatever, older people talking to younger women. One feature was about how hot it is to essentially have sex with your best friend's husband. Second feature was about how great it is to cut off ties with your family and that 26%
of young people have done so. Those were the two feature stories. She said, we are being infiltrated, I'd say we have been infiltrated, by people who want us to collapse culturally or just go to hell, which is both. If I may take this moment to recommend a women's magazine called EV Magazine, E-V-I-E, it's run by conservatives, I don't know if they're Christian, I think they are, but definitely
has a more Christian worldview. It's not preachy, it doesn't define itself as a Christian women's magazine but they define themselves as focused on the good, the beautiful, and the true and they would never have stuff like Cosmo. It's like the opposite of Cosmo in a beautiful way. EVIE magazine if I may. But that's an example, that's what we're currently teaching young women on what it means to be a woman, to be a wife, and to be a mother.
That's obviously wrong. Cosmo is about loving yourself and the Bible is about loving others. How to love your husband, how to love your kids. Which then leads to Proverbs 31. And gosh, we could do a whole month on this. But Proverbs 31, 24, she, the woman, makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies sashes for the merchants.
So here we have a woman selling stuff, working for her family, right, she's making linen garments, and making enough of them that she can sell them to others. But I love the next line. Strength and honor are her clothing. She shall rejoice in time to come.
The clothes are not the key.
The money's not the key. It's her strength and honor that are the most important thing. So Tanya, actually maybe we should spend more time on this. Here's the thing that's a good place to end. We live in a cultural moment that has put a lot of pressure on young women to do everything
at once and everything at the same time. And I think it would be wise if we had a new cultural message moving forward that yes you can do it all just not at the same time and yeah you can do it all but let's instead focus on what we should do not just what you can do and if you can't do everything at the same time let's let's think about what's more urgent in the moment because there's a very short window of having little kids. And we as a country, as a culture,
should put more love and joy and delight in that period of a woman's life, and a man's life, and a family's life. We should put more love and delight in that as an entire culture. And I think if we do that,
things can get back to well God's plan but I guess you can't say that stuff out loud the NFL is against that message that the NFL disavows itself of this biblical message Mike Slater dot locals calm for the itself of this biblical message Mike Slater dot locals calm for the transcript and commercial free Mike Slater dot locals calm