The pope said, "We are all fundamentally good." Yikes. I'm curious where our Catholic friends stand on this. Slaterradio is my handle on twitter and Instagram. This issue is of utmost importance. We must come to terms with this or else it undermines the entire rest of the Bible.
Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. The Pope said this on 60 Minutes. When you look at the world, what gives you hope?
Everything. You see heroic mothers, heroic men, men who have hopes and dreams, women who look to the future. That gives me a lot of hope. People want to live, people forge ahead, and people are fundamentally good. We are all fundamentally good. Yes, there are some rogues and sinners, but the heart itself is good.
If this were true, maybe he misspoke or something. If this is true, then we wouldn't need a Savior to die on the cross. If you don't need saving, then you don't need a Savior, if you're fundamentally good. James 117, every good gift comes from God, not man. Romans 3 11, none is righteous. No, not one.
Just to emphasize that, there's none who understands. There's none who seeks after God. They've all turned aside. They've together become unprofitable. There's none who does good. No, not one.
Jeremiah 79, the heart of man is deceitful and wicked. Psalm 33 20, our hope is in God, not man, not people doing good things. John 8 34, Jesus says, truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.
Ephesians 2, as for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and the ruler of the kingdom of the air we'll get to that in a minute the spirit who is now at work and all those who are disobedient nothing in man should give you hope about anything in the future you should never look to man and be hopeful Jesus said no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.
I just was reading a sermon from Martin Lloyd-Jones and he said the most sensational thing in the world at this moment is that every man and woman born into this life is under the wrath of God and unless they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ that wrath will abide upon them. This is a sermon about Genesis and he says what's the main story of Genesis and therefore the whole Bible? He says what is this position that's confronting us?
It is that whether we like it or not the devil is controlling this world. That is where the history has brought us, man and his folly. As Eve put it in her reply to God, the serpent beguiled me. Beguiled is such a great word. It means to charm, to enchant, to be deceptive. Ooh, let me look up the Webster's 1828 Beguile. It's the only dictionary you need to use.
To elude by craft, to delude, to deceive. And of course, the sentence that the original dictionary, they often use scripture, the serpent beguiled me and I did eat, Genesis 3.13, there it is right there. As Adam and Eve were beguiled in that way, so the whole of humanity has been beguiled. Every single person.
And the result is that man and women have put themselves under the dominion and control of the devil. Now let us be perfectly clear about this. I am asserting that this is the only way to understand the history of the world. There is one adequate answer as to why things are the way they are. We can pause here and I can just list all these political problems.
You know them all, you're here, we're on the same page with all of our political problems. Why is this happening? What's going on? It's not a policy, I mean, there's problems. The root of all problems, as Martin Lloyd Jones says, there's only one adequate answer as to why things are the way they are. It is the work of the devil.
We are under the control and in the power of the devil that is why things are as they are that is why they have been as they have been this is the whole explanation of history men and women left to themselves are absolutely hopeless and helpless in the hands of the devil the question to the Pope and I didn't know the context maybe there's some other context I'm missing but in general you ask a lot of people they'll say what what brings you hope if you're if their answers people that's off.
That's hopeless. Men and women left to themselves are hopeless and helpless in the hands of the devil. Okay, Saita, but I'm not in the hands of the devil. Let me continue quoting a couple pages later. Men and women are under the dominion and the authority and the power of the devil who rules the world. He is the god of this world.
2 Corinthians 4.4 He is the prince of the power of the air. Ephesians 2.2 we just quoted. So the problem confronting every man and woman in this world is not just a problem of certain sins and weaknesses, nor the desire to get the happiness that they do not have together with a certain amount of understanding and hope and joy. Those are
not their problem. The problem confronting every one of us now is how to escape from the dominion of Satan, how to get out of the clutches of the devil, how somehow to make an exit out of the kingdom of darkness into the light and knowledge of God, how to get back into that paradise from which we have been thrust, how to get past that flaming sword. That is the problem.
Okay, great. So what do we do? How do we do it? What can be done? And Lloyd-Jones says, I have already told you that man can do nothing about it. Man can do nothing.
And until you have come to see and to believe and to accept that, you cannot possibly accept the gospel that is to follow. Here's the key. None of us will believe in Christ if we think we can put ourselves right. I think I emphasized, I didn't emphasize that properly. None of us will believe in Christ if we think we can put ourselves right.
That's it. We can put ourselves right. You cannot do that. We have to see our, again, he was asked, what do you have hope in? Lloyd-Jones says, we have to see our hopelessness as sinners.
Let me emphasize this. We have to see our hopelessness as sinners before we can ever see our need of the Savior. The problem with that message of, oh I have hope in people and people do good things and moms love their kids, it sends this idea that you don't need Jesus. You can do it on your own. I used to think this. I used to tell, I distinctly remember, I was at a Bible study early on, am I becoming a Christian? I don't even know if I was at this point actually. I was
talking to a buddy, I distinctly remember this perfectly, and my buddy and I were talking we were both very prideful and we admitted this idea that I don't really need God. Like I got it under control, like I'm pretty good, you know, like I got it together for the most part. God's busy with other people. There's other people that need help, need God's help more than I do. That attitude will send you right to hell.
That is just so not even close. I was putting hope in myself. I thought I could do this. We should be very, very concerned about any message that gets anywhere close sends this hint that you can do anything good on your own. All good things come from God.
Every good gift comes from God. James 1.17. Now, people don't like this message because I want to fix it. But don't worry. I mean, don't. It's okay.
Lloyd-Jones says, but thank God this is not the end of the story. God now announced and revealed his program in the 15th verse of this third chapter of Genesis. And I will never allow anybody to take this out of my Bible. It is my gospel. It is the beginning of it all.
I do not understand it apart from this. This is the whole message of the Bible. It is a message to the effect that God will conquer and defeat Satan and deliver people from that enemy's foul dominion. But God will conquer. That's the key. God will conquer. It is nothing less than that. This is how God Himself announced His own gospel.
It is not simply an announcement that He will make us happier and better and brighter. The Pope talked about heroic men, men who have hopes and dreams, women who look to the future. That gives me a lot of hope. People want to live, people forge ahead, and people are fundamentally good.
God will conquer and defeat Satan and deliver people from that enemy's foul dominion. It is not simply an announcement that He will make us happier and better and brighter. Not at all. The purpose is to deliver us out of that bondage. Satan must be dealt with.
Satan must be conquered and vanquished. And God announced His program for accomplishing that great and mighty end. That I say again is the message of the whole Bible from here to the very end. Let's take a break right here and we'll get to that scripture in Genesis. But it's really, this is very, very important. You cannot save yourself.
Now listen, I'll open it up here. Slater Radio on Twitter and Instagram. If I'm missing something, I'm sure I am. I'm infallible if I'm missing something here about hope and what you get hope in. And I believe the message is at least first and foremost, if not only and entirely, your hope should be in Jesus and God. Because only Jesus can deliver you from Satan.
And any message that steers people away from that, well, who would want to deliver a message that would steer you away from the truth? The ruler of the kingdom of the air. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Commercial Free and the Transcript. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. I look forward to talking more about this tomorrow.