The White House claims that people are spending money because they have such confidence in the economy. I believe people are spending money because they have no hope in their economic future. Therefore, people are operating in a poverty-mindset. Instead, we need to focus on having an eternal-mindset with money.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. We had such a fun show today. We talked about this for like two hours. Here's my thesis. The number one issue in this election and every election is the economy. Immigration may be number one, or at least people say it's number one, but even that's
an economic issue too, but it's the economy. But the White House says, what are you talking about? Everything's amazing. Things could be better. Everything's great. You guys are wrong.
Here's all the reasons why the economy's great. And one of the reasons they give is look at all the people spending money. People are spending more money than ever before. And that shows high consumer confidence. Now, one of the themes of the show is perhaps the opposite is true. When you are presented with a statement, you have to think perhaps the opposite of that is true.
So the statement is people are spending a lot of money because consumer confidence is high. The opposite would be people are spending a lot of money because consumer confidence is low. That's what I think is the truth. I think people are spending now not because they have confidence in the present or hope
in the future, but because they are in such bad condition today and they have such despair for the future economically. I don't want to do the entire segment we did on Breitbart News Daily on Sirius XM Patriot, but it goes something like, what's the point of saving if I'm never going to get ahead? Why save money for a house when I'm never going to be able to afford a house? What's the point of saving at all when it's getting eaten up by inflation anyway? I might as well just spend it now. That's
what we're going to do. So we got into this whole conversation about poverty mindset. Now poverty mindset has nothing to do with, well, I shouldn't say it has nothing to do. You could be in poverty with a poverty mindset. You can also have a lot of money and have a poverty mindset.
At least a lot of money for now. If you keep this poverty mindset up, you won't have any. So what are some different aspects of a poverty mindset? So this is what we talked about in great detail. I'll just give you the overview. The poverty mindset mostly is when you get
any amount of money, you spend it right away. That's what you do when you're in poverty. You get money, you spend it. Now you would think if you're in poverty and you get money, you would save it, but you don't, not with a poverty mindset. You spend it right away.
Why? Because there might not be a tomorrow, or you think there won't be a tomorrow, so you spend it all now. Why wait? Why save? The second thing is I don't save money because I'm going to hit it big one day.
I'm going to hit it big. I'm going to play the lottery. I'm going to get famous. I'm going to get the NBA or whatever, so I'm going to spend all my money now because why bother saving? One day I'm going to hit it big."
Another poverty mindset is, I'm going to spend money because I don't want people to know I'm poor. So when I get money, I'm going to spend it all on shoes or a car so I don't look poor but instead look rich. That's a poverty mindset is even when you do make it out of poverty, let's say you do win the lottery or you do end up in the NBA or you're a rapper
or whatever, you waste money on a bunch of stuff to show people you've made it out even if that posture sends you right back in. Some people with a poverty mindset they just end up buying tons of stuff when they're older because they'll say something like, well, when I was younger I never had anything. So now that I can afford something I'm gonna buy everything I can. We had a guy in Memphis call in. His father-in-law owns two snowblowers in Memphis. Another poverty mindset is when you get
addicted to a dopamine hit from buying. When you buy something you get a dopamine hit like any other drug and you get addicted to it. What we should do is have a dopamine hit when you save or invest or turn more money into more money. So we need to redirect how we get dopamine hits. But retail therapy is a real thing.
And a final aspect of a poverty mindset is when you don't buy in bulk, assuming you can, but you don't buy in bulk. My buddy who grew up in poverty, he explains it like this. He says, let's say you go to the store and you can buy one toilet paper roll for a dollar or you can buy five toilet paper rolls for four dollars. Obviously the buying in bulk is less money per roll, but if you have a poverty mindset,
you only buy the one dollar one because one dollar is less than four dollars. Even though you're going to end up buying five and you're going to end up wasting money. That's just an example of that type of not being good with money. All right, so that's sort of like the brief overview. We did a lot of other things on the radio show, but I want to bring this to the Christian analysis here in the Politics by Faith podcast. I believe this is all, this spending money, this materialism, is another example of us no longer being a
Christian society or abandoning our Christian roots. And our Christian roots are the Puritans. And one of their great values was thrift. The Puritans were not frivolous people. They were not wasting their money. They were not spending their money on useless things, on material goods that don't serve any purpose. And that's right. Paul said, put to death, therefore, what is earthly in you. And then he goes on a whole list of earthly things.
And one of the things he lists is covetousness. That culture of money stayed with us for a long time in America. Ben Franklin was a major spreader of that with his Quaker background as well. But at a certain point, we went crazy. And now we can't stop buying stuff all the time. The Puritan saved because everything was a gift from God and therefore needed to be used
wisely. You had to be a good steward. Also needed to be saved in case something came up tomorrow. But today it's whatever. We don't think about tomorrow. We spend it all now.
And I really don't think people think beyond the moment. What do I do if something bad happens next week? I'm out of money. I don't know. Just figure it out then and the government will catch me, right? The government will save me.
They'll bail me out. So while the root of all this spending is certainly materialism, what's the root of that? Well, the root of that is a focus on the world and not on eternity. We just a moment ago recorded a TV special about who Trump's vice president is going to be. And we talked to Ben Carson and I said, listen Ben, we're tight.
I said, Benny boy, are you prepared to be destroyed by the media again? We talked last week or so with Rudy Giuliani and I can't think of anyone, I told him this, I said, I can't think of anyone who is at the higher of highs and the lower of lows than you. You were America's mayor, the most beloved person in the country and now you're just disgraced in every way.
I told him that. And I said a similar thing to Ben Carson. I mean, they made movies about you. They made a Lifetime movie about you. And then you're like this stupid idiot who supports Trump. You're like objectively one of the smartest people
in the world, and then you support Trump, and now you're a total idiot, everyone hates you. Are you prepared for that again? And he said something like, and it just happens, I gotta go back when it comes out and hear it again, I can play it again.
But he said something like yeah that you're getting attacked like that would be really hard if this is all life was but this life is short and any suffering I have will be fleeting and then I go off into eternity and eternity is a lot longer than right now and it's like oh yeah so he was just paraphrasing 2nd Corinthians 417 for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweigh them all.
And that's true with life, and everything about life is true with money, too. If we understand the principle that everything we own is a gift from God, then we realize that God is the owner of everything and that we're His stewards. God money. For our own personal pleasures, it ends there at best. We should be using his resources for his own goals. What did the Puritans do? Well Cotton Mather said that money was for the glory of God and the good of others. How about that
for a principle? Money and everything, but money is for the glory of God and should be spent for the glory of God and for the good of others. Yeah but it's mine. It's not. But I worked hard for it. Maybe but you don't deserve it. You don't deserve anything. You don't deserve anything. We don't deserve to be forgiven. We don't deserve eternity in heaven. We don't deserve the money we have. We need to get our relationship with money right. This materialism, there's so much tied into it.
It's covetousness, wanting what someone else has. It's greediness, wanting more fast. It's a preoccupation with money, thinking about it all the time. It's a discontent with what you have, need more. It's an idolatry, a worshiping of stuff. It's pride.
You get a lot of it, you flaunt it. There's so much going on in materialism. So many things to be on the lookout for you. I just wanted to do so we'd like to keep this a shorter podcast. How do we how do we end this? We can spend hours on this obviously. I think my takeaway and this is inspired by Ben Carson, is an encouragement that we need to have an eternal mindset about everything and an eternal mindset about money. And Jesus spoke about this. Luke 16 9 Jesus says,
And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home. Now Luke 16, that parable there is one of the trickiest parables. Maybe we can spend time on it tomorrow. But just to cut to the chase, this unrighteous mammon here is money that's of this world. And the money alone will fail you, but you can use it to help bring about the salvation of sinners.
They may receive you into an everlasting home. You can use your money to help people go to heaven. The people that you played a role in saving via your giving to the church or some other means, those people will be in heaven one day. And they will receive you into an everlasting home. So the Sermon on the Mount, the classic line, do not store for yourselves treasures on earth but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. How do you do that?
How do you store for yourselves treasures in heaven? A lot of people take that up as a metaphor, but you can literally do it. You can spend your unrighteous mammon, your worthless money, and invest it in kingdom enterprises that help bring about salvation of real people that you will see in literal heaven. You are storing up for yourselves
treasures in heaven that you will meet one day. Other saved souls. That's an eternal mindset. Let's get out of the poverty mindset and in an eternal mindset.