We had a wonderful woman call in today who was feeling hopeless. She's going through a very difficult time in her family. It's hard. Life can be painful. We can feel hopeless. But maybe, we're looking for hope in the wrong place.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Thanks for being here. We had, man, we had quite a show today. First of all, as I'm speaking, Donald Trump is going to speak in a couple hours at the South Bronx and I can't wait for it, absolutely can't wait. It's the thing I'm most excited for today.
So I look forward to talking about that tomorrow. But we did a little preview of that and we had a call there today. Well, we had a couple of calls. One called in who has two children who are in the throes of addiction right now, and she is raising her grandchildren. Mary is her name.
And I don't know what to say. What do you say to someone who's going through that? I don't know what to say. Maybe you do. But I did want to lift her up in the noble task of raising her grandchildren. That is a beautiful thing in the midst of a lot of brokenness.
And we should spend some time on this topic of addiction, something that touches nearly everyone. But Mary called in and she needed hope. That's what she said. And I asked her, I said, do you want hope for your kids or do you want hope for America?
She said both. And I have to be honest, I'm not here to give hope for either. Oh geez, I thought this was supposed to be an optimistic podcast. Yeah, I know. I can only give hope for eternity. It's the only thing I can talk about with certainty. I certainly can't speak about our kids. I can hope about America. I could say good things about America. I can paint a rosy picture about the future of America. I can talk about things I think will help America for sure. I will do that. That's important. But I don't know. is our hope in eternity.
Another woman called it after and quoted some scripture and then she gave a great line. She said, the devil has a counterfeit for everything that's real. I would maybe amend it a little bit. The devil has a counterfeit for everything that's good. Maybe that's the devil is a counterfeit for everything that's good. The devil is the counterfeit.
I want to speak to that a little bit. A bit of a follow-up to our episode the other day about the Pope. I realized I didn't conclude those thoughts, but this all ties in very nicely. If you need some hope, if you need some hope, I hope this can help. This is a sermon from Martin Lloyd-Jones.
It's entitled The True History. And his point is there's two different histories. You have the cyclical history of man. That's the history of empires that rise and fall and then another empire rises and falls again and here we are in an empire that has risen and I pray we don't fall. But we're on not a good path.
We've got to turn it around. But there's nothing new under the sun in that. It just goes around and around and around. But then there's another history, the spiritual history. That's different. And they weave together. Sure. Certainly, but that all goes back to Genesis 315
Where God tells you what happened? He tells you the plan So this is in God's curse of the serpent so he tells the devil I will put enmity between you and the woman and Between your seed you serpent. You're the devil Satan your seed and her seed seed he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel so the idea is that Satan will wound Jesus Bruce's heel but the Messiah will crush Satan with a
mortal wound he shall bruise your head this is such a huge line we don't pay enough attention to a Martin Luther Martin Luther said of this verse, this text embraces and comprehends within itself everything noble and glorious that is to be found anywhere in the Scriptures. This line right here. Because it's all part of God's plan and now you think why did God do all this? Because redeemed man is better than innocent man. Adam was innocent until the fall right? But with Jesus defeating Satan, you and I could be even better than innocent we could be redeemed so
here's the plan that's who says this is the plan and God says it's gonna happen and nothing will stop it and it happened you know a long time past Noah and hundreds of more you and it took something like 75 years just for Noah to build the ark so like tons of like a long time to have people live for hundreds of years and then Abraham and Moses and on and on you know the story. And it seems like there are times when it looks like God would lose.
When it looked like the enemy would be victorious. It seemed hopeless. But the prophets kept saying a Messiah is coming, hold on. And the people got even more hopeless. And then 400 years before the last book of the Old Testament and the story of Jesus. 400 years passed.
No word from God. And then Jesus came. And then they killed Him. They crucified Him. Enmity between the seed of the serpent, you and me, and the seed of the woman, Jesus.
And then Jesus died and was buried and rose again. So God was right. Jesus' heel was bruised and it hurt. Charles Spurgeon, you know we think of a bruised heel, I don't know, like you trip and stub your toe or something. Spurgeon says that bruised heel is painful enough.
Behold, our Lord in His human nature, sore, bruised, He was betrayed, bound, accused, buffeted, scourged, spit upon. He was nailed to the cross. He hung there in thirst and fever and darkness and desertion. But God was also right that Jesus bruised the serpent's head. Let me quote this here from Martin Lloyd-Jones.
He said, I am preaching to tell men and women that the devil has received that mortal wound and that all who look to Christ and trust in him and believe in him can be taken out of the dominion of Satan and be rescued and redeemed. Go and tell them, says the Lord to Paul on the road to Damascus, that the way is wide open. They must live in the strength of my victory.
And the victory will go on until the day comes when the same seed of the woman, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, comes back, finally, to rout all his enemies. Satan and all who belong to him will be cast into the lake of perdition. Evil and all its vestiges will be burned out of existence. You want hope? Here's the hope there shall be new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness."
2 Peter 3.13. A day is coming when Satan shall not only be bound, but shall be crushed to destruction. Then sin and evil shall be no more. The seed of the woman shall bruise thy head. God in Christ will finally be victorious, completely victorious, and the devil will be robbed and shorn of all his power and might.
Friends, this is the Christian message. By nature, you belong to the devil. That is why the world is living as it is. That is why it laughs at the gospel and ridicules talk about the blood of Christ. It is blinded by its God, its master, the armed strongman. And this is the terrifying thought.
If you die like that, you will go to the same misery, the same destruction, the same wretchedness as the devil and all his forces, but if you believe that God sent his own Son into this world to rescue you from that bondage, from those horrid clutches, and to transfer you into his own kingdom, and to make you his child, and to shower his blessings upon you, then you have nothing to fear about the end of the world and the judgment of God.
The devil cannot touch you, because in Christ you have already passed from judgment to life You have nothing to fear about the end of the world and the judgment of God You either in the hands of the devil or you're in the hands of God and your eternal fate will correspond said Martin Lloyd Jones my point of saying all this is that life is very hard a Lot of misery a lot of pain a lot of fear. And you're thinking, this is supposed to be a podcast about hope. You're supposed to take a political story and then make it a hopeful story.
Yeah, eternal hope. I'm not here to tell you everything's gonna be great. Everything's gonna be perfect, everything's gonna be wonderful all the time. That can't be it. That's not real. I'm here to give hope, eternal hope. It's all we have. That's what I mentioned about Ben Carson yesterday. I finally got the clip of it. I asked him, I said, Dr. Carson, are you prepared? If you're vice president, are you prepared to go through all this again? You they made a Lifetime movie about you. You're one of the most beloved people,
one of the most accomplished, smartest men to have ever lived, truly. And and then you're, you know, you're in his cabinet and you're just destroyed. They hate you. Everyone hates you.
You're the worst person in the world. Are you prepared to go through all that again? Well, you know, my faith gets me through because I say against the backdrop of eternity, what is a little inconvenience here, particularly when we have such a lofty goal at saving this country. It's terrible
as Mary's pain is who called in today and anything that anyone's going through. Second Corinthians 417, for our light and momentary afflictions are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. Light and momentary afflictions. Paul said it. Paul said it.
Paul's been through some afflictions. My emphasis today is on the momentary part. Momentary.
It sure doesn't seem like it, but it is compared to eternity. But even then, I say don't focus so much on the light part of afflictions, focus on the momentary part of afflictions. But maybe we focus too much even on the afflictions. Maybe we don't spend enough of our thought on the weight of eternal glory to come. That's the exciting part.
That's the ultimate hope. I hope that's something. MikeSlater.Locals.com is the website. Commercial free there at MikeSlater.Locals.com. You can listen to this and we send it right to your email Commercial free there at MikeSlater.Locals.com. You can listen to this and we send it right to your email every day. If you'd like MikeSlater.Locals.com and commercial brain transcripts, MikeSlater.Locals.com.