I noticed quite a bit of despair from many conservatives this morning. This is my attempt to speak to that despair. 1) Buck up, we need you, it's going to get worse. 2) The exposing of rot can be hard, but it's necessary.
Oh, what a time, what a time. Welcome to Politics by Faith. Mike Slater, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Thanks for being here. I've been a bit of a roller coaster. So, last night, it's Friday right now, May 31st,
last night, we got the news that Trump guilty on all 34 counts. And I was amped, I was psyched. And I went on my San Diego show and the callers were fired up. Everyone was like, let's go! And I went to bed pretty amped up,
woke up, went on Breitbart News Daily, on Satellite Radio, and I said, all right, let's go! And our first group of calls were people who were in despair. And I was like, oh, wait, what? I walked into a room and I didn't meet, I didn't match the room. Now maybe it was because it was six o'clock in the morning.
I don't know. But like I was, like I walked into a room like a team at halftime down 21 nothing. And I'm all fired up. People are calling in depressed one guy he's talking about how sad it is that this is happening and it's such a shame because Trump had such a nice family and Trump was such a great guy and it's such a shame that this happened
to him and I said whoa why the past tense present tense man has a great family. It's not over. We're going to stop talking like it's over because then you'll start acting like it's over. If you're talking like it's over, you'll act like it's over and it ain't over. Now I think I figured it out.
My excitement was because I was thinking about this only from a political perspective and I think this helps Trump politically and I wasn't contemplating, I haven't yet fully contemplated the ramifications this will have just for our country in general and in that way it is very dark and a lot of lament, no question. But I want to speak to this despair that people may have. This isn't the place, the rest of the show on Breitbart News Daily I tried to amp everyone up a little bit, we had some great calls of people backing that up, backing up that effort.
But I want to speak to the despair if you're still feeling it and then provide some hope. That's my job. That's my forte even. So let me do the best I can in that effort. If you're feeling despair right now, if you're a little down in the dumps, if you're discouraged, if you feel like giving up, let me present a couple of thoughts here.
First, times are going to get much much worse. So we need you now. Right? Like you can't you can't give up now. We have a ways to go. Let me put it like this. I've never used this analogy but let's see if it works. Do you work out? Do you exercise? I have a theory about the last round that I've developed over the years. There's something about that last round. So let me put it like this. Let's do, let's keep it simple. Let's do running. Let's say you're doing a running workout. Let's say
you're doing four laps around the track. 400 yards. You're doing four 400s. One at a time. By the time you get to number four, you're gonna be X amount tired. You're exhausted, right? You're gonna be X amount. But if the workout was eight 400s, on number four, you wouldn't be that tired. Because you have eight, and you know you have eight to go. Now if the workout was 10 400s, on number eight,
you wouldn't be that tired. Because you know you still have two more. So it's all about perspective. When I was growing up, my swim coach, we'd do a set, and then we'd be done, and we'd be gassed, and he'd say,
all right, do it again, or do one more rep. And we'd be like, what are you talking about? We have nothing left. He's like, yeah, I know, do it again, because you do have more left. There's more in the tank than we think is my point. I don't know if that analogy worked. But there's more in the
tank than you think. When you think you're totally out of gas. I think it was a David Goggins, who's not a person you should listen to for anything ever. But I think it's like a 40% rule. Yeah, it's 40%. When you think you're done. When you think you are totally out of gas, you think you have reached the maximum of your body's capability, you're really only at 40%.
You've only given 40% of your effort because your body's trying to preserve itself. So it's like, oh, you're done, you can't do any more, you can't lift any more, you can't run any more, you can't do any more. It's like, no, no. Not only
can you, we must. We have a long way to go. And our country still has a long way to fall. And we need you when it falls. We've got to be good. A silly idea is current that good people do not know what temptation means. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it is. After all, you find out the strength of the German army by fighting against it, not by giving in.
You find out the strength of a wind by trying to walk against it, not by lying down. A man who gives in to temptation after five minutes simply does not know what it would have been like an hour later. That is why bad people, in one sense, know very little about badness. Isn't that amazing? If you give up right away, then you don't really know what temptation is like because you
didn't experience temptation for an hour. You gave up after five minutes. They've lived sheltered lives by always giving in. We never find out the strength of the evil impulse inside us until we try to fight it. And Christ, because he's the only man who's never yielded to temptation, is also the only man who knows to the full what temptation means. I share this here because you can't give up now. We still have a long ways to go and I know you're stronger than you're feeling right now. Okay, but that's not really a
biblical point. Let me make my point. That's just like a let's buck up. That's that's what that here's my my biblical point. Exposing is hard, necessary, but hard. James 5 16 confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed okay so let's work backwards we want to be healed right as personal sinners and also as a country we want our country to be healed okay so how do we do that we need to confess our sins we need our sins exposed Donald
Trump has done that Donald Trump has exposed the media for who they are and through this process has exposed our justice system, the rot at the Department of Justice in the deep state. This is all being exposed. People's eyes are being awakened to it. That's good. But it's hard. Confession is hard. The exposing of sin is very hard. There's two Greek words for confess. alamigayo. Let's look at the word alamigayo. Homo, H-O-M-O, homo, homo means the same. Lego means to speak. So the word confess, alamigayo, means to speak
the same. X-alamigayo, the EX means out of, in this case publicly. So you speak the same publicly. Confess. What do we mean speaks the same? So this word, the definition of this Greek word means to... so what do we mean speak the same? What does that mean speak the same? The Greek definition is confess and confess. Wait a second. How could this word mean to praise God and to admit sin?
These seem like two opposite things. How is admitting sin praising God? How can the same word mean praise God and admit sin? It seems like opposite things, but they're not. Because when you admit sin, you're praising God. How? You're confessing sin and aligning your life
more with the Word of God. You're making your words and actions the same with God's will, the same with God's will. You're acknowledging the truth of sin and you're acknowledging the truth of God's law. You're praising God in the process. The prodigal son said, Father I've sinned against heaven and before you. David said I've sinned against the Lord. David said I acknowledge my sin to you God. I will confess my transgressions to the Lord. Confessing is the same as aligning your words and deeds with God
so that now you are saying the same things about what is good. Does that make sense? 1 John 1 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. You can literally read this as, it says, if we confess our sins, if we say the same as God about our sins if we confess if we say the same thing this is bad this is wrong this is simple if we confess them if we say the same as God says about them then he will forgive
and purify us isn't that wonderful okay so what's relevance here so to America we need to confess our sins to God we need to bring this to light. We need to expose what's what the rot in our country and in our institutions and it's going to be an ugly process as we do that. The Civil War was an ugly process but what was the Civil War? Right, we had this this rot that was 700,000 Americans dead. And other horrors beyond that. That was the cost of that. I'm not saying we
need a war, but I'm saying that exposing sin is not pretty. It has to happen. It's going to be a difficult path. I'm here for it. There's no other alternative, honestly. I hope that's encouraging. This is a process and it's a good end, but you can't get to the end.
You can't get to the purity unless you first confess and work through it. Confess and repent. It's a process. We're on it. We need it in our lives and in our country. MikeSlater.Locals.com No commercials there. Commercial free on the transcript. MikeSlater.Locals.com