The President of El Salvador said MS-13 was engaging in Satanic child sacrifice. To me, this is rock bottom. But maybe it's not. Maybe what we're allowing is worse. How do we solve it? Well, point 1 of his Economic Plan is a good start.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Thank you for being here. Before we play this clip, I just want to say I don't know enough about the President of El Salvador to fully jump on his bandwagon. Someone I value and trust on this very much, one of our Breitbart experts around the world and world affairs, says that we should take a wait and see approach on the president of El Salvador. That being said, of course, there are some things
that he's done and said that are striking. El Salvador went from the murder capital of the world to one of the safest places in the world, one of the places with the lowest murder. And they did it by, you're not gonna believe it, you ready?
Arresting all the murderers. I know, crazy, right? But as you'll hear from this interview, that is just the physical manifestation of what he says is really happening in his country. He did an interview with Tucker Carlson. I haven't seen the whole interview, but I watched this clip and I want to play it for
you. I think it's really important that we know what we're up against. I often say as a sort of, I don't want to say coping mechanism because it's more than that, but I often say that things are going to get way worse. People get very anxious. That's what this podcast is about.
It's about anxiety and how to get over it. And one of my defense mechanisms or ways to cope is, hey, you got to buck up because things are going to get way, way worse than this. I say this with the kids when we go hiking. Maybe they'll be like half a mile in and they're like, my feet hurt. It's like, whoa, guys, we have like five more miles to go.
Like you're not even close. Like you need a new threshold of pain here because this ain't gonna work. You gotta plow right through this. And the same thing with the state of our country right now. Like you think this is bad.
Like we need you to buck up
because it's gonna get way, way worse. And if we lose you now, you're gonna be of no good when we really are going to need you when things get really bad. This may be a new low for us,
but we have not hit rock bottom. That's my take, you can do what you want with it. My definition of rock bottom, and I don't know where this came from in my head, maybe I should come up with a better one in light of the clip I'm gonna play here.
But for me, my definition of rock bottom has always been satanic child sacrifice. Like baby born, we bring it to the Aztec temple, and we murder the child for bail. That's a thing that's happened all over the world, many different cultures. It's a universally satanic thing. It's not just the Aztecs.
All over the world, people have done this. And it turns out it's happening now. Here is Tucker Carlson with the president of El Salvador.
MS-13 is one of the major gangs.
And they are satanic also.
That was my question. So very little.
I'm sorry.
No, no, no. But I hope you will explain it, because very little has been written in the West about this.
They're satanic, yes.
But actually, literally, can you explain?
So he goes into a couple minute background of the history of MS-13. So MS-13 actually started in Los Angeles from people who came from El Salvador here and they started their own gang to go against the Mexicans who were running the streets in LA and then we deported a bunch of them to back to El Salvador and that's where it picked up in
El Salvador. So you went through that history and but this is the key part for us.
And so they became a satanic organization and even when you sometimes when you interview gang members that are in prison, they will say, I'm out of the gang. Of course, they're in prison, but they will say, I'm not a member of the gang anymore. And when you ask them why, I remember one, I remember the news outlet that made it this, this, but it's a very well known news outlet that made this interview with a gang member in person. We allowed them to go into prisons and do interviews. And the guy that they asked him, how many people have you killed? And he said, I don't remember. He didn't remember how many, probably 10, 20. He didn't remember. And then they ask him, and are you, what is your position in the gang? He explained how he went off in positions, but I left the gang. I said, why did you left the gang? And he said, well, because I was, I was used to kill, I was used to kill people. because I was used to kill people,
but I killed for territory, I killed to collect money, I killed for extortion, but I came to this house and they were about to kill a baby,
and he, the killer that had killed tens of people, said, oh, wait, what are we doing?
Why are we going to kill that baby? And they told him, because the beast asked for a baby, so we have to give him the baby. So he said that he couldn't resist that, so he left the gang. He's in prison because he's a killer, but he left the gang because he couldn't tolerate what he was seeing.
So human sacrifice was a part.
Well, in the United States a couple of weeks ago, or a couple of days ago, I don't remember exactly, I saw the news that they were going to kill a young girl, or they killed a young girl, I don't exactly remember, because it was a satanic ritual. It happened in the US a couple of weeks ago.
So that's almost never described in English language press as clearly as you just described it.
No. Which is weird, right?
Well, you sort of wonder why yeah okay stop stop there for one thing
okay let me make this point and this is why I said I want to I need to change my visual of what rock bottom looks like so here you have an El Salvador they'll take a baby and murder it for for Satan satanic rituals. In America, we abort a million babies a year.
Which is worse?
What's worse, aborting a million babies a year in the womb or, I don't know, let's say a thousand. I don't know if it's a thousand, a hundred. Let's say we go with a thousand babies outside of the womb for bail. And I guess like the outwardly satanicness, like ritualness of what they were doing in MS 13
in El Salvador to me was worse. But maybe the million here, I mean just the sheer number of it, but that's how Satan works, right? 2 Corinthians 11 14 says that Satan masquerades. He masquerades as the angel of light. Now, he isn't the angel of light, but he masquerades as it.
One of the pivotal thing in my life, I think we talked about here, was when our cosmology said that Satan is this red guy, like something out of a cartoon, like he's a red guy with horns and a pitchfork. That's not in the Bible.
That's not there.
We just made that up. He disguises himself as an angel of light. He'll be the most handsome person you've ever seen. So I think Satan's at work in disguising his work with killing babies here in America. Over there it's in the open. It's wide open.
It's like we're going to kill it and then hold it up to the beast. Here it's much quieter. It's disguising and then we're told that it's a good. Interesting. So what do we do with this? What has he done with this as leader of his country?
If there's a spiritual component that's driving it, why not just say so? But I guess my point is you saw it as that. Yes. Yes, of course. There's a spiritual
I love it. Tucker does this a lot too, but this is so good. I love is like yeah, of course Of course You know, there's no like well, you know, let me let me try to explain There's no there's not it's like a of course like obviously she just described it. No
Which is weird, right? Well, you sort of wonder why. If there's a spiritual component that's driving it, why not just say so? Yes. But I guess my point is you saw it as that.
Yes, yes, of course. There's a spiritual war and there's a physical war. And the physical war could be, that's the unofficial version. If you win the spiritual war, it will reflect into the physical war. So, I think our, I don't know what I would call it, our impressive victory was because we won the spiritual war very, very fast.
Well, that leads me, I didn't expect...
Because you didn't have competition. I mean, there was a panic. I think that made it easier.
Mmm, how good is that? I think what he means is, God will win. God wins. If you're on God's side, God is more powerful than Satan. So it's like, yeah, it's easy. If you just identify the enemy, if you identify evil,
it's easy to defeat it once you can see it. I mean there was a panic. I think that made it easier. I said there's one line before let me go back one more. Very very fast. Well that
leads me I didn't. Because you didn't have competition. I mean there was a
panic. I think that made it easier. That's so good. That's so insightful. What does that mean to you? What do you get from that line? The website,, you can send me an email there and I'll get it. That's such a good line. Listen, we know, like Jesus 1, like it's over.
Revelation 20.10 says, And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. The Bible says, Do not be afraid. The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go that's still true
today but we got to identify it though we got to identify it and then well I mean there's there's no competition because you didn't have competition I
mean there was a panic I think that made it easier in your inaugural and I was
listening on headphones for the translations I just want to check this you said we have achieved this great victory and made this a safe country, and that's the predicate for everything that follows. And the next thing we're going to do in this term is to work on the economy to make it better.
Yeah, grow the economy, yeah.
And you said, correct me if I'm wrong, you said, I have a three-point plan. And I'm thinking, I wonder what that is. I don't know, start a Federal Reserve Bank? And you said, the first point of my plan is seek God's wisdom.
That is what you said.
Yeah, I said that, yeah.
Why would that be the first point of an economic plan?
Why wouldn't it be? Yeah, take that posture moving forward. Why wouldn't it be?
Why would that be the first point of an economic plan? Why wouldn't it be?
Or should it be the first part of the plan? Well, I think it should be. Yeah. But I can't most people will think that right I
Just I've never heard any
Leader of any country because because they probably they forgot to represent the people that elect them that elects them. Yeah It's like you ask most of the people that elect the politicians. They'll say yeah, that's that's fine. Yeah, I believe that But then you ask the politician and he'll say no no, no, that's not so who is it? Who is he trying to pandering to? I mean So who is he trying to pandering to? I mean, it doesn't make sense, right?
Do you think... It's a common sense thing to seek God's wisdom.
Of course. It's a prerequisite for wise decision making, I would say.
Yes, exactly.
So that's the first part of our plan.
That's the first part of our economic plan. Seek God's wisdom, of course.
What else would be?
Okay, here's my conclusion of this to take into the weekend. Let's not be afraid to speak this way. Be bold and confident. It's obvious. Why wouldn't it be? Why wouldn't it be the first part of our economic plan?
Why wouldn't we seek God's wisdom? Yeah, of course it's satanic. What are you... It's common sense. No more defensiveness. No more defensiveness in your posture or in your speaking, in your tone.
Boldness only. You have the truth. Do not be afraid to share it. Do not be afraid to, as I end every segment on the radio, do not be afraid to speak the truth. Do not be afraid to spread the word.
Mike Slater, dot locals, dot com. Commercial-free. Transcript on the website. Mike Slater, dot locals, dot com. Mike Slater, dot locals, dot com.
Mike Slater dot locals dot com.