Pew Research released a study on the drastic difference in the worldviews of Trump and Biden voters. Two questions in particular showed the root of our problems in America. And it all goes back to Genesis 11.
Welcome to Politics by Faith brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. I'm excited to chat about this with you today and get your thoughts on it. Mike Slater dot locals dot com is the website. We put this up there, commercial free transcript and you can also send me a note there. It goes right to my email. My email is slaterradio at gmail dot com.
You can just email me personally too. Some numbers came out from Pew Research and the media took it all in one direction. I want to take it in a totally different direction because that's what we do here. But real quick, just so you know
how other people are talking about it. It's framed as here are these social issues. Here's where Biden voters stand on them. Here's where Trump voters stand on them. There's a huge difference between the two, and we're two different countries living on two different planets.
That's fine, and I think that's right. Let me go over just one of the issues. Gun ownership is one of the questions. Gun ownership does more to increase safety by allowing law-abiding citizens to protect themselves. That's one of the questions.
Only 23% of Biden voters agree with that. 86% of Trump voters agree with that. So we have a very different view on the Second Amendment. Pretty important was number two, our founders put it as number two on the list. It wasn't like an add-on, tack-on at the end. Number two in the original list of ten and 23% of Biden voters like no, gun ownership bad, and 86% of Trump supporters say it's good.
Weird that the 14% don't, but alas. There were about eight questions like that that I would classify as some sort of social issue. But there are two that have gotten no attention that I think were the most important two questions and I think get to the root of all these other issues
that are addressed here. The other questions are about symptoms. I want to get to the diagnosis of the actual illness. Henry David Thoreau, thousands hacking at the branches of evil for one who's striking the root. Now, two of these questions get to the root, but no one's talking about.
One of the question is, religion should be kept separate from government policies. 86% of Biden voters say yes, religion should be kept separate from government policies. They fell for the whole separation of church and state lie. Now, by religion, of course, they mean Christianity. That's what people are interpreting that as okay so 86% of Biden voters say religion should be kept
separate from government policy okay 56% of Trump voters agree with that okay so that's actually pretty close those two people that's not going to work but Let's get to just the question itself. If you don't fill this space that we call government, society, our culture, our country, if you don't fill this space with the religion, it will be filled with a religion. Do you know what I mean?
It was filled with Christianity and then we left it. We just left the space and it's been filled with progressivism and really secular humanism, which I'll explain in just a second. And it was all done with this whole separation of church and state hoax. Like Christians had this space and then progressives came in, atheists came in, secular humanists came in and said, you know, this is a public space. Religion's not allowed in here. Look, separation of church and state. And a
bunch of weak Christians were like, oh wow, I guess you're right. Sorry about that. And the pagans were like I can't believe that worked that's all we had to do we to show them a completely out of context letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to some guy and they all the
Christians just walked away and they just just waltz straight in the program the the pagan secular humanists just walked for a while and took over every part of our culture and then of course we see all the problems that have
come from that which we'll get to in a second. But I mentioned secular humanism. What is this? Actually, someone called into the show and mentioned that. I was just mentioning, I just said progressivism, but someone called in and said it's secular humanism.
So what is secular humanism? Okay, here's 10 worldview beliefs of a secular humanist pagan. James Fowler came up with this list. Number one, man is autonomous and independent. It's me. I'm autonomous.
I do what I want. I'm independent and free. Number two, man is his own center of reference. Number three, man is self-generative and self-sufficient. Number four, man has the potential to do anything he sets his mind to. Number five, man is the cause of his own effects.
Number six, man is the source of his own activity. Number seven, man has a free will to choose anything he desires. Number eight, man is innately good. Number nine, man is the subject and object of his own world. Number ten, man is the solution to his own problems. I lied, I got two more.
Number 11, man deserves to indulge in personal aspirations, personal gratifications, and personal reputation, which is 1 John 2.16. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of this world. And finally, man is his own God. You see this everywhere.
This is the culture we live in today. Christians left the cultural spaces and the secular humanists walked right in. That's why you have entire sections of bookstores called self-help. This is why you have a self-esteem movement. This is why you have the transgender movement. This is why you have the gay marriage. It all comes down to this. So I don't just on this again this religion question.
Religion should be kept separate from government policies. It's one thing for the pagans to say yes to that. I'm more concerned about the 56% of Trump voters. Come on, people.
Let's get it together.
Let's see the importance of this. But it's a secular humanist world, which is, oh, you know, everyone, who am I to say everyone can do whatever works best for them. Okay well should we be allowed to kill people? Christianity says no. Islam says well are they gay? Is it a girl who dishonored her family? If so then you should be able to murder. In China you can't murder unless it's a girl. If it's a baby girl then you
can. But our country has always said no to murder except for if you don't want the baby, then it's not really murder. Yes, we need religion back in politics, back in government, back in our culture, first and foremost, and then the politics will follow. Alright, now check out this question. voters who say, so the question is, is society better off if people make marriage and having children a priority? Is society better off if people make marriage and having children a priority?
Now, to be clear, the question isn't, is it a priority for you? You may not want kids. You may not have kids. You may not want to get married. Like Paul, you don't want to get married.
That's fine.
No problem. But the question wasn't, are you better off, which may be up to different circumstances, sure. Is society better off? Just in general, should we generally, culturally, big picture, have, make marriage and having children a priority? And 81% of Biden voters say no. Like, just, just like, definitionally, you can't have a society if you don't have children.
Society, the word society literally means fellowship with others. You can't, this is such a sign that we're so far off, we're just not, we're in a really, really bad place when such a vast, vast majority of Biden voters don't think that marriage and having children is good. I guess the next step is they'll say it's bad, you shouldn't. For a while, monogamy was important, and then it turned into, monogamy is not for everyone. And now I guess it's, monogamy should be for no one. Outlaw marriage. So those are the Biden voters. What about the Trump supporters? 59%.
Sorry, did we understand the question? Is society better off if people make marriage and having children a priority? And only 59% of Trump voters said yes. Wow. We're in a bad place here. So the point I made on the radio is it's one thing to have some chipped paint in your house. Maybe I do some grout work. Okay. Maybe vacuum the carpets, do a little Marie Kondo in the closet, something like that. That's fine. But when you got termites or you got some major structural damage, or your well water is full of lead, it's causing brain damage.
We got some big problems here, and I think that's where we are right now, where even Trump voters, or conservatives, are, eh, marriage, kids, I don't know, I don't think it's that important. Whoa, whoa, whoa, there may be lead in the water that's causing us, it's like we're being poisoned. And we have been poisoned, we've been poisoned by Marxism.
Linda Gordon, I could share many, many quotes, but Linda Gordon was an intellectual from Yale. She said, the nuclear family must be destroyed. The breakup of families is now an objectively revolutionary process. She was a feminist, so she came up from that perspective.
No woman should have to deny herself any opportunities because of her special responsibility to children. So this was, well, we talked about the radio and I just happened, so I prepared a segment about this yesterday afternoon, I just so happened this morning, before the show to read this sermon
from Martin Lloyd-Jones about the Tower of Babel which of course ties in perfectly because it's the Bible and Genesis is all about life. I love this, this is such a great line I'm just going to share a bunch of lines from this. I love this.
Far from being remote from life, Genesis is the only book that really does deal with life as it is.
It's so good.
What a great perhaps the opposite is true. That's one of the mottos of the show is perhaps the opposite is true. People will be like, oh, they'll say the Bible in general, but Genesis, that has nothing to do with us. That's a long time ago and irrelevant, just a bunch of made up silly stories and here's Martin Lloyd-Jones saying, no, no, far from being like having nothing to do with life, there's no book that has more to do with life and can more explain
why the world is the way it is than this book right here. So we had a caller call and he said, you know, Slater, we're dealing with the symptoms and not getting to the root of these issues. And I agree. And here's what Martin Lloyd-Jones says. He says I'm assuming that no one is foolish enough to say that diagnosis does not
matter like the root that all we need is a little relief. It's nothing but sheer lunacy to medicate symptoms only to give temporary passing relief and yet ignore the disease that is causing the symptoms. That is a thoroughly dishonest thing to do. There are people who say oh I can't be bothered about causes and explanations all I know is that I'm in trouble and want relief. Those who say that are the kind of people who make the complete round of all the cults and all the rival philosophies
and teachings, only to be disappointed by one after the other. The butterfly attitude towards life is always fatal. No, no, the essence of wisdom is to discover the cause of the problems. And whether we like it or not, the Bible always emphasizes that. The cause, what's the root? So we're talking about the Tower of Babel, Genesis 11, 3, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.
So back in Israel they had stones, but where they were now, they did not. So they had to make bricks. And they made bricks by observing. Observing. They saw what happened with the clay and when the clay got wet and then it hit the Sun and it got hard. So they figured out, they learned how to make bricks. It's amazing
what humans are capable of when we observe. This is true with the invention of vaccinations. There was a guy, Edward Jenner, he noticed that people who milked cows did not get smallpox as frequently as other people got smallpox. He's like, huh, that's weird. What's going on with that? And he observed that the people who are milking cows, they, from their hands, would get cowpox. And he's like, I wonder if because they got this small amount of cowpox, if this is helping them prevent, preventing them from getting a full-blown infection of smallpox.
So he found a bunch of people that have never had smallpox and he gave them a little bit of cowpox in their hands and those people sure enough did not get smallpox. That was the beginning of vaccination. And these men did the same thing when they were looking at what happens when the sun hardens clay. And they're like, oh, we can make our own stones. We don't just naturally have stones, if we used to, we'd just make them our own. Let me quote from Lloyd-Jones,
This ought to be a perfect world, what a wonderful creature man is! Nothing should ever go wrong in a world inhabited by such people, people who are capable of such tremendous observations, inductions, experiments, and inventions. Such creatures ought to know how to manage their world and themselves to perfection. They should have a world entirely free from trouble.
And that is what the secular humanists truly believe. That's why you have these people who believe in technology. They think technology will save us. They think technology can help us live forever. They believe in utopia. And this is a technology.
Making bricks is just a technology. Just like the technologies today. People think that that will save us. But it won't. It never does. Sure, maybe we can observe certain things and come up with different inventions,
but this doesn't help us figure out how to live with ourselves or with others. Because the problem is we're living apart from God. And that was the root of the problem with these people right here. I mean, look, this was right after the flood. Here's what the Bible says, And God blessed...
They disobeyed God right from the beginning, these people. And God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth. That's in Genesis 9.1. So God wanted these people to replenish the earth and to fill it, but they didn't do that.
They didn't scatter around. They said, We're going to build a city. Go, let us build a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven, and let us make us a name, let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." God told them to go and replenish the earth.
And they said, we don't want to. They wanted to live a self-sufficient life, one without God. They didn't need it. They were the secular humanists of their day. We don't need God. We can build a tower to heaven ourselves.
They believed in the development of man, and they thought it would bring glory to them. Let me quote from Lloyd-Jones. Oh, here's the line that I love so much. Then they, because this is just today, this is in, then they said, come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves.
Lloyd-Jones says, marvelous, isn't it? Here is your city and the latest propaganda and advertising and it's all absolutely perfect. Do it, build it, advertise it, get the headlines and the signs so that everybody will see and stand in admiration and wonder. Man, there is no limit to him. He can build a tower to heaven if there is a God in heaven. While man can put a ladder that will take him there, he will build his city in such a way that it will not only encompass the earth, but also the heavens.
Nothing is impossible. No longer glory to God in the highest, but glory to man in the highest. No height is too great for him. He has it in him to get anywhere. Nothing can stop him. Inventions, discoveries, progress, harnessing the forces of nature, splitting the atom, nothing can ever frustrate human beings or put a limit or a ceiling on their greatness, and they know it. There's no doubt about it. They said, very well, let's prove that we can do it. And we'll write our names all over it.
We'll bow down and worship ourselves and our greatness and uniqueness. That is secular humanism. That is the people who built the Tower of Babel. That is us today in the United States of America. You want to know why we have all these problems today in America? There's the root of it right there.
We can stop here.
We'll do more of this tomorrow. But what's our, we're going to conclude, what do we do instead? I always want to end on a good note, like, all right, this is bad. Secular humanism bad. What do we do now? I think the mission for today is to be aware of these secular humanist thoughts that you
and I have today that are sort of running in the background. We may not even know it, and to see it all coming at us from every other direction as well. The idea that you're the center of the universe, you're the center of what is good, you have the potential to do anything you set your mind to,
you are the source of all things, you are, man is innately good, you're the solution to all the problems that you deserve to indulge in whatever personal gratification that you want, and that man is his own God.
You'll see it everywhere. When you find an example that you didn't expect, I'd love to know what it is. You can find my email on the website, It's where we put all of these episodes with the transcript and commercial free as well. is my website. is my website. Please, my email is on the SlaterRadio at