This Pew survey suggests we're living on different planets. We often speak different languages. Maybe this is God's grace.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Thanks for being here. I'm not going to recap all of yesterday's episode and just scroll back one episode, listen to the whole thing. But the point is there are some foundational issues of our country that we are way off on. The headlines are all about how Biden supporters are way over here and Trump supporters are way over here and we're on different planets.
And that's true on a lot of these things, but I think the two most fundamental questions that this Pew research poll asked, both voters are way off. Like, we're just, like, Biden voters are way off, but like way too many Trump voters are way off too. Like, should religion be involved in political decisions? Like, yes, like obviously.
And then the big one, the most concerning, is, is it better for society if we prioritize marriage and having children?" And very few Biden supporters said yes, but way too few Trump supporters, like 59% of Trump supporters said yes. It's like, what's the rest?
What are the rest of you doing? So we started with that, and then we got into a conversation about the Tower of Babel. "'Let us build a city,' fellow human beings said. Genesis 11, verse 4, Then they said, Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves,
lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth. I love that. Lest we be dispersed. Hold on. God told you to disperse. So they did this because, oh, we better do this, or else we'll be dispersed.
You mean the thing that God told you to do? God told you to scatter, to replenish the earth, to fill it? And they did the opposite. They said, we're going to build a city. We're going to build it up. And we're going to make us great. Because man is perfect.
Man is wonderful. Man is the source of all that is good. Man is good. Man is born good. And man can do anything he sets his mind to. Me, me, me, me, me.
Oh, actually, I got a nice email from John yesterday. Let me pause this recording. I'll find the email, be right back. Okay, I'm back. So here, this is about a clip we played of Charlie Kirk talking to a college student.
We may have played it here, actually. Let me just play the clip, and then we'll talk about it.
You put 1,000 Jews in a gas chamber, and the Nazis thought what they were doing was good and they press the button Were they right or they wrong in gassing millions of Jews? Objectively you can't like when you say is it objectively wrong? Hold on wait if you say it's objectively wrong You're implying that you can't derive a truth value from it And I don't think you can so I don't think that you can make a true statement
Regarding whether something's good or bad. Got it. So just to be clear, the Nazis could have been right in their actions in your view. That implies that right is an actual thing. I don't believe you can determine a truth value from a moral claim. So the Nazis were not objectively evil. Yeah, I've said that like four times. What you are saying and you're saying it very clearly is that we look at the Holocaust and it's just a matter of opinion. Yeah, that's kind of the problem of being an atheist you have to bite the bullet. Wow.
All right, so John said, the atheist individual is only able to have such an arrogantly evil apathetic view because he lives in a country that is so prosperous that he will never have and I'll say he said prosperous and I think he would also agree with me if I say Christian I built on Christian principles that he will never have to experience such evils or endure the consequences of his beliefs. His thought presumes that it could never happen to him.
It will never meet the consequences of reality." Excellent point. Very similar to feminists who say, we don't need men. And they can say that because they live in a society with men. But his atheistic views, it's very man-centered. Man can do it all and listen God's
not necessary anyway but what do we need him for we can make the atom bomb we made the atom bomb look how powerful we are and we're gonna abolish war this is a thought that men have we're gonna abolish war it's great we'll have a world government after World War one that was bad but we're gonna have a League of Nations and there's never gonna be another war again we can do all things through ourselves. And what did God do?
Hmm. Genesis 11 5. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built. And the Lord said, Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning
of what they will do. And nothing that they proposed to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another's speech.' So the Lord dispersed from them there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city."
God saw the rebellion and the arrogance and the hatred of him, and he caused confusion of their language to screw up their plans. Let me quote from Martin Lloyd-Jones here, who we've been quoting. He said, My dear friend, God always does that, and he has pledged that he always will. This is not the only time he's done it. He did it.
He did exactly the same thing with a great city called Nineveh. What a marvelous city. It was the capital city of a glorious civilization, but godless, and it was completely destroyed. It is entirely vanished. God did the same thing with Babylon. The nation was so great that its king, Nebuchadnezzar, had an image made of himself and asks people
to bow down and worship him as the conqueror of the whole earth. The man who was in his might had unified everything. It's now all gone. It's vanished completely. The same thing happened with Greece and with Rome. Here's the line.
Check this line out. God has never tolerated this idea that man could build a city in any shape or form that was independent of him. Any nation, are you thinking of us? By the way, any nation that has been foolish enough to imagine itself to be a world conqueror has always been smashed and destroyed. I would argue that we have been on the trajectory, maybe there's a revival coming, but we've been on the trajectory of being this
godless and foolish nation. And will God do the same to America that he's done, that he did in Nineveh, Babylon, many other empires? Yes, he will. I would even argue today God has confused our language. People have made this observation before that political correctness and language is just the beginning of it. Now we can't even talk with each other. He's confused us so much. We did a segment on the radio this morning about the Canadian Cancer Society that had to apologize because they used the word cervix
instead of the word front hole. That's real, that's the trans-inclusive word for cervix front hole. There was another ovarian cancer society that had to admit that that men can also get ovarian cancer, right? We can't even, he's confused our language. People can't even define what a woman is. It goes back to this, it's Babylon. He confused our language. We are on different planets in the same country.
To go back to this poll, that's what this whole Pew research poll is all about. God has confused our language. But here's the interesting insight for Martin Lloyd-Jones, perhaps this is true. Maybe he's done this to punish us, just like the Tower of Babel, but maybe also he's done this to save us. What do I mean?
Here's Martin Lloyd-Jones. God came down and confused them, and he scattered them. Why? In order to punish their sin. To tell them, there's no peace to the wicked, Isaiah 57, 21. To say that though you build your great city and put a mighty wall around it, it will not
be safe if it is not under God. The walls will be smashed, the enemy will come rushing in, and all that you have built will suddenly come to an end. God confused their language to punish the people, but not only that. As we're told here, He also did it to restrain them. God looked down and said, in essence, they've started building this tower to heaven.
If we do not go down and interrupt it and spoil it, nothing will hold them back, nothing will restrain them. So let us go down and stop it now. And Lloyd-Jones gives in all these examples of how we always think that we'll stop all war. Science will develop in advance that we don't need to work anymore.
And he wrote this back in the 50s where he said, you press a button and your meal will arrive. And we're pretty close to that right now. But the next step is Neuralink. We have computer chips inside of our brain. You just need to think things and we can communicate with each other.
We think this will solve all of our problems with all the events as well. Perpetual enjoyment and entertainment. What a picture. God left out of it all people living for themselves. But we've not had that. We've had wars instead, and bloodshed and terror and alarm and disappointment and misery. And here's the key. I do not hesitate to assert that God is at the back of it. It is God, I say, causing this confusion
in order to restrain men from a final assertion of themselves, which would lead again to world destruction, as at the flood. It was a means of restraint. Wow. To think that this confusion that God has sent us is an act of mercy, it's a gift, a means of restraint. Whoa.
Yes, yes, a punishment, but it's also preventing us from being even more arrogant and more destructive against each other and more rebellious against God. That's quite a claim, very interesting. But God works this way, right? He can protect us from ourselves. Thank God.
Thank you, God, for unanswered prayers. He can divert plans to protect us from sin. He can keep us from what we view as success because He knows what we would do with that success. And it wouldn't be to glorify Him, it wouldn't be for our own good either. He can keep us from money because He knows what that money would do to destroy us. He can keep us from fun things that we want to do
because He knows that it would lead to our destruction. Is it possible at the same time we could be under judgment and also under His protection and have it be impossible for us to tell the difference. I don't know. All we can do is love him and glorify him no matter what and bring our country as Sam Alito said or at least agreed with and is supposed to be kicked off the Supreme Court now because he
said it bring our country back to godliness no matter what. said it bring our country back to godliness no matter what. Commercial free, no commercials. And the transcript,