If only we all had the boldness of the Celtics coach.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Thanks for being here. Hey, quick shout out to everyone who... a shout out. Do the kids still say shout out? Do we give shout outs still? I don't know.
Either way, I'd like to do it. I'd like to give a shout out to everyone who is new to this podcast, especially any wives. We give a shout out to the wives. Especially any wives who are married to Dean. Any wives who are new to the show married to Dean,
hello, welcome. Especially any wives new to the podcast who are married to a man named Dean whose last name is a type of material. It could be anything. It could be linen, velvet, wool, cotton, polyester. Any one of those last names. If you have it, your husband is Dean and he sent you this podcast, welcome to the podcast. And if you are a husband that sends this podcast to your wife. I think that's a thriving marriage. That's the sign of a
very healthy marriage. I'm grateful you're here. Let's put a bow on the last two episodes, shall we? If this is the first one you're listening to, just go back the last two and it's all in one continuation. My peace comes from the fact that there's nothing new under the sun. And I know that's true because the Bible says so. And that's the end of it. Oh, did you see the, here with the Celtics coach
the other day? Oh, this is great. Let me, I have it here. We never, we haven't played it yet on the radio. I don't know if it'll fit in tomorrow. Here it is.
This is the head coach of the Celtics.
Vince Goodwill, Yahoo Sports. For the first time since 1975, this is the NBA finals where you have two black head coaches. Given the plight sometimes of black head coaches in the NBA, do you think this is a significant moment?
Do you take pride in this? How do you view this or do you not see it at all?
I wonder how many of those are Ben Christian coaches.
David Aldridge? Ah, so good.
They had nothing.
No one had anything.
They had no response.
And then this one may be even better.
A non-basketball question.
Did you get a chance to meet with the royal family?
And if not, how was it like having them there in the building? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph? The Prince and Princess of Wales.
Oh, no, I did not.
I'm only familiar with one royal family. I don't know the rest.
I'm not familiar with the rest. I'm not familiar with the rest. I'm not familiar with the rest. I'm not familiar with one royal
family. I don't know too much about that one.
First off he looks like Michael Cera. He has the like the deadpan delivery of Michael Cera. It's great. How is that guy the basketball coach? Anyway he just doesn't look like a basketball coach. He doesn't look like an NBA basketball coach. But man, that's such a good line. Just the confidence of that, the not caring at all what anyone thinks about him
and what he knows to be true. I love it. We all need more of that.
It's like, no, I don't know.
This is the one that he got. Royal family, and if not,
how was it like having them there in the building? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph? The Prince and Princess of Wales. Oh no I did not. I'm only familiar with
one royal family. I don't know too much about that one. I love that one. I'm listening to that one every day. That's good. So anyway we need that confidence as we live our lives. My piece comes from There's Nothing New Under the Sun. We are just like the people from the Tower of Babel. We're not just like them. We are them. The lesson from the Tower of Babel, one of them, is that people in sin are fools. They think they can defy God. People in sin think they can build up, but then God comes down and it's all destroyed. It's true of nations.
It's true of America. You know people always talk about how this is the most important election of our lifetime. This is an existential election. They always are, right? I wonder if there will ever be an election that we're like, hmm,
I don't know. Not really a big deal, I guess. No, they're all existential. They're all the most important. But, in the end, maybe it doesn't really matter, because if we don't glorify God,
it doesn't matter who the president is. It doesn't matter who's building the city or building the tower. It doesn't matter what team he's on. It doesn't matter if he's a Republican or a Democrat. God will tear it down. If a Democrat was building the tower to heaven, or if a Republican was building the tower to heaven it doesn't matter if
we don't glorify God this nation is destroyed and it's so funny you talk to atheists or people who don't think this way and that's like the craziest thought seriously and I know that I know that people who don't believe in God think that's crazy because I used to not believe in God and I thought that was So I know what people think when they hear talk like that. If we don't glorify God, God will destroy America.
It's the story of Babel. It'll happen here, just the same. True of nations is true of people. We see it all the time. Oh, we have plans. Boy, do we have plans.
So many plans. I got plans at the Wazoo. Plans for the future, plans for retirement, plans for everything. Where does God fit into those plans? Well, he gets first dibs of the crumbs. Or I'll find some way to wedge him in for a couple minutes here or there every once in a while. Any plan that's made apart from God, just like the people who built that tower, won't work. Or maybe worst of all, it will work. God,
save us from our plans that are made without you. I know that if we plan our life without God at the center, it will come to nothing. God will come down and destroy it. Martin Lloyd-Jones, who we've been reading from these last few days, he said, you are not allowed to build your life without God. I mean, you could try, but it won't work. He says, is God blessing you?
Do you know that for certain? If not, it's because you planned without him. But if you have done that, recognize it now. Repent, confess it, fly to God in acknowledgement of your godlessness. Oh, I love fly to God. In acknowledgement of your godlessness, your arrogance, your pride, your folly, your
enmity. Fall down before Him in penitence and in contrition. And as you do, He will certainly assure you that He has sent His own Son to die for you and for your sins. He will pardon you and forgive you. He will give you a new life and a new spirit.
You will have a new understanding and a new outlook. And you will understand others and will be at peace, at peace. That's the point of this podcast to find peace. You will be at peace with yourself and with others. The point of this podcast is to find peace. The point of this podcast is we are living in tumultuous, crazy times that will make you lose your mind. The point of this podcast is to find peace. This is how you
do it. Knock it off with your plans. Go to God. Acknowledge your godlessness, He will forgive you, give you a new life, a new spirit, you will have a new understanding, a new outlook, and will be at peace with yourself and with others. And you will go out to live life in a new way, with your eye upon a new city, a city that has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Oh, think about that, the difference between the Tower of Babel that was built without God and Hebrews 11 10 this the name of this podcast is politics by faith named after
Hebrews 11 and here it is by faith to do by faith Abraham obeyed different than the people of Babel obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive his inheritance and he went out not knowing where he was going. By faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God."
Where are our foundations? Who is our designer and builder? Lloyd-Jones. And you will go out to live life in a new way with your eye upon a new city. A city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. The city of God. Of course I have a political party and political persuasions and policies and principles and
values of course. I have all those things But if any of these good things are done without God as the center and foundation then it is nothing Let me flip it around
Therefore cuz I don't like to end on a negative therefore
Everything we do must have God at the center and as the foundation and he will bless it Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcript commercial free. I went, why did I do this? I went to, ah, someone was asking, I guess they couldn't find the podcast link or something.
So I went to go find the link so I could email it to them. And I went to the, like iTunes or something. There's 420 reviews on this podcast. It was pretty cool. I didn't know that. But there was a two star review.
And someone said there's too many commercials. Mikeslater.locals.com, no commercials. I don't put the commercials in, by the way. That's not me. So don't blame me for putting the commercials in. But if you go to Mikeslater.locals.com, no commercials and transcripts. no commercials and transcripts. Mikeslater.locals.com.