I am so grateful to the two callers we had for our Gratitude Monday segment on Sirius/XM. They both had the same theme: we're not able to do it on our own. Of course you're not lol. Why does it take us so long to figure that out?
Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Hope you had a nice Father's Day. Maybe you didn't. Father's Day can be hard for a lot of different reasons, for a lot of different people. There's a Father's Day sermon that I've never heard before. I'm sure it's out there. But Father's Day sermons that I've ever heard are... The intent is to encourage men get beat up a lot. So here's a Sunday to lift up men and fathers. Keep it up men, you can do it!
First of all, I don't feel beat up. I'm too busy. I'm too busy raising four kids, trying to be a good husband to get beat down by some college professor calling me toxic or whatever. I'm just too busy. I don't have time for you.
I'm trying to raise a family. But one sermon I'd love to hear given to dads is not to encourage them with the you can do it dad you can do it don't give up keep doing the right thing I think a good message to dads is you can't do it there's no way you can do this on your own you you think you can what what what possibly has happened in your life that you think you can raise children to be good people. You think that's within your power to raise these human beings to...
No, that's your goal. You're going to fail miserably. You can't do it. You're not even close. You're not a good person. You'll never raise other people to good people. I get so frustrated at Jack for leaving things on the ground. Just leave stuff on the ground all the time. And I got so mad at him so many times, so often, for years.
And then I finally realized, hmm, he's probably seen my office. That might be why he leaves stuff on the ground. So what, I'm gonna get mad at my kids for being just like me? Those are the most frustrating things, right?
Those are the things you get most frustrated about at your kids are the things that are just like you. But my point is I can't even keep my office clean. You think I'm gonna raise my son to keep his room clean? Okay, I can't even do that. So I'm the one who's gonna raise him
in ways to become an upstanding member of society? Come on, get over yourself, Dad. You know, I'm a close. We had, that's my encouraging father's name. Get over yourself. There's no way you can do this.
We had two callers today on our Gratitude Monday. Every Monday at 6 o'clock on SiriusXM Patriot we have a gratitude segment. I don't know if anyone's ever going to call in. For a while no one did. Then I started to pray about it. I said, God, I hope some people call in and these calls are encouraging to other people.
Every time I pray that, it's going really well. So we had two callers today. First guy called from Arizona. And he was, yesterday he was either 12 or 14 days sober. And he said he got sober when he finally realized he couldn't do it on his own. He couldn't break addiction on his own and that's when God broke it and he gave this great he gave
a bunch of wisdom but he had this great line I've never heard this before John 2 when Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding and check out this line when the master of the feast tasted the water now become wine and did not know where it came from though the servants who had drawn the water knew. The master of the feast called the bridegroom. And I love this because I love lines in the Bible that are just seeming afterthoughts.
I love lines in the Bible where you read it and you just kind of skim past it. And when someone draws your attention, it's like, no, no, no, look, look at these few words. This little sidebar is in parentheses even. When the master of the feast tasted the water that now became wine, and did not know where it came from, though the servants who had drawn the
water knew, the servants knew. And his line was something like, you have to be the servant to see the miracle first, or sometimes even at all. You have to be the one serving to see the miracles so go out and serve people to see more miracles It was awesome. That's such a good line the master of the feast all he knew was that it was good wine He didn't know that it was water just a minute ago
He missed the miracle The servants didn't they were there the whole time Charles Spurgeon said do the ordinary duties of Christian men and women things in which there is no power of themselves, but which Jesus Christ makes to be connected with His divine working. Oh, it's so good. Just do the thing.
Do the things which seemingly have no power within themselves, but that Jesus Christ makes to be connected to His divine working. And it shall be for your instruction and your comfort that you had such work to do. The servants which drew the water knew." Are you with me on the point that you can't do it on your own? Like the servants didn't do it. They didn't turn the water into wine. They drew the water but they didn't turn it into wine. Like you don't, you're not raising, I mean you're raising your kid. You're doing it
but you're not, it's not you. Like you can't do it. You're not capable of doing it. Just like you're not capable of turning water into wine. The second I called in, he used to weigh 650 pounds. He's lost 450 pounds. He drank a handle of vodka every night and didn't leave his home for four years. He's overcome two addictions, but only because of God. And he knew that. We can think we can do things on our own. Raise children. That's so laughable if you think about it. I've got four of them. I've got four raised children. I'm doing the best I can. My wife and I are doing the best
we can, but it's not even close to good enough. We can't do anything on our own. Stop trying. Stop thinking you can. This self-help nonsense. That's just new age. New age hooey. Can't do anything without God That's my Father's Day message you can't you're not a good dad and you can't be You'll never be Without God, so stop trying to do it on your own Stop trying to think you can do anything good on your own. It's all him
If things aren't going well now run to him and if things are going kind of well That's God's grace Better glorify him because of it. Those two calls reminded me of a book by Allie Beth Stuckey. I read it many years ago. It's only been out for four years.
I was just thinking about it the other day. It's so funny. I haven't thought about it for years and it just popped up in my brain just the other day. It's Allie Beth Stuckey. It's called You're Not Enough and That's Okay, Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love.
It has a pink cover, but men don't be discouraged by that. It applies to everyone. And there's these myths that we're told that you are enough. No, you're not. The culture today says you determine your truth. No, you don't.
There's a lie that the devil tells us today that you're perfect just the way you are. No, you're not. There's a lie that says you can't love others until you love yourself. No, no, no. You need to love God. Put him at the center.
And then maybe, among other things, then you'll be a good dad. MikeSlater.Locals.com There's 3,000 people who are members of MikeSlater.Locals.com It's free. So, just join us over there. No commercials to this podcast. And the transcripts there as well and you get an email everyday everyday links later dot locals dot com