After a lifetime of the media lying to us, sometimes it can still be a bit surreal. This latest batch of lies regarding Biden's mental state are quite illuminating. Let us not be surprised about a very simple fact: People lie.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Thanks for being here on the radio today. SiriusXM, Patriot Channel 125, 6 to 9 in the morning, Breitbart News Daily, simulcast on the First TV, DirecTV Channel 347, Pluto, Roku, Samsung TV, and everywhere you stream your favorite shows and channels. That's where we have the main show.
On that radio show today, we talked about all the videos of Biden looking very, very old, like he has Alzheimer's. And it's not funny. Everyone has some connection to dementia or Alzheimer's. It's really sad. But it's part of life, part of growing old.
I suspect I will have dementia. Sort of runs in the family. Sort of the way it goes. Then you die and you go to heaven. Everything's perfect so whatever. It's just a problem when the President of the United States has Alzheimer's or dementia. You saw the video the other day of, I mean there's one every day, but the one of Joe Biden leaving the fundraiser in Los Angeles. It's a big venue and it was Barack Obama, Biden and
Jimmy Kimmel and it ended and they're all standing there and the band's playing and they're like waving at the crowd and Joe's just standing there and Barack Obama who knows stagecraft, who must know that this is a problem for Joe and like these videos are on, but grabs Joe by the wrist and pulls him in this direction and then walks off the whole stage with his hand behind Joe's back, like, like he's in a nursing home.
And it's such a setup for this meme that Donald Trump does all the time. And it's hilarious and it's perfect. Trump just takes the video of Biden, not knowing where he is or walking off in the wrong direction, wandering somewhere and someone having to help him and just puts this music over it.
America's choice at home care. That's hilarious and just amazing politicking. And I wouldn't talk about it ever. I wasn't I didn't talk about it on the radio show when it first happened.
I certainly wouldn't talk about it here.
But the left came out and was actively telling you that that video was doctored. That wasn't real and that didn't really happen. I'm like, oh okay, like well what else you got? They're like, oh well here's another angle. And I'm always fascinated by other angles. I'm intrigued by other angles because I like the truth. So if I see something and it's like an optical illusion or oh let's pan back so you can see the full picture of what's
happening, I'm down with that. I just I want to know the truth. I want to know what's what's really going on. Like there's a video, it's like a famous video of some woman on the red carpet and she's being interviewed and some woman walks behind her and disappears. I was like, oh where'd she go? And there's another angle where it's like oh she's right there. So I like that. I like to know the full story. So people in the media like, hey, here's the full angle of what happened. I don't want to be deceived. I don't want to go on the radio
and say, hey, you see this video of Barack Obama pulling Joe Biden. It didn't happen. Some AI deepfake. I don't want that. I want to get hosed like that. So what what really happened and what they showed the other angle was them at the exact moment that Barack Obama grabs Joe Biden's arm, them cutting away and taking this wide shot from comically far away at the way back of the theater like that scene from A League of Their Own where they're introducing all the beautiful new players in the all-women's baseball
league look at Dottie Henson here isn't she a knockout and it goes to other girls and then it gets to and there's Marla Hooch and she's way in the outfield I always thought that'd be tough on a person if you're an actress and they're like hey we need a hideously ugly woman to play this role that's the joke you're perfect I think that every time there's a movie or show or something where the point is that the actress or actor is ugly. And it's like that.
I feel really bad. But this is Biden's Marla Hooch moment. Let's pan back a mile. And then they literally say, see, it never happened. Now, if you squint, you can see exactly it happening, but you don't need to squint because we have another angle from closer of exactly what's happening.
And then, and then the, the image of the video that they show you the real then it cuts in way too close and you can't see Barack Obama's hand on the back of Joe's back and they're like here's the real footage like oh wow that's you're lying no they've been I mean there's nothing new newsflash media lies thanks for the podcast later but there's a couple things about this one. First, just video-wise, it's the opposite of what they normally do.
Usually someone will release a doctored footage and then they come back with the raw footage. Here's the truth. In this case, the raw footage came out first, but then the left and the media came back with the obviously doctored footage and tried to pass it off as the real video that shows the full story. And what do they call it?
A cheap fake? This is the new term. term they made up. Cheap fakes instead of deep fake which is an artificial intelligence.
These are cheap fakes.
I don't know what that is like zoomed in too close or zoomed in too far. I don't know what their definition of cheap fake is. But here's what I want to do with this today. People lie. People lie. This is one of the problems
with this common view today that people are generally good. Because if you walk around thinking that people are generally good, then you're not going to look out for liars. And it's more likely you're going to be played for a fool. Also, if you think that people are generally good, then you think you are generally good and then you let yourself get away with telling lies as well. Oh well my lies aren't as bad as that person's lies.
Well my lies, the lies I tell myself and the lies I tell other people, those are okay because those serve a better purpose. And you let other, you don't, you but then you think people are good and oh they're not telling lies when all everyone does is tell lies. Now I'm not saying you should never trust anyone. Sometimes I prefer to be trustworthy and be burned than to not trust at all. But my point is don't be shocked when people lie.
I came across a story just the other day of Shirley MacLaine, the actress. She did some documentary back in the 70s about China and how great it was, how great China is, and how great the cultural revolution was in China. And the former dictator of China, Deng Xiaoping, was at a banquet in Washington, this is 1979, let me just read here, when told, so Deng, when told by Shirley MacLaine about a Chinese intellectual who was so grateful for what he learned about life after being sent to
the countryside to raise tomatoes during the Cultural Revolution. So here's Shirley MacLaine. She's doing her documentary. Here she is talking to this person working on the fields. And it says, Oh, wait, we tell me your story. Oh, I was a professor and I just love it out here in the fields.
So wonderful. And here's Shirley MacLaine telling the former communist dictator about this. And thank you for the cultural revolution. It was so wonderful. Deng's patience was soon exhausted. He interrupted her to say he was lying and went on to tell how horrible the cultural revolution had
been. I still remember that. What do you mean? What do you mean lie? Don't be shocked. People lie. People lie all the time. I remember lying when I was a kid and then I remember lying when I was older. I was telling a blatant lie and it was just exhausting. And then it came out years later and it was like a whole thing again. I honestly, I'd tell you what it was,
I forget what it was about. But that's not even enough, that argument of like, oh, you better tell the truth because lying can get very tiring and it's exhausting and you gotta keep track of your stories. That's not a good enough argument against lying
because what if you're someone who lies and doesn't care about anything? You don't care about any ramifications. What if it's not exhausting? Someone just lies and they get caught and they're just shameless about it. That's called our media. That's called many, many, many politicians. They lie and they're not tired about it. So it's not like, oh don't lie because it's difficult to, you know, keep them all straight.
God doesn't mess around with liars. God doesn't mess around with liars. Ananias and Sapphira, they lied. They were dealt with harshly. And Peter had a great rebuke. Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit? Lying is old fallen self. Colossians 3 9 says, do not lie to each
other since you have taken off your old self with its practices. So if someone has has not been saved, they're going to lie. Why wouldn't they? If life's all about me me me, if life's all about getting ahead, if life's all about my comfort and my pleasure, which is what our modern culture says, then why would you not lie? What's to stop you? Who cares? There's no God. You won't be held accountable. There's no afterlife. There's no hell. There's no Holy Spirit. So who are you
lying to? Nothing. It doesn't matter. You're just doing what is best for me in the moment. Again, maybe you have the annoyance of having to keep up with lies, but if you're shameless about it, then you don't even have to be bothered by that. Jesus called himself the way, the truth, and the life. He's the truth. If you're not worshiping him, then you're dealing with lies. So don't be surprised when people tell lies.
So don't be surprised when people tell lies. Now, as often with this podcast, it's not about other people. We lie to ourselves all the time. Spurgeon calls them the refuge of lies, well, Isaiah 28 does.
It says, and I will make justice the line and righteousness the plumb line and hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, And waters will overwhelm the shelter, The refuge of lies." Let me just quote two of them from Spurgeon. He said, The first lie is the hope which some men
ground upon their own moral goodness. Ah, well, it will be all right with me, says one, For I've done nothing much amiss, If I've been faulty, we are all poor, imperfect creatures and cannot help it. But on the whole, my aims and objects have been greatly superior to those of the bulk of mankind. I do not think I have incurred much wrath from God, or that I need be under any apprehension
as to being judged of Him at the last great day. Alas, my friend, yours must be a refuge of lies, for it will not stand trial by the first plummet. It is not based upon the foundation which God has laid. Your hope has nothing to do with Christ, that precious cornerstone. It's evident that you do not want Him, or His blood, or His righteousness, for you are altogether independent of such help.
Why should God have taken the trouble to lay a foundation in the blood of His own Son, quite superfluous since you can save yourself. That's a lie. We lie to ourselves. Of course be aware of the lies that the media tells you. Be aware of the lies that politicians tell you. We've got to be aware of the lies we tell ourselves. Lies that culture tells us that have seeped into our hearts and that we believe to be true. I'll give you one more from Spurgeon. He says, Alas, we have yet another
brood of men whose refuge is that they make a profession of religion. They say, I am always at a place of worship. I'm never absent from a single service. And what is more, I joined the church some years ago, and I've kept up my membership. I've been baptized, and I come to the Lord's table with great regularity, and I feel a good deal of pleasure in religious exercises.
I'm not sure that I was ever born again. I'm not sure that I ever repented of sin. I'm not sure that I try to live a holy life. But still, I'm a member of a church, and that's a great comfort to me."
Ah, my brethren, this will not do, says Spurgeon, for unless this membership of yours with a visible church is backed up by holy living, and unless there is an inward resting upon Jesus Christ and a vital faith whereby you held fast to him, your name may be on the church roll, but it will not be found written in the Lamb's Book of Life. And this profession of yours, instead of blessing you, will curse you. If you are not savingly converted, you are guilty of a daily hypocrisy and chargeable
with sacrilege for appropriating sacred things to which you have no right. Unconverted one, you are an intruder into the family of Christ, an interloper at the feast of the King of Kings. king of kings. So my point here is we are inundated with lies. Don't be surprised. Let us not be surprised when the media lies to us. We need to be so attuned to lies. I'm more concerned about the lies that have been told to us our whole lives,
that have seeped their way into our hearts, and that maybe we're even telling ourselves. Instead, we need to look to the way, the life, and the truth every day and always. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Commercial free and transcript on the website Mike Slater dot locals dot com.