Our world today says kids are a curse (overpopulation) or an inconvenience (abortion). The Bible of course says otherwise. We should never be discouraged from having kids because we're afraid that "times are tough". They've been tougher. And God gave us not only a commandment but a blessing.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Before we get started today, I'm going to be giving a speech tomorrow in Petoskey, Michigan. I was saying on the radio today that this is the Upper Peninsula, and I was kindly corrected that this is not the Upper Peninsula, because I have not yet crossed the bridge. I am merely with the trolls on the southern side of the bridge. That's the term, they used it, not me.
The trolls down south, I gotta go over the bridge to get to the upper peninsula. So I'm not quite in the upper peninsula of Michigan, but we're in Petoskey and giving a speech on my book called How to Change Someone's Mind. And if you're in the Michigan area,
I'd love for you to come by. So it's tomorrow, it's Saturday, June 22nd at 7 p.m. And we're gonna be talking about how to change someone's mind you go to Bayview Association org to get tickets I think it's like 10 bucks that's just to keep the riff-raff out you know I mean Bayview Association org and I would love
to shake your hand I got the sweetest email the other day I want to share it here and I don't know if Dottie listens to the podcast as well but I will share that Dottie if you're listening here, I'm also going to share it on the radio, but we'll go in two different directions with it. She says, Dear Mike, although I am generally a very hopeful person, in the early months of 2021, I found myself with only one positive thought.
I am grateful that I do not have a grandchild because I couldn't bear to look into his or her face knowing how perilous the future of our country is. The installment of Joe Biden, the death of Rush Limbaugh, the disappointing declarations of Pope Francis, combined with the daily battles between hoaxes and truth, I was feeling some despair.
A lot of despair in our country, no question.
That's why we have this podcast. And I'm sure that and a couple other different cultural forces coming together, Satan being the big one, we'll get to that, that a lot of people have concluded not to have kids or don't want grandkids like Dottie here.
A lot of people are like, oh, it's such a, you know,
times are so tough right now.
And all I can say to that historically is that we've been through way worse than right now. Humans, we as in humans have been through way worse and still had kids. During the Civil War, people had kids. The Israelites in the desert, people had kids. And everything in between, through plagues and famines and genocides, people still had
kids. And now in 2024 America, people are like, no, I can't bring kids into this world. Like why? Because interest rates are a little high? I don't like it either. And I don't like inflation either,
it's bad, but I can't not have a child because of what's happening here. And I don't wanna belittle the serious things that are happening, but compared to other things that have happened and people still powered through, we're not even close.
But there's a turn in Dottie's email. She says, on May 8th, 2023, my husband and I were blessed with the birth of a beautiful grandson. How I ever thought I could be happy without a grandchild in my life I cannot explain. He has multiplied our joys by thousands. Isn't that beautiful? What's also interesting about having kids is although your joys are multiplied by thousands so can your sorrows. It can multiply your joy and your sorrow and your pain and love and grief and gratitude
and happiness and sadness. It multiplies everything by thousands. And it all adds up to a thing we call life. And it is good to live life to the fullest. Even these sad things. Even these so-called negative emotions. That's life and we want to live life to the fullest of emotion.
Tim Keller said that people not having kids anymore is a crisis of hope. It's also a progressive thing. I don't want to get political here, but if the progressives want to breed themselves into oblivion, that's fine, or not breed themselves. God-fearing conservatives need to have a lot of kids or play the long game. But people without hope stop having kids and stop getting married and quit their jobs and do the bare minimum just to barely survive or don't survive.
And maybe they're alive, but just barely. It's a crisis of hope. But the greatest hope-fueled thing you can do is have kids and bring kids into this world. Even though the world is tough Shakespeare wrote sonnet 12 about how everything dies eventually day turns to night the flower dies the tree dies people die we're gonna die but right now Shakespeare says you're beautiful let's make it because there's
nothing we can do against time scythe can make defense, except breed to brave him when he takes the hence.
Maybe not the greatest pick up line.
Hey, we're all gonna die and you're getting uglier. So let's have kids now while we still can. That's not the pick up line I would lead with, but it's still a reality. Life is short. One way we can live on in a way is to have kids.
The rest of Dottie's email is just super sweet about how she would drive to her kid's house to take care of her grandchild, and she turned into the show on SiriusXM, and has listened ever since. She says, for the last year,
I've planned my days around your show. I now do my sewing work predominantly between six and nine a.m. That's just the sweetest, Dottie. Thank you so much. Your positivity and faith in the human condition
gives me hope every day. Often, your exuberant joy about fatherhood feels like drinking a glass of ice cold lemonade on a sweltering hot day. Goodness me, Donnie. And she goes, very, very sweet.
And then she shared a picture of her and her sweet grandson in her arms. Very wonderful. All right, let's bring the Bible in here. About having kids. Should people have kids?
Should, and what should we think about the kids that we have? Very contrary to the world's perception of kids. I was just thinking about this yesterday. I'm so sad because summer's over. You know, my kids are doing the swim team for the first year. It's this little summer league in our town.
And it's done next week. It flew by. And that means summer's almost over. And I don't want summer to be over. But every year when summer's over, you'll get all these videos that moms will make, think they're so funny, talking about how they can't wait for school to start again.
Get out of here, kids. It just breaks my heart. It's like, oh, no, I don't want them to go at all I want them I want everything like the summer I want everyone here together all the time so should not that's the cultural message that's that's the message of the world the biblical message should be a no surprise is the exact opposite
someone asked this question online and I think it's a it's a good question Genesis 128 this person says the Bible says God said to them be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and every living thing that moves on the earth. This person says there are so many Christian concepts that make me scratch my head as to why God wants us to have children. Things like the ruler of the world is Satan, Christians must suffer in
the world, we're anxiously waiting for Jesus' return in the rapture, fighting our carnal nature of a fallen world etc wouldn't it be better to leave unborn children wherever they may originate from what is the reason God wants us to have children I think that question comes from a very genuine place and and I think that's great why does God want us to have children without difficult things are here's daddy saying things are so hard I'm glad
I don't have grandkids yeah why does God want us to have kids anyway okay let's speak to the Satan being a ruler of this world. John 16, 33 says, In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world. So keep that in mind, we'll get back to it. I read some commentaries on this that I think are fascinating. That the command, be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.
But be fruitful and multiply isn't so much a command as much as a blessing. How do we know that that's true? The line before it says, And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply. I guess it could be both, right? But the line before it, it's a blessing.
Here is Luther back in 1522 he said for this word which God speaks be fruitful multiply is not a command it is more than a command namely a divine ordinance which it is not our prerogative to hinder or ignore rather it is just as necessary as the fact that I am a man and more necessary than sleeping and waking eating and drinking and emptying the bowels and bladder. It is a nature and disposition just as innate as the organs involved in it. Therefore, just
as God does not command anyone to be a man or a woman, but creates them the way they have to be, so he does not command them to multiply, but creates them so that they have to multiply. That's from Luther back in 1522. I think that the point here that we can take away from this is that it is part of Satan's plan to discourage people from having kids. Now not being able to have kids is a different story.
And maybe if you just don't want any, I guess. But to be afraid of having kids because you think the world is bad? Well, then you're not comforted by John 16 which says to take heart. Jesus has overcome the world. You shouldn't be afraid of Satan. Jesus has overcome the world. And also, if you're afraid of having kids because the world is bad, then you're not looking at kids as a blessing, which is what God
told us they are. He said, I'm blessing you. Be fruitful and multiply. He didn't have to do it this way. Isn't that interesting? He didn't have to make it where a man and a woman come together and have a child that's half DNA of each other. God could have made kids just grow from trees or appear out of nowhere or drop from the sky once a year. He could have done anything. But he did it this way for a reason and that is a blessing. Psalm 127 verse 3 says, sons are a heritage from the Lord, children of a reward like him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with the enemies in the gate." So again, this doesn't mean that if you don't have kids you're not blessed or the children's are the only blessing from God or something like that. It just means that kids are to be looked at as a blessing, not a curse or an inconvenience. And that's how the world wants us, tells us, to look at kids that anywhere from they're a curse,
you shouldn't have them, to they're bad, that they're overpopulating the planet, to they're an inconvenience, and they're annoying, and they're dirty, and I could be doing so much more with my life and think about much more money I could be making in the private sector
if I was working now instead of taking care of kids. It's such an inconvenience to me. I wish life were more about me, me, me, all the way down to there's such an inconvenience I'm gonna have an abortion that's how the world wants us to look at kids and the Bible says no no this is a blessing and if you have kids right so that's that's if you're thinking about
having kids you're not sure don't know the timing or whatever just do it and if you have kids let's not look at them as an inconvenience either no matter how tiring it can often be to be a parent. Just yesterday, the kitchen was so clean. Super duper clean. And the kitchen counter was empty, cleared. And it was just spotlessly clean.
And I was like, this is great. And then I thought, the kids are going to mess it up any minute now. And then it won't be clean anymore. And I was like, oh, well one day we'll be able to keep it clean and that will be a really sad day. Having kids or grandkids is not a curse or an inconvenience.
It is a great blessing. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Commercial free transcript. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Oh, so I'm, we're going to the speech, right? In Petoskey, Michigan.
Bayview association dot org if you'd like to join. And then me and the two oldest kids, we're gonna spend some time up in the upper peninsula, on the other side of the bridge for a couple days. So we won't be here on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of next week.
I guess I could do the podcast from there, but I don't want to, to be honest. I don't want to have to tell the kids the next couple days. Sorry, kids, I gotta go do a thing. I don't want any things, just want family time.
So we'll be back at the end of next week. We're at the debate on Thursday. Can't wait for that So we'll be back at the end of next week. We're at the debate on Thursday. Can't wait for that You look for that on the radio show and also here on the podcast Mike Slater locals calm