The Supreme Court is not the decider of right and wrong. And the President is not our moral leader. We must look somewhere else for those answers.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. I was gone the last few days. I'm not sorry. I'm sorry at all. I had a wonderful time. I was gone the last few days. It's great to be back. I was with the two oldest. It was me and the two oldest. I gave a speech in Petoskey, Michigan. And it was great. It was the first time my kids saw me give a speech.
They were wonderful. And then we went to Mackinac Island for a couple days afterwards. While we were up there, everyone's always told me wonderful things about it. It's a beautiful place. It was wonderful. People were fantastic. It was great. So good to be back. Glad I didn't miss the debate as well. We talked all about the debate today. Pre-debate coverage, obviously, all over SiriusXM tomorrow. We'll be talking about what
happened. I can't wait for it. We did a little preemptive like, well, what if Biden brings up this? What, you know, what, how would you respond? And clearly Biden is gonna bring up abortion. I was taking the plane back and we went to the wrong airport. Well I shouldn't say that. I say that it's as if like, like whoops, wrong airport. That wasn't it. We, there were thunderstorms in Nashville so they had to fly to Chattanooga because we're running out of gas. Anyway, I was watching CNN because I'm stuck on an airplane. So
Actually, this is on MSNBC. And Pelosi said that abortion is about freedom, health, love, and economy. Those are so satanic. Especially the freedom.
The freedom one is so diabolical. And then to throw in just economy at the end, that doesn't even grammatically make sense. And if we could just like make up words like at this point you could just say abortion's anything abortion is oreo cookies i love oreos you want to outlaw oreos you want to leave it up to the states to outlaw oreos and that's just you can say abortion is just put up any nice sounding word at the end of it
Sunshine! Alright, so what does Trump say back? What Trump needs to say or probably will say and should say. Well, Trump will say that, what are you talking about, I'm leaving it up to the states. Unfortunately, that is the politically wise answer in our country. Unfortunately. And I so lament that. I'm bringing up abortion for a reason here, but Trump is not a, he's not the moral leader on this issue.
He's not, he's not going to be, and that's okay. We all need to be the moral leaders here. Please go help your local pro-life pregnancy center, donate to them, make them part of your tithing. I lament the fact that there is the best politically expedient answer over here and then the moral answer over here and they're different things. Our goal needs to be to line those up and fast and
maybe one day we'll get to the point where there can be a person running for president who can run on the moral argument with pro-life principles and there's no conversation about well is that politically expedient? They're the same thing
We're not there yet
Which means we need to do more we need to do more in our churches. We need to do more with our pro-life Parenting centers we need to do more in our schools, which a lot of pro-life parent centers do as well We need to build that culture of life so that they're the exact same thing So I bring this up. There was a Supreme Court decision Yesterday the media on abortion the media got it wrong. The big headlines, leak, Supreme Court decision, leak.
There was no leak and it wasn't even a ruling. This was about, so Iowa says you can't perform abortions. But progressives in Iowa said, well, there's a law, a federal law that says all emergency medicine has to be performed without the hospitals checking to see
whether or not someone can afford it. And we made a, the federal government made a new regulation that says emergency room doctors have to perform abortions. So there's a Supreme Court case about which wins, the state law that says no abortion, or the federal regulation on a law
that says you have to perform, and you see how the regulation barely ties in with the actual law that was passed. But the law says you have to treat everyone no matter if their ability to pay. The regulation says, oh, and that also includes abortion.
So which lines up? And the Supreme Court said, we're not gonna rule on it. And that was framed as some big pro-abortion win. What they said, what the Supreme Court said was, we actually took this case too early. We are going to let the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rule.
We're going to wait for their ruling, and then if it's appropriate for us to take it up again, we will. So there's some like legalese all in there, but worth bringing up because like we were saying, I wish one day the politically expedient answer and the morally right answer will be the same. Similarly here, let's get to a sane world where, of course, you treat everyone who comes
to the emergency room. That doesn't mean and abortions too. Because see the law reflects morality but the law is not morality. You know a lot of people say oh you can't legislate morality. Of course you can. That's all we do. We used to have laws to say you can't commit adultery because I violated a commandment. There was a commandment morality so then we created a law to reflect it.
But the American legal code is not morality, and therefore the Supreme Court are not the arbiters of morality. Give an example, there's another Supreme Court case. This guy James Snyder, back in 2013, he was the mayor of a tiny town, Portage, Indiana.
And when he was mayor, the city awarded a contract to this trucking company, and the trucking company bought five new trucks. And a couple weeks later, the mayor accepted a check for $13,000 from that company. And Snyder, the mayor, was found guilty of corruption and sentenced to 21 months in federal prison.
And he said, well, hold on, that kickback is not illegal because the money came after I awarded the contract, not before. So it wasn't bribery. Bribery has to be before, not after. And the Supreme Court said, yeah, you're right. The Supreme Court said a bribe is an exchange for a present or future endeavor, not looking backward in the past. Now, I look forward
to talking more about this on the radio show, more of the ins and outs of the story and all that stuff. But what's important to know here, and I'm gonna steal this from Albert Moller, he said the Supreme Court of the United States is not intended to be the supreme arbiter of all matters moral. It is not to be the moral conscience of the entire United States of America. And so the Supreme Court is to rule on the law.
It is to rule on the Constitution. It is to rule on it as to whether or not something is legal or whether something is constitutional, whether the legal process has been followed, whether the Constitution has been honored. But the Supreme Court is not where you go to find out if adultery is right or wrong. The Supreme Court is not they do not talk about what is right and wrong in the sense of good and bad. They talk about what is legal and what is constitutional as opposed to illegal and
unconstitutional. It is Congress's job through We the People to make the laws more reflect, greater reflect, more closely reflect what is morally right and wrong. I just want to share that in light of the Supreme Court decisions that may or may not go our way. They're not the arbiters of truth. They're not the arbiters of morality.
That's for certain. That can only be God and us getting more in line with God's will. And then electing people who will pass laws that are in line with that morality. All that's going to take a lot of time, a lot of prayer, a lot of God's mercy. I'll end with this quote. I forget if I shared this before here or not.
If I did, it's worth reading again, so it doesn't matter. This is William Jennings Bryan, who's a former Secretary of State. He was the lawyer in the Scopes Monkey Trial. Remember Scopes Monkey Trial about evolution versus creationism in school? And he was a lawyer on the side of the state of Tennessee, which says you can't teach evolution and he won by the way, but he said science, this is his closing argument,
science is a magnificent force, but it is not the teacher of morals. He's talking about science, I can throw in here the Supreme Court, but science can perfect machinery, but it has no moral restraint to protect society from the misuse of the machine. It can also build gigantic intellectual ships, but it constructs no moral rudders for the control of storm-tossed human vessel. It not only fails to supply the spiritual element needed, but some of its unproven hypotheses rob the ship of its compass and thus endanger its cargo. In
war, science has proven itself an evil genius. It has made war more terrible than it ever has before. Man used to be content to slaughter its fellow man on a single plane, the earth's surface, but science has taught him to go down under the water and shoot up from below, and to go up into the clouds and shoot down from above, thus making the battlefield three times as bloody as it was before.
But science does not teach brotherly love. Science has made war so hellish that civilization was about to commit suicide, and now we're told that newly discovered instruments of destruction will make the cruelties of the late war seem trivial in comparison with the cruelties of wars that may come in the future. If civilization is to be saved from the wreckage threatened by intelligence not consecrated by love, it must be saved by the moral code of the meek and lowly Nazarene.
His teachings, his teachings alone, can solve the problems that vex the human heart and perplex the world." Same quote, but replace science with Supreme Court and politicians, and they're not going to save us. It's only that meek and lowly Nazarene and us following his teachings and us praying to God that we can get this country back on track.
I look forward to the debate tonight. We'll have a Politics by Faith tomorrow in life. What's going to happen here soon? We're going to have post-debate coverage. If you listened to this before the debate tonight, we'll have post-debate coverage on the First TV, First TV app,, Pluto, Roku, Samsung TV, DirecTV Channel 347, everywhere
you watch the First TV. slash debate. You can watch it there. You don't have to watch it on CNN. You can watch it on slash debate. And then wherever you can watch The First TV,
you can watch our post-debate coverage until midnight Eastern tonight. See you then. Mike for the transcript and this podcast right here without commercials. and this podcast right here without commercials. Mike