What an honor to talk to Pastor MacArthur. We talked about his new book "The War On Children" and also got into Joe Biden, Donald Trump, the only way we can save this country, and his choice words for Gavin Newsom.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Kurukwa. An honor it was to talk to the great Pastor John McArthur on the show this morning. That's on Breitbart News Daily. He doesn't do a lot of interviews, and the fact that he agreed to chat with us is just fantastic. So I wanted to put it over here for you so you can enjoy the entire interview. Pastor McArthur.
All right, let's get to the important stuff now. A man who has had an incredible influence in my life and my family's life. He's the pastor of Grace Community Church in Los Angeles, author of 150 books. Gty.org, grace2u.org is an incredible resource. Chancellor of the Masters University and Seminary, the MacArthur Study Bible, over a million sold his newest book the war on children providing refuge for your children hostile world pastor john mccarthur passes an honor to talk to you sir good morning
in my view mike my privilege
and and thank you for waking up early force what you know the wake-up time pastor
it's not five o'clock
Well, thank you. Thank you for doing it for us close, but close, but you missed it by about an hour. That's
Got a ton of questions for you, sir, but let's start with the book of course You've you've been through a lot of decades Which is a nice way of saying you're old sir, but you see you've seen a lot was as you look back Was there something that you can you can point to and you're like, ah, yes, yes, that, that was a turning point. Or that, I don't want to say the start of it all, because that goes back a long time, but that was a major acceleration of dissent at that time.
Yeah, it's a really perceptive question. I don't want to get wrapped up in too long an answer. But in the first chapter of Romans, the Apostle Paul writes that the wrath of God is revealed against the society when there's a sequence. And the first sequence is a sexual revolution. And three times the Bible says God gave them over. When there's a sexual revolution, and this is repeated through history, nation after nation after nation. When there's
a sexual revolution, it says God gave them up to immorality, followed by a homosexual revolution and God gave them up to the consequences of that behavior. And then it's followed by a third part that's basically a reprobate mind, a homosexual revolution, and a reprobate mind, meaning they don't think right. I used to wonder, what is that? Well, it might be when you try to turn a boy into a girl, or a girl into a boy.
I can't think of anything more insane than that. And you might mutilate them in the process. There's an insanity loose in our culture that is the exact sequence going from a sexual revolution, go back to the playboy era, the homosexual revolution which we all know very much about, which has taken over leading into the transgender, which is the insanity. And it's at that point that you can say, at least in Romans 1, God gave them over.
God gave them over. God takes his hand off at that point. And so there's a forfeiture by that culture of divine blessing. And they put themselves in a serious position before God. So I look at those kind of three sequential steps as the most defining, from a biblical standpoint, the most defining things as to why this culture is where it is.
Do you ever think that we would see a drag queen story hour for children in schools?
No, and that's part of that third insanity, the reprobate mind, when people don't even think straight. And then when your government and your president says his priority is to make sure that he elevates and honors and protects those people engaged in that kind of thing, the insanity has reached the highest level and they are the levers of power and from a civil standpoint there's no way back.
You mentioned Playboy a second ago. Hugh Hefner is such a fascinating study to me in our society. When he passed away how many years ago? Just heralded as this hero, this man among men and he's living every man's dream, but you actually look at his life and he was just miserable. Everything about his life was disgusting and the people around him, and even the mansion was filthy and wretched on the inside in every, even like physical way.
How did we get so wrapped up in all Hugh Hefner and the glamour of it all?
Well, because every human being is born in sin. Everyone who is born is born into the kingdom of darkness. Everyone who is born is basically a part of the family of Satan. And so when you sell the lust of the flesh, you're tracking with fallenness. I mean, that's... Why is it so hard to break pornography?
pornography. Why do I talk to a guy on his deathbed who's 80 years old who says to me, my greatest regret is that I hate the word pornography? What was that about? What was that about? I mean, that's powerful and that's in an unregenerate heart, transformed by the gospel. So, yeah, as it can possibly be, because there's an appetite for that.
Yeah. Talking with John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church in LA. The new book is called The War on Children, Providing Refuge for Your Children in a Hostile World. Let me read this quote here, just on the point you just made. Our culture today is the product of centuries of vile and horrific sins.
It's been shaped by the wretched desires and wicked intentions of hell-bent hearts. It is a universal reality that each generation passes on to the next a more corrupt world than the one they inherited. In my lifetime alone, the world has rapidly grown more comfortable with sin and more eager to celebrate its pervasive influence. I shudder to think, should the Lord tarry, how future generations will sink further into
sin." is you go into important detail on the history of child sacrifice. And to me, that's always been my sort of made up rock bottom. I'll know we hit rock bottom when we do actual satanic ritualistic sacrifice. A million aborted babies is a horrific number. But like putting in front of the altars of Baal.
And it turns out the other day the president of el salvador talked about how ms thirteen gang members of the satanic rituals on children in anything well like we're here and you're going to really important detail on on the history of that why do you go into the detail of that and and is that rock bottom to you
you're absolutely right mike that i mean that's rock bottom you take basically the most defenseless, the most innocent, the most helpless of all humanity, and you murder them, or you maim them, or you mutilate them, or you pervert them. I mean, this is the worst of...
I mean, I guess the only thing worse than that is lying about things that are biblical, lying about the Bible. Maybe it's the very worst thing, but not too far off from that is being a phony healer who takes people who are sick, diseased, broken, handicapped, and promising them healing if they send you their money. But that's pretty close to low, but it doesn't reach the level of just outright using children as, yeah, as sacrifices to the God of self.
You're right, that's just sad.
It's been common, it's been common through all of human history.
And I have a chapter in the book that basically delineates that. I mean, that even Israel got involved in sacrificing their children to Molech. And God said to them, even the pagans who sacrificed their children to Baal or Molech, those are my children. And Jesus said the same thing when he picked up a little child in his arms and said, allow this child to come to me for of such is the kingdom of heaven. There's a sense in which children belong to God
And, yes, society can't get more base than to take the most helpless, the most innocent, and the ones who are at that point under divine protection, even a part of the kingdom of God, and destroys them.
Tell me, John MacArthur, new book, The War on Children, Providing Refuge for Your Children in a Hostile World. I think the most haunting part of all that other than it. He wrote, Mothers, according to Plutarch, as they would physically take this born child and put him in the fire, stood by without tears or sobs.
If they wept or sobbed, they lost the honor of the act, and their children were sacrificed nonwithstanding. That's such a haunting story about how profoundly the human soul can be seared and seared by culture or what? I don't even know what, like what is that? What causes that type of, that's not stoicism, that seared conscience.
Well, it goes back to that Romans 1 thing.
It's a descent. It starts out with immorality and then it becomes perverse sexuality in some form or another. You can see that in ancient history as well. And then you, there's only one more step and that's to insanity. And that's where you wind up mutilating children,
killing children, using children. You know when the gay lobby says, we're coming after your children. That's a warning from hell.
Or they're not your children.
Um, you talk about, yeah, they belong to the nation or they belong to the village.
Here's Joe Biden. Um, there's no such thing as someone else's child.
Our nation's children are all our children and Kamala, maybe our next president. That's from a man, that's from a man who obviously didn't know how to raise children. We all believe that when we talk about the children of our community they are children of the community says Kamala, which is funny but also because it's non-sequitur but hilarious but sad too. But that's what these people think, that's what these progressives have always thought. They're not yours,
Pastor MacArthur. Children are not ours, children are not a private
Now they're to be offered up for whatever purposes the culture wants if it's blood sacrifice. So be it if it's to change the nature of Society to change culture. I mean if you want to change the culture you go for the kids I mean we all have seen the literature that's come out on the arrival of the cell phone in 2010 and between 2010 and 2015 teenage suicides begin
to go up. Teenage girls become victims of discontent at a level they've never been at and now we're still reaping the suicidal effects of all of that. And that's all orchestrated, You know, your teenage, 14-year-old girl draws something down out of the internet, and the next thing you know, it's just a barrage of that coming at her, coming at her, until her whole approach to life is altered dramatically and powerfully by the instrument she holds in her hand.
How do you protect children from the worst in a society if they've got it in their hand? And the purveyors of all of that are after them.
Yes, yes, yes. And it's your book. We need to provide a refuge for our children. But you always hear this, Pastor, of, oh, we don't want to shield our children, or, you know, we don't want them to be weirdos and not acclimate, or not, what's the right word they use, assimilate to society or whatever. You know, we don't want to protect them too. We don't want to over protect them, Pastor.
Well, I have a fear of parents who often make their own choices. You know, that's a real, a big disaster. Parents don't prepare for the purpose of training children where they should go. They're not prepared. They're not going to depart from it. That's obvious. Child is a product of training. Some kind of training, even if it's minimal training or even it's training in bad things, the child is a product
of parental influence and the societal power. And in this society, the parents are left to really to fight the battle alone. And I think that's where the church has to step in and provide the social structure and the larger family to aid parents, because the culture is bent on the destruction of children.
Yes, that's right.
I mean, they're literally bent on it. It's a target. It's not incidental. It's a target. They want to sell everything that they have, economically and morally or immorally to the children. They're the least able to resist the impact. So parents have to take on a defense mode. You can go back 50 years in American culture, and the society would be helpful to parents
because there was honor in the society and integrity. And things were right, were clearly right. And things that were wrong were clearly wrong that's all been turned upside down inside out uh... to say uh... you know i will let my kid make his own decision in this environment
basically the most irresponsible thing a parent could do
uh... so much of your body moment ago uh... how do you in this political season and every political season how do you think about politics and Christianity and anxiety for the future and what's next and this is the most important election of our lifetime. How do you think about this stuff?
Well, I think about it two ways. Number one, I think about everything biblically. And God is sovereign and he is in charge and he controls everything. And that means that what's going on in our country, as bad as it is, and as satanic as it is, we have to remember that the devil is God's devil. And he's got limits and he's got boundaries.
So why is what's happening happening? Because when a society, again, turns to sexual immorality, homosexual immorality, and a reprobate mind, God gives them up. There's a sense in which God takes his hand of blessing off that society. And when he gives them up, it means he gives them up to the consequences of their choices. If you follow that pattern, what you get is Joe Biden, who is the epitome of all of those things that I just talked about. Immorality, rampant in his own family at an epic level, and in his own life, now that's been part of his life.
That's part of it. And then advocating for homosexuality, and then saying he supports all the transgender nonsense. get when you go down the Romans one path because this is in itself is a kind of divine judgment. Is there a way back? There is a way back if we return to the Word of God, if we proclaim the Gospel, if people
turn to Christ. You can't change a culture any other way than to change hearts, change hearts from the inside out. And that's where the church has to step in. And as a man who's been in the pastures virtually my whole adult life, I have to say the church has miserably failed. The church has worked so hard to look and sound like what people outside the church
want that it's lost its impact. It's virtually impossible to tell, I think, to a non-believing person, when he goes to a typical mega church service, the difference between that and a rock concert. Where is the church pointing out the sins of... The scripture makes so clear that bring about divine judgment. But the solution is not going to be Donald Trump. That's a huge move in the right direction.
And, you know, I think if God allows that to happen, that Trump becomes president, you could say that the Lord has kind of put the brakes on a little bit. But the train is moving so fast down the direction of having been abandoned by God that unless there's a huge spiritual turnaround, there's no way to stop this. And that falls to the church and Christian people. And that means that you... Obviously, we care about politics because we care about sin and righteousness, and we want to uphold righteousness, but Christian people also have to care a whole lot more about the gospel that alone can transform people's hearts.
We can be concerned about temporal things like politics, but the reason we're in this world is to proclaim the saving gospel of Christ, the transformation that he brings can change a family and change a community and change a nation. Amen. I wonder, I have
to do another study on this, about Jonathan Edwards and what what the soil was like in the early 1700s in America where a revival or an awakening could take place and could that could something like that happen again? It has to, right? That's all I hope. But could something like that happen in the soil that we have today that is our culture? Yeah, if there's a
return to the Word of God. It falls to pastors. If we start preaching the Bible...
Yeah, it's a big if. Pastor, my last question for you before i uh... courage everyone to buy your fantastic book again if you were walking down the streets today pastor in the city streets of los angeles where you live and have called home for many many decades and you bumped into uh... one gavin newsom
used smacked right into him uh... the pastor what would you say to gavin newsom
well i did an interview with him and Larry King a few years back. You can check that out. It's pretty interesting. He told me he was a Christian. He was serious about that. And we were discussing the fact that he had basically opened San Francisco to gay marriage.
And I took issue with that. And he said, well, you know, I'm a Christian also. I said, oh, well, you must believe the Bible." And he stumbled and stammered and said, well, yes, I do. Well, if you believe the Bible, you couldn't possibly advocate same sex marriage. I would say to Gavin Newsom, you don't have the, you don't have, you don't, you put
yourself in a satanic position to represent the kingdom of darkness rather than the kingdom of God, you know better than this. You were taught better than this. You know what the Bible teaches about morality, even what it teaches about society, family, marriage, culture, even what the Bible teaches about economics. You know all of that, and you are blatantly fighting against God. And I'm concerned about your own soul to start with and the impact you're having on people that is disastrous.
My last question is, how do you, can you encourage us to speak... By the way, I wrote him a letter to that effect. Was that after the billboard that he put up quoting scripture to encourage people to get abortions? Yep I wrote him a letter. Have you heard back? No. I wonder if you read it. I didn't expect to hear back. I
wonder if you read it. I felt like I had a responsibility to tell him the truth. Yeah. Can you encourage us to speak with such boldness there because some are scared of confrontation Well that's if you're a Christian that's the reason you're here I
Mean that that's the reason you're here And if you if you made no enemies you look at your life and said you know I've made no enemies Then you've lived a coward's life If you've never stopped lying if you've never stopped lying, someone from lying, if you've never halted a
sinner in the path of his sin and therefore made at least initially an enemy, then you've lived a coward's life. You know, you've got to be bold and brave. Yeah, there's a price to pay. I mean, they crucified Jesus. They basically, So basically the religious culture killed all the Apostles if they weren't killed they were exiled Christians have been persecuted through all of human history. That's part of it but when
Right you Fish reward would be great Hmm indeed it will and I know yours will sir... the book the war on children providing refuge for your children and hostile world pastor john mccarthur pastor and on our sir thank you for so much time this morning and for your your lifetime of service to the lord what pleasure they haven't passed on the car they're my slated on locals dot com website, transcript no commercial myself no commercial myself dot locals