Everyone asks God to bless America, but...why would he? What do we have to do to receive God's blessing for our country?
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Thank you, Steve, for the email I just received. Happy Fourth of July. Hope you have a wonderful, hopefully long weekend. If you are working, thank you for your job being essential. John Adams wrote to his wife.
He said, I am apt to believe that this day will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward, forevermore."
He says, you will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil, blood, and treasure that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration and support and defend these states. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is more than worth all the means and that posterity will triumph in that day's transaction even although we should rue it which I trust in God we shall not." Beautiful. It is okay to thank
God for America and to ask God for protection and that we ask God that we return to being a Christian nation, which of course we were founded as, as per our latest TV special, Church v. State. But the problem is we are nowhere near where we need to be in order to receive that blessing. A lot of people say, God bless America, and that's great. But why would he?
What do I mean? Second Chronicles 7, 7 The LORD appeared to Solomon by night, and said to him, I have heard your prayer. Let's just stop there. I'll grade that.
God hears your prayer. He goes on, 8 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land."
Got an email from John who highlighted this point here, that there's an order of operations. We, the people, all of us, each the individual, must first humble yourself, then pray, then repent, turn from your wicked ways. Right? So it's humble, pray, repent. Now those aren't three like individual specific actions necessarily.
It's better to think of this as one collective action of humble, pray, repent. It's all kind of one big thing. And then God says I will hear from heaven and forgive and heal your land. Now, he's talking about Israel, but I don't think it's a stretch to believe that the same would be true about America. I love the humbling part. It's the most important. 2 Chronicles 35, 26, Then Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart, he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the Lord did not come upon them
in the days of Hezekiah. We are nowhere near humbling ourselves." John MacArthur, speaking of, had a sermon back in 2001. Can God bless America? That's the question. Of course God can do anything. But MacArthur says, I've listened carefully to that song, God Bless America. There's no verse in there that identifies the conditions. Nor do Americans seem to be opening their Bibles to try and find out what the conditions
are. I don't hear anybody saying, God, what do we need to do to be blessed? So I'm going to answer the question that nobody's asking. He says, I don't think people want to know the conditions. It's sort of like, don't ask, just bless. We'll ask for blessing, just don't ask anything of us.
We just want blessing. Don't impose any conditions. Don't ask for anything from us. Give us protection, give us safety, give us freedom, give us prosperity, but don't meddle with our morality. I don't hear any national cries of repentance, do you?
I don't hear any national affirmations of the law of God, the word of God. I don't hear any cries for virtue and forgiveness. I don't even hear preachers preaching like that, MacArthur says. Our founders talked about repentance. They
talked about humiliation in their Thanksgiving proclamations and other proclamations, humbling ourselves to God. Our founders talked about it a lot, but of course, we don't even have that. The word humiliation, when people think of that, they don't even think about that in a Christian context anymore, but they did when our founders spoke of it. That's how far we've gone from that in our culture. And if we don't, then God will give us over to ourselves.
In Judges, God said, Yet you have forsaken me and served other gods, therefore I will deliver you no more. It's like, I'm done with you. I'm not going to rescue you, I'm not going to protect you, I'm not going to bless you any more than I did. I will deliver you no more. Judges 10, 14, Go and cry out to the gods whom you've chosen.
Let them save you in the time of your distress.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
You're praising Moloch. You're praising money. You're praising Washington, D.C. You're praising Nicki Minaj. Go away. Go, go, go.
You're praying to them. Let them save you in your time of distress. Proverbs 1. I say it like that because it's right out of the gate. God says, because I called and you refused. I stretched out my hand and no one paid attention. You neglected all my counsel. You didn't want my reproof. I will even
laugh at your calamity. I will mock when your dread comes. When your dread comes like a storm, your calamity comes like a whirlwind. When distress and anguish come come on you, then they will call on me, but I will not answer." So we sit here and we say, Oh God bless America. I don't know what He will do, but I can't say for certain, but why would He? We're not humbling ourselves, we're not seeking His face, we're not praying,
we're not turning from our wicked ways. So why would he forgive us and heal our land? And I know this may be negative Nancy. I sense despair Slater. No. It's whenever it's it's all up to you. Like you you you can do you. We can't wait for other people to do it. You got to do it. It's just up to us individually. We can do these things. We individually can humble ourselves and pray and seek his face and turn from our wicked
ways. And God will forgive our sin and heal our families. And then maybe we can do that for our country as well. The last line, or last paragraph of the National Anthem, there's four stanzas in the National Anthem. Thus be it ever when free men shall stand Between their loved home and the war's desolation.
Blessed with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must when our cause is just, And this be our motto, and God is our trust. And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave Over the land of the free and the home of the brave. Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
As John Adams said, May this Fourth of July for you be a day With pomp and parade and shows, games, sports, guns, bells, and fireworks. But also, like all holidays used to be, let's make sure this is a religious holiday. A day, as John Adams said, should be full of solemn acts, solemn acts, of devotion to God Almighty. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcript commercial free on that website. Transcript commercial free on that website. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.