After Lincoln was assassinated on Good Friday, a lot of pastors dedicated their Easter sermons to this national tragedy. One pastor used 1 Peter 1:21, "...that your faith and hope might be in God" as a reminder that in times of prosperity and despair, there is one only place to turn. We need to turn there again.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. We're in an incredible time. I said this, I think, this weekend, but I'll say it again. We need to prepare ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually for what is to come. I said this many months ago when there was sort of a calm before the storm. This is the beginning of the storm.
Now, this is, you know, we say in our family, a storm's a-brewin'. When it gets dark and the wind starts to pick up, this is a storm a-brewin'. Please do everything you can to protect your family, to provide for your family, physically, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually. This is the very beginning of the storm. I hear a lot of people today, a lot of Democrats, talking about how we need to tone down
your rhetoric because you got Donald Trump killed don't don't worry about making it make any sense it doesn't never will but we ought to tone down the rhetoric to save our country they'll never do it but even then that won't save our country there's only one thing that will save our country. The gospel. Only the gospel saves.
And we need saving. We don't need to lower the temperature or whatever. We need saving. Paul said in Romans 1, I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.
It is obvious that God is everywhere. But they, we, do not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him. What happens then? You will become futile in your thinking and your foolish hearts will be darkened. Claiming to be wise, we become fools, and we have exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
Therefore, God gave us up to the lusts of our hearts. God gave us up. God has given us up. And we ain't seen nothing yet if we keep going down this road. And the only way to save is the gospel. And we can't be ashamed of the gospel.
When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, it was actually on Good Friday and the country was in deep mourning and there were many sermons that were recorded that we still have today that we can review and they're beautiful. One of them was a sermon about 1 Peter 1 21 that your faith and hope might be in God. And this pastor said, the nation's heart is throbbing through our hearts. We have hardly known what to say or think. How can these things be and what can come of them? Where is the divine providence? What cloud is this that has burst over us? What emissaries
from hell hath broken forth at the hour of our triumph, meaning the end of the war? All this bewilderment seemed to me a strange preparation for this Lord's Day. But then I thought, so much the more is this day needed. Its silence, its worship, its meditation. Whither should we go in such sorrowful confusion but to the house of prayer? To whom should we look but to God, who is our refuge?
In times like this, where it's confusing, disorienting, I'm so haunted by the what if. Have you ever had a near death experience before? They haunt you, you think about them over and over and over again, you can't stop thinking about them. And the what ifs take over your mind as well. What if this was a little bit different?
What if I was a little bit more to the side? What if I didn't see this? What if that person was that? Whatever, all these what ifs come in and they just, they can really wreck you. And I'm just thinking so much about the what ifs of Trump and really it's what if his head didn't turn at that one precise moment.
Trump turned his head at the absolute hundredth of a second when that bullet passed by and hit him in the ear. And if he didn't turn his head, it would have gone right through his brain. That's so haunting.
And in moments like this where you don't know what to do,
you don't know where to go, you can only go to God. You can only go to prayer. And there's one particular sermon that I'm reading from. It's about how we should not get our confidence from man, but our confidence should instead come from the solid foundation of God.
As the Bible says, that your faith and hope might be in God, not in Abraham Lincoln, not in Donald Trump, not in people, not in politics, not in our rhetoric, not in their toned-down rhetoric. This pastor says, these last words is the very confidence we always need, and never more than under the shock of sudden disaster. True Christians may be staggered by ill tidings, but ought never to be prostrated.
Their faith and hope ought to be of such a quality that it ought to have such ultimate objects and reasons, and grasp them so firmly as never to be helpless. This is our confidence, so far as it is in God. In the face of calamity, whether private or public, individual or national, above all things we hope for, we turn to God. If this be in God, it may be shaken, but it cannot be overthrown. No events can utterly confound us. Our hope for our country ought thus to have God, His will
and glory, for its object and security, in order to resist all vicissitudes and trials. Isaiah says, Cease ye from man whose breath is in his nostrils. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. We can never know why Abraham Lincoln was assassinated and why that bullet just narrowly missed Donald Trump. But all we can know is that we must put our trust in God at all times, good and bad.
This pastor ends this sermon after the death of Abraham Lincoln with a quote from Martin Luther. Martin Luther said, I know not the way I am going. Is that right? Do you know the way we're going as a country? I don't. No clue.
I don't know what is going to come from this. We talked a lot on the show, the SiriusXM show, about the failures of the Secret Service. Hearing some reports here, and I haven't confirmed any of this stuff, but that this was not the main security detail,
that a lot of them have been overworked recently, and they had some time off, or they were maybe in Milwaukee, or that some of the top Secret Service people were with the First Lady at a different event. Who knows?
But I don't know what this says about future threats. You know, they talk a lot about copycat, right? People, other people coming out of the woodwork and how there's now an enhanced security threat. I don't know how true that is, but the Secret Service was so inept
that I see how this could embolden other would-be terrorists or lone assassins, whoever, be like, oh wow, I had no idea it was this easy. I had no idea you could just climb up on the roof next to the president's speech with a perfect line of sight and take a shot.
Like I didn't know that was possible. I guess it is now, so might as well give it a go. So I think there is an enhanced, increased threat. I have no idea what's happening next. And that's all we can do. As Martin Luther said, I know not the way I am going,
but well do I know my guide. With a childlike trust do I give my hand to the mighty friend by my side. And the only thing that I say to him as he takes it is hold it fast, suffer me not to lose my way and lead me home at last.
God, we pray, please get us through this, get our country through this and maybe we get our country back to glorifying you above all else. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. This would be a good place to stop but let me just say one last thing. What if this near-death experience created a true transformation in Donald Trump himself and turned him into a unequivocal Bible thumping evangelical
preacher of God's Word. I mean he already in one of his statements he thanked God. Let me pull this up here actually I had it here a moment ago. It's a podcast I guess I'm not in live radio. See on live radio I have to wait and like stall like I'm doing right now. But this is a podcast, I'm recording this. I could just press pause and then come back
and no time would have elapsed at all, but no need. I'll just click this link right here. Here's what he wrote on truth. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.
What if Trump out of all this speaks more of God, speaks more of the Bible, speaks more of Jesus and can just be another example that we can all get encouragement from to not be ashamed of the gospel. Now you don't need to wait for Trump to do it before you go out and preach the good news. You don't need to wait for anyone. This is your invitation right now. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Commercial free and the transcript is on
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