As we are a part of history here, let's not get too stressed about what's happening or what's to come. It can get much worse, and might. Let's be prepared now and learn from Psalm 79 about what to do when we get closer to rock bottom.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriots Gold Group. Man, we are in uncharted territory. One overreaching point that I'd like to make is that the Democrats are not playing some advanced game of 4-D chess. There's no master class being played upon the American people by a party that's in total control of itself and is able to manipulate the strings of the people and this nation like a marionette.
That is not the situation. The Democrats are in total free fall. They are flailing about. They are making it up as they go along. And it's great to see. What does that mean for us?
Well, we knew what we were going to get from Joe. We could predict it. We could see it ahead. And it was easy. But now with Kamala, assuming it's Kamala, there's some unknown.
And an unknown creates a little more stress, a little more stress involved, a little more work, a little more foresight. It could be better for them. Having Kamala could be worse. I think it'll be worse or the same.
But there's more unknowns. Who's her VP pick gonna be, stuff like that, right? There's some energy that can be put into the Democrats' campaign, which shakes things up a little bit. I think it'll be Kamala.
No one else wants the job. No other Democrat wants to go up against Trump. There's the money issue. They've got 100 days. So Kamala's really the only one that's left. And I think Trump will weigh in just the same.
So no need to stress about all that. Those are my political takes right now. The Democrats are completely failing. Don't think for a second that they're under control with any of this. And Kamala will probably be the person and I think that's just fine. This morning I read Psalm 79.
It's a prayer from the conquered exiles. The Babylonians have just taken over Jerusalem. Psalm 79 says, Oh God, the nations have come into your inheritance. Your holy temple has been defiled. They've laid Jerusalem in heaps. So the nations have come into your inheritance. I thought it was Babylon. The Babylonian king invaded Jerusalem, but his army was made up of conquered peoples from all over the world.
So the nations have come in Jerusalem. How bad were things? The dead bodies of your servants they have given as food for the birds of the heavens, the flesh of your saints to the beasts of the earth. The Jewish people were just left to die and get eaten by birds and animals, not even buried properly. You can imagine the carnage. We have become a reproach to our neighbors, a scorn and derision to those who are around us.
Just a couple of days ago, we talked about how Israel at one point was so blessed that even neighboring nations said, wow, look at them. God is clearly at work over there in beautiful, amazing ways. Isn't that great? Maybe they didn't think it was great, but clearly God was at work. And now the fall of Jerusalem made Israel a disgrace to neighboring nations.
So stop there for a second. So I was reading that this morning and thinking about how America still has a lot of room to fall. It's a common theme on the show. I think it's important. That's why we make it a lot. A lot of people get all wound up that things are so terrible and awful and irredeemable. Things have never been worse and I'm here to say that things have been much worse, much, much worse. And we made it through.
And things can still get much worse from right now. So brace yourself and pace yourself. Look at how low Jerusalem was brought. We still have a long way down. So the people were begging, how long, Lord? Will you be angry forever will your jealousy burn like fire that's
what happens when we suffer we ask that question how long is this gonna go on one point to make here is that in the midst of the suffering the author of this psalm did not turn away from God in the midst of the suffering they went to God. At least they were asking God these questions. We have to be those people. And I think you got to work on that now so that when disaster strikes your instinct is to turn to God. They go on, Oh do not remember former iniquities against us. Let your tender mercies come speedily to meet us for we
have been brought very low. Help us, O God, of our salvation. For the glory of your name, that's key, for your glory, deliver us and provide atonement for our sins. That's Jesus. For your name's sake, why should the nation say, where is their God? Let there be known among the nations in our sight the avenging of the blood of your servants which has been shed. All of the suffering the people were feeling, they probably deserved it by the way, or at least there's no evidence that they didn't deserve it. So this is not an unjust suffering, this was not an unjust wrath
from God against them. And if I may the same with us, we deserve anything that comes our way, we absolutely deserve any suffering that comes our way as a nation, no question about it. Why should the nation say where is their God? What does that mean? When bad things happen here, people in other countries or atheists here will say, see, where's your God?
You say there's a God, but look at the terrible things that are happening. What kind of God is that? Why would he let this happen? And the Psalm is saying, God, please make it known to all the other nations where you are. Save us from this calamity
It says here. Why should the nation say where is their God? They're saying please God make it apparent make it so obvious
You love us and that we're here to glorify you So it's all I'm 79 some conclusions from this that I think can help us through this this crazy time And we'll talk more specifically about Joe Biden because we did a segment on ambition the other day so we got a we're gonna make sense of that here we will but I think just overall as we embark on this journey it's okay to pray for our nation let's admit that we deserve God's wrath do we even need to
detail that let's use this or whatever suffering is to come to bring us closer to God. Let us pray to God to forgive our sins, provide atonement for them. I love that. That's Jesus, 1 John 2 says, He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Some translations have propitiation. And not only for ours, but for all the sins of the whole world. So in Psalm 79 says, God please provide atonement for our sins and then 1st John 2 2 Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins and let's do this to the point where the non-believers
here and people around the world will say oh clearly God is at work in the United States of America and then what will we do the psalm ends with we will give you thanks forever we will show forth your praise to all generations. That's my prayer for our nation as well. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Commercial free and transcript on the website Mike Slater dot locals dot com. I look very forward to the rest of the week where we can be different than the political news. Right. You have the politics news which is so heavy on that
and just beating that drum and gosh it's so fascinating so interesting and entertaining and important. But I know for my sanity I need to always be bringing it back to the Bible and what matters. important. But I know for my sanity I need to always be bringing it back to the Bible and what matters. I'm glad we can do that together. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.