When things get really bad in this country, where will we turn? Hosea has a beautiful moment in the midst of God's judgment against Israel that I pray is also true for us.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. This is such a beautiful piece of scripture here. So it's in Hosea, and Israel is not worshipping God. It says, They have dealt treacherously with the Lord. They have betrayed Him. For they have begotten pagan children.
They haven't raised their kids right they do not know the Lord so what will God do in response he said I will pour out my wrath on them like water Israel is oppressed and broken in judgment because he is real willingly walked by human precept does any of this sound familiar? Does any of this sound like America today? We betrayed God, not raising our kids to follow the Lord. We walk by human precept, law, commands, ideas.
Actually, this is such a great line, and then I'll go back to the precept. The princes of Judah are like those who remove a landmark. What does that mean? They were cheaters, cheaters, liars. They're corrupt. A landmark here is what marked a property boundary and they would move the markers. We do the same thing with God. We change the boundaries. We change the boundaries of what's right and wrong. We change the boundaries of what is good and evil.
In fact, we don't just change the boundaries, we've flipped them completely on their head. We change the boundaries of who is the true God and who are our true gods, also known as idols. We walk by man's standards and relative standards, not God's. So God's response to all this is, I will be like a lion to Ephraim. That's Israel. Judgment. And I think we're living in judgment in America. We still have a lot more to go.
Things can get a lot, not worse. You said this is a beautiful scripture. scripture don't see the beauty in it yet actually making me more anxious I come to this podcast to have my anxiety go away you're making it way worse thanks for nothing all right here's the last line of this chapter God says in their affliction they will earnestly seek me. I pray that's true.
I pray that when affliction comes, I will earnestly seek God. Spurgeon said, when a Christian, when as Christians, we grow wealthy and well-regarded, with good health and happy family. We too often invite Mr. Carnal Security to feast at our table. We trust in all these other things and not God. But if we are true children of God, there is a rod of discipline waiting us. And Spurgeon's point is that rod of discipline is a good thing. Spurgeon goes through a list of all these difficult things that can happen in life with finances and just everything with health and everything.
And he says, this is a good sign of the divine life. If when these embarrassments occur one after another, we are distressed by our backsliding and cast ourselves before God. Here's this, let's check this out. Blessed are the waves that wash the mariner onto the rocks of salvation. How good is that?
Right? You're on the boat and the waves are coming. You're like, oh, these are so terrible. These waves are awful. I can't believe these horrible things are happening in life. But blessed are the waves if they wash the mariner onto the rock of salvation.
Financial losses are often sanctified to enrich our souls. Oh, gosh, we don't think of it that way ever, do we? Financial losses are often sanctified to enrich our souls. Don't lose heart when you're rebuked in this way. Rather recognize the loving hand that disciplines and say, as I said in Luke 15 18, I will arise and go to my father. That's the prodigal son. I actually want to stop this episode right here. In their, this is just so good and it's enough.
In their affliction they will earnestly seek me. That's Hosea 5.15. Is that true for you? Is it true? Let's say we do big picture like this to America. Is it true that in the affliction and the judgment and the difficult times that are
slash will come in America, is it true that we will earnestly seek God? And on a personal level, have you, are you, will you, in times of affliction, will I earnestly seek God? God, are we thankful for the waves that wash the mariner onto the rocks of salvation? When things get really tough in our country, really, really bad, really bad, and people don't know where to turn, let us be prepared, let us be ready, and know that this is discipline
and judgment and that we can still earnestly seek God. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. No commercials. And the transcript is on the website. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.