Paul said living according to the Spirit is "life and peace". Being called weird should be a compliment from people who are living according to the flesh.
Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. My Sirius XM radio show today was no good. Bad show. Not happy with it. Very disappointed. One of my worst shows in recent memory. Now shower me with praise. I'm fishing for compliments here. Slater at Slater, it was a wonderful show. I don't know what you're talking about. You're my favorite person in the whole world. Make me feel good, love me, love me. I don't know why I was so bad. For a long time, whenever I had a not good show, I'd be out for a long time, but it took me a while to come to terms with, it's okay, I got another crack at it tomorrow.
Get another chance tomorrow, get another show. Hopefully people didn't think it was so bad they'll never listen again and get to step up to the plate again. And the other good news is that I have this safe place that I get to go to right after that show.
My happy place. Romans 8, 5. Those who live, the Bible is my happy place, and then here we talk about the Bible. Romans 8, 5. Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on things of the flesh, but those who live according to the spirit, the things of the spirit, meaning they set their minds on things of the spirit.
For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace, because the carnal mind is enmity against God. For it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. But then, so then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God." Man!
All right, a ton here. On the radio this morning, the terrible, awful, no good show, we talked about the Democrats. The new talking point is that you're weird. Republicans are weird. And they're doing this, they use this word over and over,
we played a two minute montage of them saying weird, weird, weird. And they're doing this for a couple reasons I like Patrick he kept it very simple he said Biden was getting crushed with younger voters again it compared to Trump Trump is cool but it's not he's old and creepy and says weird things meaning Republicans are becoming cool again all the Dems and lapdog media are trying to do is reverse that trend now that Biden is out it's very simple
the Democrats have always been cool and that was at risk. I think that's definitely right. And we could stop the analysis there, I think that's right. Let's go one step deeper. And that is to acknowledge the point that there's a lot of people in the Democratic Party who, I shouldn't say in the Democratic Party, they are in the Democratic Party,
but there's just a lot of people in this country that are weird, and weird's not even the right word, they're scandalizing, maybe that's a good word. They're blatantly over-the-top scandalizing on purpose. And I want to emphasize the on purpose, like that's the point of their life. The purpose of our life is to glorify God. Even if you want to do it on us in a secular way, like maybe someone's purpose of life if they're not a Christian is to be excellent at something or be successful
or whatever. But to a lot of people their purpose in life is to turn upside down what is good, beautiful, and true. To face what is good, beautiful, and true and to rip it up, rip it to shreds, and turn it upside down, and question all of it, and destroy it. And they'll even do it in a very clownish way. For a long time there was the culture, right, it was conservative, it was a conservative culture. I'll leave it to beaver conservative culture
And then people wanted to be counter culture so they would do drugs And they listen to rock and roll and said it had to get more and more of that To get shocked to be shocking. I got constantly shocking and now it's just absurd now. It's clownish, but Now they own the culture so today you
Being normal is weird. You having a family is weird. You believing in Jesus is super weird. But just to go back to this point of clownish, Drag Queen Story Hour. Drag Queen Story Hour is the perfect example.
If the left really wanted to teach tolerance to children or something, they would have someone in a wheelchair read to children. Even if they wanted to teach young kids about sexual identities, which is like, right, but even if you wanted to do that, you'd have like a normal looking gay person But even the idea of normal looking right they hate that they can't have that which is why they had
Drag Queens do it at your kids school to totally upend norms that's who these people are To bring it back to the Bible it is people who have set their minds according to the flesh and not those who live by the spirit. Then the main purpose of this show, the genesis of the show, is to reduce anxiety. And I love this piece of scripture.
It says to be spiritually minded is life and peace. The Christian and the non-Christian are different by definition. And the difference is radical and complete as in all-encompassing in every way. In every way. The Christian is different from who he used to be and different from the non-Christian in profound radical complete ways.
And if you're looking at that from the outside weird ways the things that Christians do are weird giving your money away like what do you mean giving your money away singing songs together every Sunday instead of going out to brunch or sleeping in or watching football we're like what are you talking about it's super weird sharing your life with people these are weird things to a non-christian I know because I once was one I remember looking at Christians I mean like you guys are weird I remember how weird Christians were and still are I'm one of them now. That's good You're weird First and foremost because you know God You used to hate God but then you realize that in spite of being a rebel against your Creator as creator. As Martin Lloyd-Jones said, in spite of your sin, the perversion and foulness of pollution, in spite of that fact and the fact that everything you've ever done deserves nothing but hell, still God so loved you as to send his only son into the world to save you. So we talked about yesterday. You now have a
new conception of God. God is no longer someone you something you hate but someone who you are overwhelmed by the love of and therefore you love that God who did this for you who saved you that's gonna make you very different and that love will manifest itself in weird ways let me read this from Martin Lloyd-Jones. The Christian is a man who understands the meaning of life in this world. He knows that believers are pilgrims and sojourners here. We are children of God in an alien land who are
traveling home to God. Are you troubled about the state of the world and perplexed that it should be as it is? You should not be if you're a Christian. You should reason with yourself because the world is governed by sin and evil and the devil it must of necessity be like this. Christians are not surprised when international conferences fail. They're not surprised when the situation should go from bad to worse because the Bible's taught them to expect such developments. The Christian
has found the secret to an understanding of his own life, the life of a community at large, and the life of the world. He's not appalled by the thought of death. He knows he's ever moving towards it but he also knows that he has something to look forward to beyond death. We must emphasize that the Christian has an inner tranquility. He has life and peace. He is a man who is, as it were, living at the center of a hurricane. It's said that at the center of
a hurricane there's a point of complete rest. Everything's turning violently and convulsively around and around, but not at the center. That is fixed. And so it is true with the Christian. And that's why Paul said, in nothing be anxious. Nothing. It's a comprehensive all-inclusive term throw in anything that occurs to you all the troubles and difficulties and problems and trials of the world and the flesh and the devil can produce it be in in nothing be
anxious tranquility a center of rest inner peace to be cardinally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life but thank God it is peace. Is being called weird by the world a trial? I don't know. Right now it's just a political talking point. It might turn into something worse one day.
But have peace when you're called weird. It's a good thing. It means you're different. You must be different than the world to be a Christian. Live by the Spirit and you're living in the center of a hurricane. Have great peace and joy knowing that you're different than the world in the best way possible. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcript commercial free on the website. Transcript commercial free on the website. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.