It's very telling that the obvious choice for Kamala's VP is the governor of the state with the 4th most electoral votes, but she can't. She can't because he's Jewish. What does that say about the Democratic party today?
Welcome to Politics by faith brought to you by the Patriots Gold Group. We have some breaking news right now that Kamala Harris has chosen the governor of Minnesota to be her running mate, Tim Walz. I look forward very much to talking about him in the days to come. It's not a big deal, not the vice presidential pick.
Doesn't really matter. But Tim Walz is a very far lefty progressive guy. He was the governor when Minnesota was burning. That's where George Floyd died of an overdose. It's ground zero for the riots that spread all across the country. He stood back and let Minnesota burn.
There will be plenty of clips that come out during that era. I look forward to hearing all those so people know who this is. And it was Kamala Harris who encouraged other people to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to bail out these rioters from jail. There are a lot of stories of him just being a bad governor. There's like a lot of scandals, wastes of money, fraud under his watch.
I don't know how much these things really matter. We'll talk about them on the SiriusXM show. Oftentimes the only thing saving us from the socialist utopian vision that the left has is their incompetence. Milton Friedman made that point decades ago. He said it's a good thing that the government is inefficient because if they were efficient
they'd be way more effective at controlling us. But this is the thing that needs to be talked about when it comes to her vice presidential pick. Picking the governor of Minnesota doesn't help the map for the Democrats at all, compared to the second person in contention,
which was the governor from Pennsylvania. The governor of Pennsylvania would be the obvious pick. Kamala and Joe Biden and Kamala are losing Pennsylvania right now, but it's very close. Pennsylvania has 19 electoral votes, Minnesota only has 10. Why would you not go and try to lock up? The Democrats will probably already
win Minnesota. Trump's making a play for it, but the Democrats will probably win Minnesota. But Pennsylvania at this point probably will go for Trump, so why not go for the governor of Pennsylvania and try to lock that one down? That will go a long way to getting to the 270 that you need, 270 electoral votes that you need. Why not? Why didn't he go with, it's more of a story
why did she not go with the governor of Pennsylvania than why did she go with the governor from Minnesota. And the reason she did not go with the governor of Pennsylvania is because he's Jewish. And she couldn't upset the apparently large pro-Hamas base of the Democratic Party
who would never vote for someone who's Jewish or Someone who's pro-israel as he is even though he's tried to backtrack on that the last week or so as he's been Trying to get this job, but didn't work which makes it even more pathetic just the other day I was talking to Mike Rogers from Michigan he's running for Senate and He said there are 300,000. I forget the term he used Arabs Muslim Muslim Arabs I don't know, but let's call them same Muslims, 300,000 Muslims from Middle
East and North Africa living in Michigan voting 300,000 registered to vote. Biden won Michigan by 150,000 votes in 2020. Trump won Michigan in 2016 by 11,000 votes. Super close, both of those. So if the Democrats picked, if Kamala Harris picked a Jewish guy to be on the ticket and that takes off half the muslims
then forget michigan's over you lose michigan if that takes off ten percent of them is gonna make a huge difference and then you throw in there you know josh appear the other day treated a trans women are women so you tell the muslims in michigan that you know the dudes can go in your daughter's locker room then picking the jewish guys not gonna help them win michigan either
so they played it safe to the guy from minnesota and and think that they can now make a play in Michigan, not upset the Muslims there, and still try to win Pennsylvania just the same. Wow, what a sad state of affairs that is. So we could talk about the political myths and ramifications of that on the show, but let's take the biblical turn here. Why do Muslims hate Jews? Why is this even a political calculus that needs to be made?
Based off the Muslims voting in Michigan. Well, people in general hate Jews because they're God's chosen people. Lots been written about this. I've spoken about this a lot. Thomas Sowell writes about this in Black, Red, and X, and White Liberals. And gives some good economic reasons, cultural reasons why people hate Jewish people around the world. It's always been true.
But, and that's actually proves my point even more, the fact that it is around the world universally. There are many examples everywhere of people hating Jewish people. And that proves my point even more, that it's not just economic or cultural differences. It goes deeper than that.
People hate the Jews because they're God's chosen people. And if you hate God, you're going to hate his chosen people, of course. And if you hate God in Argentina, if you hate God in America, if you hate God in Saudi Arabia, if you, wherever you hate God, it doesn't matter, you will hate his chosen people wherever
you are.
Deuteronomy 7, 6 says, you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people his treasured possession if you hate God you're gonna hate his treasured possessions very simple that's the root of it all then God specified that the Messiah would come from the line of Abraham Isaac and Jacob well if you're Muslim that's not how it went a lot of people say we worship the same God is
not true you also hear people say that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all come from the line of Abraham. They're all Abrahamic religions. And that is true, but right after that is where there's the split. And that's the story in Genesis 16. Now Sarai, Abram's wife, so Sarai turns into Sarah, Abram turns to Abraham. So Sarai, Abram's wife, had born him no children, but she had an Egyptian slave named Hagar.
So she went to Abram and said, "'The Lord has kept me from having children. "'Go, sleep with my slave. "'Perhaps I can build a family through her.' Abram agreed to what Sarai said. So after Abram had been living in Canaan 10 years,
Sarai, his wife, took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. He slept with Hagar and she conceived. When she knew she was pregnant she began to despise her mistress. Then Sarai said to Abram, you are responsible for the wrong I'm suffering. I put my slave in your arms and now that she's pregnant she despises me. May the Lord judge
between you and me. Your slave is in your hands, Abram said. Do with her whatever you wish, whatever you think is best. Then Sarai mistreated Hagar so she fled from her. The angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring in the desert It was a spring that is besides the road to sure and he said Hagar slave of Sarai Where have you come from? Where are you going? I'm running away from my mistress Sarai She answered then the angel the Lord told her go back to your mistress and submit to her the angel added
I will increase your descendants so much that they will be too numerous to count The angel the Lord also told her you are now pregnant and you will give birth to a son You shall name him Ishmael and the Lord has heard of your misery he will be a wild donkey of a man his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him and he will live in hostility towards all his brothers that is where Islam comes from they say Muhammad is a
descendant of Ishmael now if you go on step further than Ishmael is the son of Abraham which is why they say, oh, everyone comes from Abraham, but that's where the split is. Right? Mohammed comes from Ishmael, and Jesus comes from the next child, the legitimate son between Abraham and Sarah, Isaac.
And then you've got Isaac, Jacob, David, Joseph, a bunch in between, but Joseph and then Mary and then Jesus. One lesson that people often get from this story is that we feel we need to, out of our own flesh, fulfill God's plans. And that's what happened with Ishmael. He was born according to the flesh. Like, oh God said this so we need to make it happen and we are going to here you sleep with this person you sleep with the slave and it'll work. But Isaac was born in a miraculous way, in the womb of a woman well past her childbearing
years. Ishmael was born out of sinful action, the self-effort to achieve God's promise, as opposed to Isaac. Apparently the Qur'an says it was Ishmael who Abraham almost sacrificed, not Isaac, like it says in the Bible. So they say they're really the chosen people.
So I don't know how much of the conflict today between Muslims and Jews comes from this biblical root versus just, I hate them because I want to or because of political injustices that have occurred or whatever. Jealousy, right? Jealousy of Israel thriving versus the wasteland that is many other places in the Middle East, but that is the biblical roots of the split between Jews and
Muslims I Saw a man on the street interview that some guy did he was walking on the streets of Gaza And he's like hey, it's talking to all these Muslims. Hey, do you support a two-state solution? They're like no, we definitely don't we want to kill all the Jews in the world We want a one state, our state, kill them all. I don't know how many Muslims in America think this, but it must be enough that Kamala didn't
go with the obvious choice for her vice presidential pick, lest she lose their vote. That seems like it must be then a lot or let's just say too many. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. I don't know why I said Slater weird. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcript and commercial free on the website. Transcript and commercial free on the website. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.