Kamals's vetting team knew he was a liar about his service. They just didn't care, and they're counting on you not caring, too.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Much has been said of Tim Walz and his stolen valor, saying he was of a certain rank when he wasn't, saying he used these weapons in war when he wasn't, saying vaguely, oh, it's a part of Operation Enduring Freedom, which implies that you were in Afghanistan, he was in Italy, all at the very least, or at the best, deceptively, intentionally vague, also known as lying.
Jesse Kelly said, it's not that the Democrat operatives missed the walls stolen valor stuff when they were vetting him. They saw it. They knew. To a communist, stolen valor just isn't a big deal. You do and say whatever you must in pursuit of the revolution.
They knew and they didn't care. It's not like they were like, oh, I can't believe we missed that. Are there more egregious examples of stolen valor? Yes, of course. Dana Bash on CNN saying, well, Trump got a deferment to go to Vietnam. And JD says, yeah, but Trump doesn't say he went to Vietnam.
See the difference? Trump doesn't steal valor. He didn't say he did things that he didn't do. This morning on the SiriusXM show I talked to Captain Hung Kau. He's running for Senate in Virginia and I introduced him as Admiral Hung Kau just to see what he would do. He said whoa whoa whoa whoa. Captain. Not Admiral. Captain. He says
often people, he was in the Navy, people will say oh man thanks for being a Navy SEAL. He said, no, I wasn't a Navy SEAL. Now he did awesome things, he was an underwater explosive ordinance diffuser, EOD. What's EOD? EOD, Explosive Ordnance Diffuser, disposal, of course.
Explosive Ordinance Disposal, the EOD guy. So he was like incredibly baller as well. But he's like, I wasn't a Navy SEAL. It's very important. It's even one thing to exaggerate. Here's a silly story.
So Jack started baseball this weekend and I'm with my assistant coaching. So I was with some of the other coaches and one of the guys played for the Royals and they said, oh Slater, you said you played baseball in high school? No, I said I played up to high school. There's a difference. So at the very best, Tim Walls, people said things about him and he kind of slightly exaggerated
a little thing, but it's worse than that. I'm just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he doesn't deserve it here because as the campaign says, he misspoke. Well, he misspoke like 20 times and in much more substantive ways than just misspeaking, but you're not allowed to mention it. If you do, if you notice it, then you'll be accused of flailing this is Buddha judge the other day said the fact that you're talking
about this conservatives proves that you don't want to be talking about the issues you know like well stolen valor is an issue it's called lying and JD was with Dana Bash and the after JD just schooling her for three minutes about this Dana Bash said well they corrected the record and JD said yeah they corrected it by admitting they lied but again they don't care. The people on the left, the ends justify the means.
And there's no such thing as truth. So what even is a lie? You can't catch them in a lie because it's all perception. Everything's perception. It's lived experience. Everything is a social construct.
It's a nice little trick. Right? You say lying's bad. And they're like, well, you can't tell a lie because there's no such thing as truth. So therefore, lying doesn't exist. It can't be bad. It's just not even a thing.
And just like that, a little wave of the hand, and you can't even hold anyone to a standard anymore. There are no standards. Let me leave with some peace here on today's episode. That's our goal every day. Ephesians 111. In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of his will." God made everything.
God knows everything. That should be the thing that gives the most peace of all. He knows every bird. He knows every hair on your head. I've always wondered how many hairs are on my head. About a hundred thousand hairs on your head.
There's like eight billion people on the planet. So that's eight quadrillion hairs that God knows of and then he's the Bible says he also knows the stars he determined the numbers of stars he gave them all I gave to all them their names it's like Psalm 47 or something you know so I give you know it's all the stars there's 200 billion stars but a hundred trillion galaxies each with 200 billion stars it's a lot
it's a lot of stars you think God's overwhelmed by you? You're just like the last thing. He just can't handle it anymore. He can handle all the other things, but your concerns is too much for Him. No, no, He knows everything about you.
He knows everything about this country. Psalm 73 says, nevertheless, I am continually with you. You hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory. I love this.
Nevertheless, no matter what, no matter what mistakes I make, no matter the injustices that come my way, that I suffer from, no matter how difficult life is, God, I am continually with you. When my soul was embittered, when I was pricked in heart, I was brutish and ignorant, I was like a beast towards you.
Nevertheless, God, we have to come back to you. Our first goal, more than winning elections, needs to be to bring glory to you. And we can do that today. So let's be with God, because He loves you and knows everything about you. Things are difficult in life, no question. But nevertheless, God, I am continually with you. Mike Slater. Locals.com. Transcript commercial free on the website. Transcript commercial free on the website. Mike Slater.