This morning on the Sirius/XM show we talked to an actual Command Sergeant Major who served with Tim Walz. There is no question Tim has lied about his rank and service. But why? Because when your god is your belly, you'll do anything to get ahead.
Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriots Gold Group. Thanks so much for being here. This week we have a lot to talk about just based off today's show on Sirius XM. We talked about the Golden Rule and someone called in and said, oh Slater, you know there's something called the Platinum Rule. It's like, oh man, it is, and I'm just doing a little bit of research on it.
I'll do, we'll do a whole episode on this one, but it's quite insidious and from Satan, no question. It's great, really interesting, never heard of it before. And then we talked about the media and all their talking points and one of them from Kamala is, oh there's so much joy, joy, joy, joy. She's all about joy, joy versus rage. So much joy, so joyful.
And someone called in and said, Ah, Sleighted, there's a big difference between joy and glee. So smart. That's a brilliant point. So we'll do more on that as well. But I'd like to make one more point about deceit in light of Tim Walz, the vice presidential candidate, his stolen valor clearly lying about his rank over and over and over again, making it seem like he served in Iraq or Afghanistan. We talked this morning with the actual command sergeant major who served with Tim Walz. Tim Walz was not a command
sergeant major even though over and over again he said he was. And where I was very much willing to give the benefit of the doubt to a lot of the misspeaks from Tim Walz, no more benefit of the doubt. He knew exactly what he was doing. It's stolen value. You can be a civilian and lie about being in the military and you can also be in the military and lie about your rank, exaggerate what you are in the military. You can't do that. Well you can, and he did.
And he'll get away with it because the entire media propaganda machine is behind him and Kamala, but it's a really bad lie. The analogy I was thinking of when I was talking to this other National Guardsman is you can say you went to Harvard, went to Harvard, or graduated from Harvard. Well I went to Harvard, sure I walked through the Harvard yard, I went to Harvard and then I went back home. Or I went to Harvard, I went for a year and flunked out. Or I graduated from Harvard.
That's, those are all very different. Went to Harvard, went to Harvard, graduated from Harvard. You have a lot of people that say, oh I went to, I went to is like the, this is like a government school, it's like a summer program, but you can go and say, oh I went to Harvard and people think you went to Harvard for your undergrad and you didn't, you went for like a couple weeks for some program or something. Someone the other day just asked me if I went to Yale Law School and I have, I went to Yale Law, I took a class in Yale Law School. Now, it wasn't a law school class. It just happened to be in the law school
building. It was just like the only classroom they had available or something. But did I go to Yale Law School? Sure, I went to Yale Law School. See how that goes? Why lie? Ambition. I actually asked this guardsman who's been blowing the whistle on Tim Walls for many years, like a decade plus. I said, you know, it's a big deal. Yeah, he was just one rank below. So, you know, if he says he's command sergeant major, but he was really one
before, like, whatever the one before it's a big deal too. And he's like, yeah, but the command sergeant major, that's the top dog. You want to say you're the top dog? He wasn't. He lied.
But here's the thing with ambition. It's insatiable. There's no end to it. And the Bible speaks to this. Of course, Philippians 3.19 says, Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us. For many, of whom I have often told you, and now tell you even with tears, it makes them so sad to hear walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction.
Their God is their belly and their glory and their shame with minds set on earthly things. There's such a funny word, belly. Their belly. Isn't that a funny word?
It's just a silly word to put into scripture. You would think, belly. Their God is their belly. Their tummy-tum. Their little tum-tum. What is that about?
Why is the word belly? What are they talking about here? The idea is that there's this sensual indulgence that feels good in the moment. Their God is their belly. No self-control. They live for the pleasure of the moment.
And the other aspect is it's insatiable. When was the last time you ate a ton of food and you thought, oh, I am never going to eat again? And then you're hungry again that night. Thanksgiving, what we eat, or Thanksgiving pretty early. You're like, Oh, that's it. I'm fine. I'm done. I'm tapped out.
And then a couple hours later you eat leftovers, you eat turkey sandwiches. And then you're like, Oh, I'm done. I can never have this ever again. And then you wake up in the morning and you have breakfast cause you're hungry. Seinfeld has a great bit. He says, uh, when you're an adult, you don't have to worry about ruining your appetite. Your mom growing up would always say, don't eat that, don't ruin your appetite.
I'd say, why don't I want to ruin my appetite? What's the big deal? Why do I have to worry so much about ruining it? I have another one coming right behind it. I'll never run out of appetites. There's no danger of running out.
Why can't I ruin it? And when you're an adult you can just ruin it whenever you want. It's insatiable. That's the belly. That's the sensual desire. It's never enough. It's never enough when you're set on earthly things. So this is all lying. You have this insatiable desire for more power and prestige.
And to do it, I'll tell lies. Little lies. Oh, just a little exaggeration here is all. All lies are to not worship God, but to get along in this world. Romans 16, the end of Romans. Paul's goodbye, he says, For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly. They serve their own belly, their own God. They are God, their belly is God, they serve their belly.
And by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. For your obedience has become known to all, therefore I am glad on your behalf, but I want you to live to be wise in what is good and simple concerning evil and the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly." Oh, that's so easy. Don't worry. The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet. But again with the belly. Again with the belly. Not focusing on God but our own sinful desires. Ambition. It'll make people do very, very bad things. The Latin
word ambitio in ancient Rome was someone who canvassed for votes, specifically was about politicians, striving for popularity, currying favor, a desire for advancement, self-interest. The ancient Roman historian, Salust, said ambition drove many men to become false, to have one thought locked in the breast and another ready on the tongue. So if we catch ourselves being all Tim Walsey and Kamala Harris-y and telling little white lies here and there, we've got to ask ourselves, why are we doing it? Are we doing it to glorify God, whatever we're saying? No.
We're doing it to satisfy our own ambition and to serve our own God, our belly. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcript commercial free on the website. I look forward to the next couple of days talking about the difference between joy and glee and also not the golden rule but the world and Satan have come up with a new one, a new one, a new and improved golden rule.
have come up with a new one, a new one, a new and improved golden rule. It'll be fun to talk about. We'll do that in the next couple days. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.