Tim Walz keeps talking about a Golden Rule. First, there is only ONE Golden Rule. It's THE Golden Rule, not one of many. But then, he doesn't even quote it right. Be watchful of insidious lies.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Club. Thanks for being here. Earlier in the week on the radio show on Sirius XM Patriot, Channel 125, 6 to 9 Eastern Time, we played a clip of Tim Walls talking about a golden rule. Now I'm going to give him some credit here. it as a golden rule not the golden rule but also there is only one golden rule there there's just like there's one gold medalist there are no ties you can even win the 100 meter dash by five one thousandth of a second there's no ties when it comes to the golden rule there are not multiple golden rules and he was just listing one of them there's just the one alas he said a golden rule:
Now look, we're pretty neighborly with Wisconsin. We get our friendly battles, but in Minnesota, just like in Wisconsin, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make. Even if we wouldn't make the same choices for ourselves, because we know there's a golden rule. Mind your own damn business Mind your own damn business. I don't need you telling me about our health care. I don't need you telling us who we love. And I sure the hell don't need you telling us what books we're going to read.
It's always the books. They always come down to the books. It's so messed up. He's referring pornography in kindergarten classrooms. Just graphic sexual pornography in kindergarten. Like a book is called, one of the books that's banned is called This Book is Gay. And we look at that and we're like, maybe that's not super appropriate in elementary schools.
Oh, you want to ban books? Jeez. All the Democrats run on this. Gavin Newsom was the first to make a big fuss about it, but all the Democrats run on this. It's crazy. We're not banning any books.
We're banning pornography in elementary schools. Just a wild, wild lie from the left. The mind your own business, I'll ignore the fact that Tim Walz set up a COVID snitch line and had vaccine mandates and fired teachers and nurses and doctors for not following COVID guidelines, COVID orders. Not much of a mind your business guy at the time, but that's not important. I want to focus here on the golden rule. There's something really interesting here and I hope I can get close to
what I want to say here because it's fascinating because this is what the devil does. Satan takes a piece of scripture and gets in there and slightly changes it just a little bit. And that's what's happening is, hey guys, I have a golden rule. Okay, what is it?
Mind your own business. That's not, first of all, it's the golden rule and that's not it. But it's like, to someone who doesn't know, and we have a biblically illiterate country, that's an applause line.
And this is what the devil does. As Screwtape said in one of his letters, C.S. Lewis, It does not matter how small the sins are, provided that their cumulative effect is to edge the man away from the light and out into the nothing. Murders know better than cards, if cards can do the trick. Indeed, the safest road to hell is the gradual one, the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without
milestones, without signposts. The little, tiny sins are just fine. And Satan's good at it. As Paul said, Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Satan would say, Hey everyone, there's a golden rule! And then give a different one.
In the garden he said, Did God really say? Did he really say that? Now the serpent was more crafty than all the beasts of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman,
Did God actually say, You shall not eat of any tree in the garden? Just sneak in there, just to get in there just enough and manipulate things around just enough to serve your evil purposes. This is also the process of the Marxist. Marxist all the way back to Karl, the guy, Karl himself did this personally and it is still today about infiltrating and destroying things from within. We're
gonna take over Hollywood and we're gonna make movies and we're just gonna move it a little bit over here, the theme of these movies. We're going to take over Disney and we're going to move it a little bit in this direction, just a little bit every year. We're going to move it a little more over here. Now they're an openly pro-gay and trans propaganda operation. We can go on and on. You know all these by now because you pay attention. And it's the same thing here, same process. Hey everyone, here's a golden rule.
You're like, oh golden rule, that sounds good. First of all, not the, just a, just a, one of many, mind your own business. Well, that's not actually the golden rule. Matthew 7 12, so whatever you wish that others are due to you, do also to them. For this is the law and the prophets. That's the golden rule. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Now I got two points on this golden rule. I made a passing comment about this last week. I said, that's not the golden rule. That's all I said. And someone called in and said, Slater, you know, there's
something that they went to some like HR thing or something. And there's something called the platinum rule. And it's like, oh, this is great. So I looked this up. Sure enough. So this is big in the self help business circle world. The Platinum Rule, which is great, something else Satan would come up with. Ooh, I got something better than the Golden Rule, something better than gold, something
better than what Jesus said. Sure, Jesus was a good teacher, but we've come up with something even better. Karl Popper, he said, the Golden Rule is a good standard, which is further improved by the platinum rule. The Marxist, the actual Marxist, George Bernard Shaw, he wrote a book called Maxim's for Revolutionaries. He says, do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you.
I'll translate that out of King James. Their tastes may not be the same. Do not love your neighbor as yourself, if you're on good terms with yourself, it is an impertinence. If on bad, it's an injury. The golden rule is that there are no golden rules. You see how that works? So we went from there's the golden rule to well here's a golden rule to now well there are no golden rules. That's the
golden rule. There are no golden rules. So good. So the Platinum Rule in modern speak, in ESV translation, a little Bible joke for you, is it's not treat others as you want to be treated. The Platinum Rule is treat others as they want to be treated.
So again, I just want to drive home this idea that we need to improve scripture. We have something better than the golden rule, not a great place to start. And then it's insidious, the platinum rule. Oh it's better than treating people how you want to be treated. You got to treat people how they want to be treated. And the idea here is empathy. You need to consider what other
people want and what other what benefits other people. And of course there's always a kernel of truth to these things. But the truth is, the real truth is that the golden rule already says that you should consider what's best for the other person. The golden rule already says that you should have empathy and love and forgiveness and service. The line literally right before it in Matthew 7,
Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives and the one who seeks finds and the one who knocks it will be opened or which one of you if his son asks for bread will give him a stone or if he asks for fish will give him a serpent if you then who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your father
who's in heaven give good things to those who ask for him to who ask him the point here is God is good to you so be good to other people. Just like God forgave you, you must forgive others. Treat other people well. The entire Bible is about empathy and love. But the Marxist Satan needs to convince you that the Golden Rule is so selfish. Treat other people how you want to be treated, but what if they want to be treated differently than you? Don't be so selfish. You need the Platinum Rule. That's the one that's about
loving other people. No, no, no. The Golden Rule is about loving other people. And the Platinum Rule actually is not even about empathy. It's about telling people what they want to hear, not what they need to hear. It can be twisted into lying to people, not telling the truth. But the truth is that not telling people what they need to hear is not loving them. One last point on the golden rule. Just to put a bow on that.
There's one golden rule. There's not a golden rule. There are not many golden rules. There's not no golden rule. There's the golden rule. You cannot improve on it and be careful of anyone.
It always happens. It's not just this morning, millions of examples of Satan coming in here, sneaking his way in, finding a little way to get in there and change things just enough that completely distort their entire meaning and undermine God and His truth. And this is another way that they do it with the Golden Rule.
You'll hear people say that the Golden Rule is as old as time. It predates the Bible. And you'll hear people say, oh the golden rule is in every Eastern religion as well so there's nothing special about what Jesus or the Bible says. It's just good common sense. Nope. It's wrong. No other religion in the world has come even close to the golden rule. There's a famous chart, the golden rule chart, if you just search for that. It has planet
Earth in the middle and it says the golden rule. And there's all these branches out from the world with all these different world religions and their version of the golden rule and again the idea is that the Christian golden rule, there's nothing special about it, it's universal, it's everywhere and the point of the left bringing this up, the atheists bringing this up, is that there's nothing special about Christianity and just trying to
water down the significance of what Jesus actually said. But the truth is, no other religion has this golden rule. They're not even close to the same. Hinduism, and this is on the chart, I'm reading this from the chart, they have the list of all the different expressions from all the different religions of their golden rule,
but they're not, it's not at all. Hinduism says this is the sum of duty. Do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you. Buddhism, treat not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. Confucianism, one word which sums up all the bases, sums up the bases of all good conduct, loving kindness.
Do not do to the other what you do not want done to yourself. Those are not the same at all what Jesus said. I know I said they're not even close you may be like oh well they're kind of close no no no totally opposite Zoroastrianism says do not do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself no other religion at all said what Jesus said and it's super weird that people can look at these and think that they're the same
they're not those are all negative don't do something that hurts people don't do the thing that would hurt someone if it would hurt you to don't don't act But Jesus was positive. He said go actively treat people good You have to go and do good things things that you would like done to you go and do them to other people You can follow all those other religions
silver rules By not lifting a finger. You just don't hurt someone and you follow the rule. Jesus' golden rule, you have to actually go do things. It's active and it's positive. And then even this line that the golden rule predates the Bible. No it doesn't. Those other religions are around 500 BC.
I should say other religions, those false religions are around 500 BC. Leviticus was 1,450 BC. It was a thousand years earlier. Leviticus 19.18, do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
Jesus even tells you to love your enemies. There's nothing like that in any other religion or any false religion. Not even close. So again, to obey the other commandments in these other and in these false religions you can do nothing. In Christianity you have to actively love, you have to actively forgive, you have to actively serve. It's so unhuman, it's so unnatural, it can only be done if you're born again. And I find these attempts to undermine the Golden Rule.
So insidious. I looked up the Webster's original dictionary, 1830 dictionary of insidious. It means lying in wait, watching for an opportunity to ensnare or entrap. Deceitful, sly, treacherous. That's what it is.
It's insidious.
Oh, the Christian Golden Rule? Nah, it's been around for way before the Bible. And every other religion has the same golden rule. And it's not just the golden rule. There's lots of golden rules. Or there's no golden rules.
Well, let me give you a golden rule. Mind your own business. Keep abortion legal. See how that works? First Peter 5. Be sober-minded, be watchful.
Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. We have the transcript and no commercials on the website if you listen to it there. And you get an email every day when I post this. That's actually before it posts. as much as you for as much as you for like so dot locals dot com