In the court of law, we are told to tell the "truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth". You won't see that tonight in Kamal's first interview from Kamala, Dana Bash or the CNN editing team. This is where we need to be different.
Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot's Gold Group. Thanks for being here. This morning I read Acts, I think it was the end of Acts 1 or Acts 2, where they replace Judas. I was like, who's this guy that they replaced Judas with? And then I had to go do the show.
But I was like, I'll check up on it later. I haven't checked up on it yet, but I wonder if there's anything interesting there or relevant to us today for this podcast. But anyway, not going to talk about that today. Instead, I had this thought that politics, because we're looking forward to Kamala's big interview tonight on CNN with Dana Bash and just so many lies these last couple of weeks.
I just think about politics gives people such a temptation to sin. So many opportunities to not take accountability or not take responsibility and get away with it and it just erodes your soul. I don't think Tim Walls exaggerating, I mean stolen valor, exaggerate doesn't quite give it exactly what it is but he does it all the time. He's a serial liar because the serial liars will lie about things that don't even matter. Like that is a stolen valor thing. Like your command
sergeant major, you lied about that but a sergeant major is pretty cool. Like why are you, like why give yourself that one little boost you can just say you're a sergeant major and most people don't know the difference, so it's like fine. And he said he won some award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce
and the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce said to him, no we never give you an award. Like stupid stuff like that. And he did the video with Kamala saying, oh those white guys don't know about spices, peppers as spicy as we get.
But he won an award in Congress, or won a competition in Congress for his spicy tacos. But it's like weird dumb lies that sort of serial liar does. But anyway, just a lot of opportunities to sin and just the incentive structure has come, has been formed over time to sin and it's so high. It's just such a dangerous game. That's why it has become a magnet for people that you would not want to represent you in any way in anything at all.
Politics attracts people that you wouldn't want to watch your kids for an afternoon. People that you don't want any authority over anything. It attracts a certain shameless person. Anyway Kamala's interview tonight. Watch for the jump cut. If you watch it tonight watch for the jump cut. I've been talking about the jump cut for years. I wish everyone knows about the jump cut. So in a jump cut when you're watching a TV interview,
they will have the camera on Kamala, and Kamala's answering the question, and then they will jump back to Dana Bash. Dana Bash is sitting there nodding her head.
Mm, yes.
And then they cut back to Kamala. They cut audio out. There's no reason to cut back to Dana Bash shaking her head, nodding her head, there's no purpose for that, other than to remove a piece of audio. Now you can do that for good reasons, maybe she coughed.
Or it's to edit out something and make her sound better. As John Nolte said, Republicans prefer live interviews because they know the media will screw them in the edit. Democrats prefer taped interviews because they know the media will protect them in the
So watch for the jump cut. They'll also cut to B-roll. So Kamala will be talking about the border, and they'll jump cut to some video of people at the border that and then cut back to Kamala they cut something out there as well. This is also known as a lie. It is not the truth. It's not the whole truth nothing but the truth. How's the oath go? The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. That's what that is right? That's the oath when
you're in the courtroom. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. You're not gonna get any of that tonight from Kamala, Tim Walls, Dana Bash, or the people in the editing bay of CNN. But the point I want to make today is a friendly reminder for all of us to get nowhere near sin. We need to be righteous people if we want to save this nation.
Politics won't save this nation. It's important, of course, but this nation is all about, or the mission needs to be saving the soul. We talk about the soul all the time on our SiriusXM Breitbart News Daily show. Not so much lately, because it's been very heavy on politics, unfortunately.
But I remember earlier, a couple months ago even, before it really turned into politics, politics, politics, people would call in and tell me to knock it off. Stop talking about the soul so much, who cares? Say, that's fine, they don't get it yet, it's cool. But it's all about the soul
Alexander Solzhenitsyn He has this quote I think we shared it the other day He was put in prison camp in Soviet Union for eight years labor camp bless you prison bless you for being in my life For there lying upon the rotting prison straw I came to realize that the object of life is not prosperity as we are made to believe, but the maturity of the human soul. All that matters is the human soul. Someone called in today and said, hey Slater, you know the dichotomy that Trump needs to
make in this election is the difference between capitalism and Marxism. And I'm like, yeah, that's right. But what if we live in a country where a majority of people want Marxism. Then what? I think we do, by the way. I think a majority of people do want Marxism. It's appealing. It's hard to like capitalism. It's hard to take personal responsibility. It's hard to serve people. It's way easier to be promised to be served and vote for that. The question is do a majority of voters want Marxism? That we don't yet know, but we will know.
Politics matters, don't get me wrong, but it's all about the soul and if we want to save the soul of this country then we have to be righteous people. I love looking at Old Testament scriptures and seeing how they're relevant to today. Not seeing how, they are relevant to today. I love being blown away by how relevant they are. That's what I should have said. It strengthens my faith. Early on in my Christianity there is this perception that the Old Testament is the
old one, it's irrelevant, doesn't matter anymore. And the new one, that's the good stuff. It's like, no, no, same. It's all good. You hear a lot of people be like, oh, the Old Testament God versus the New Testament God. Old God was mean. New God is nice. No, no, same God, same scripture, one book, all still relevant today. 2 Timothy 3, 316 says, all scripture, all, not just New Testament, all scripture is breathed out by God, profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for
training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." That's who we need to be. We want to save this country? Marxism, capitalism, yes, of course, politics, yes, there's a role, but we need to be men of God, complete and equipped for every good work.
In order to do that, we need to stay completely entirely away from sin. Numbers 6.4 says, As long as they are bound by their Nazirite vow, they are not allowed to eat or drink anything that comes from a grapevine, not even the grape seeds or the skin. And Spurgeon makes the point that you're not supposed to drink wine, right? That was the vow. You can't drink wine. Okay, well, to make sure you don't
violate that vow, they said we're not gonna drink even vinegar of wine. Actually, no, we're not going to get any fruit juice. We're not going to get any grape juice at all. Actually, you know what? We're going to stay away from all things. We're going to stay away from the appearance of evil. We're going to stay away from anything related to vines.
Now, it's easy, I think one critique of this would be, oh, well, that's legalistic. Whatever, they're protecting themselves. Here's what this person said, Surely this is a lesson to the Lord's separated ones, that's us, teaching us to come away from sin in every form, to avoid not only its obvious manifestations, but even its spirit and its likeness.
He says this kind of strict caution is not popular these days. He wrote this a hundred years ago. But rest assured, dear reader, it is both the safest and happiest way to live. The one who yields a point or two to the world is in fearsome danger. The one who eats the grapes of Sodom will soon drink the wine of Gomorrah. A little crack in the dike in Holland lets in the sea, and the gap opens quickly until an entire Providence is drowned. Conforming to the world in any degree is a trap for the soul,
making it more and more liable to larger, presumptuous sin. We must not toy with temptations, but flee them with all speed. Better to be mocked as a Puritan than despised as a hypocrite." Oh, that's such a good line. "'The careful way of life may involve much self-denial, but it has pleasures of its own that are more than a sufficient reward.'"
Well, that meant the fact that politics today has become, again, that incentive structure, such a magnet for sin to be committed, and it has become such an ugly place where it's so easy to sin in. So I would argue we need to fight that incentive structure and make sure that we can live in this important space as righteous people so that we can save not just the politics but the soul of people in this country. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcript commercial free on the website Mike Slater dot locals dot com.