Psalm 2 gives me the perspective I need. It highlights the truest thing I could ever say, and a truth we need to rely on the next 55 days and beyond.
Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. The debate. I was discouraged. When it was happening, I was discouraged, went to bed discouraged and annoyed, frustrated. And then I woke up thinking, you know, maybe it wasn't that bad. Actually it probably wasn't.
Trump actually did have some good moments. And then as the day went on, I got more disappointed, discouraged, and angry. There are just so many missed opportunities. So many missed opportunities. I like, as an example, I was just walking in the hallway and I thought, I'm a genius.
I could have pulled this off. Hey everyone, before we get started today, just a friendly reminder. Last time we had a debate, it was me versus Joe Biden. And at that same time, Kamala Harris and everyone in the media said that Joe Biden was the sharpest attack and clearly he was not. They were lying to then, they're still lying to you now.
Also, it was six weeks ago when I got shot in the head. And I think one of the reasons why I got shot in the head is because these people are trying to scare everyone by saying I'm the biggest threat to democracy in the world and I'm a terrible, awful, horrible person. I'm not. When I was president, here are some good things that happened.
Now that she's been vice president, here are some bad things that happened. Let's all vote accordingly." That's so easy, that's so simple, that's so clear, it's so true, and nothing like that was even close. And that's just frustrating. So I went from frustrated to not that frustrated to very frustrated, and now I'm kind of back
to not that frustrated. This is from Reuters. Now, Reuters is as biased as David Muir. Reuters did a 10 person focus group of undecided voters, and at the end of the focus group, six said they're going to vote for Trump, three said they're voting for Kamala, still one
undecided. And Reuters said, although the sample size was small, the responses suggest that Harris might need to provide more detailed policy proposals to win over voters who have yet to make up their minds. The people in the focus group are all saying that they still have no idea where Kamala stands,
they can only assume it's the same thing as Joe Biden, and therefore, they're not gonna vote for her, they're gonna vote for Trump. So that was that Reuters focus group, and that is somewhat encouraging. So maybe we overanalyze is the point of that.
Maybe people in politics all the time overanalyze, and a lot of people, the undecided people watching actually thought it went pretty good for Trump. So I don't know. I can tell you this is not true though. Frank Luntz said, I'm trying to decide if I want to go on the record and the answer is yes. I think he loses because of this debate performance. Frank, give me a break man. That assassination attempt was on July 20th. Doesn't that
feel like it was 30 years ago? Seriously, there was like just a few weeks ago, feels about 30 years ago. There's still 54 days until election day. I don't wanna say there's a long time to go, because it's not a long time, but things fly. Things move super fast.
There's so many things that are still going to happen in the next couple of days and weeks that everyone will have forgotten about the debate. It could have been a knockout opportunity, there's no question, and that was missed. But to say that it's over now because of the debate, come on, Frank, give me a break.
Now here's the ultimate truth that I want to talk about. And I don't want to call this a cope because it's not a cope because it's true if my preferred candidate is doing well and if he's not doing well. And it's true if my preferred candidate is winning or losing or wins or loses. It is always still true. So it's not a coping mechanism. It is just truth.
Even if Trump wins the election, nothing is saved. Nothing is fixed. Our country's not going to be fixed just like immediately. That's not how that works. So let's not fall into the delusion that it's as easy as that. What I go back to is Psalm 2. Let's go over the first part of it today. David said, Why do the nations rage, and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord
and against His anointed, saying, Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us. He who sits in the heavens laughs. The Lord holds them in derision. Then he will speak to them in his wrath and terrify them in his fury, and terrify them in his fury, saying, As for me, I have set my king on Zion,
my holy hill."
Okay, that's just the first part of Psalm 2. So the opening is, why do stupid, wicked countries plot against God? What are they doing? It is in vain. They'll never win. All the kings can band together, work together, plot against God.
It won't work. I love this line. This is such an, I love ancient truths. I love them. I love things that are true today and you go back and you're like, oh, that's been true for thousands of years.
People today who don't believe in God, many of them believe that God is mean. And God imposes all these rules on me. And I don't want a religion of rules. I want to live my life how I want to live it, and I don't want all these restrictive rules. Well, the kings of the world, as is written in Psalm 2,
they said,
The rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, what do they say? Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us. So they also saw God as someone who puts his children in bondage, that Christians need to be set free from, so that they can then live how they want to live.
But, of course, they have it backwards. Jesus liberates us from our sin. He is liberation himself. Liberation Himself. People think it happened after thousands of years, that we need to be set free from Jesus.
But of course the truth is, Jesus is the one who sets us free. Spurgeon said, To a graceless neck, the yoke of Christ is intolerable. It must be broken. Like the kings thousands of years ago said, But to the saved sinner, that yoke is easy and light. So we judge for ourselves.
Do we love that yoke, or do we wish to cast it from us? I love it. But here is my favorite part of this first part of the psalm. It's God's response to this. God is not surprised by the debate. We were all surprised.
We didn't know what was going to happen. Then we watched, and we're like, Oh, that just happened. God wasn't like, Oh, I wonder what's going to happen. He knows what's going to happen on November 5th. He knows every single thing that could ever happen. I was talking to my kids the other day about how God knows
everything and just blowing their mind about every hair on your head, every blade of grass, every star in the galaxy. Made them all, made them all, knows them all, understands them all, will know what has always happened forever in the past and will ever happen in the future. Our feeble minds can't comprehend. So he knows what's
gonna happen with this debate, surely, and with the election. And to all the people who plot against him, what does he do? He looks at them from heaven and laughs. He who sits in the heavens laughs. Laughs at their plotting. And the Lord holds them in derision. It will not work out in the end for the people who plot against God. There was a pastor in 1867, William Plummer is his name. He said of 30 Roman emperors, governors of provinces and others in high office, who distinguished themselves by their zeal and bitterness and persecuting the early Christians. Okay, what happened to them? We had a 30 Roman high officials
plotted against God and God's people what happened to him one became speedily deranged After some atrocious cruelty one was slain by his own son One became blind the eyes of one started out of his head One was drowned, one was strangled, one died in a miserable captivity. One fell dead in a manner that will not bear recital. One died of so loathsome a disease that several of his physicians were put to death because
they could not abide the stench that filled his room. Two committed suicide, a third attempted it but had to call for help to finish the work. Five were assassinated by their own people or servants. Five others died, the most miserable and excruciating deaths, several of them having an untold complication of diseases, and eight were killed in battle or after being taken prisoner. Among these was Julian the Apostate.
In the days of his posterity he is said to have pointed his dagger to heaven, defying the Son of God, whom he commonly called the Galilean. But when he was wounded in battle, he saw that all was over for him, and he gathered up his clotted blood and threw it into the air, exclaiming, Thou hast conquered, O thou Gilean!
So it has been throughout history, and so it will be in the end. The Roman Emperor Diocletian, known for his persecution of early Christians. He had two monuments that he set up. Here's one, has his name Diocletian Jovian Maximum Herculeus Caesarus Augusti for having extended the Roman Empire in the East and the West and for having extinguished the name of Christians who brought the Republic to ruin. It's one. Another one is
his name for having extended the worship of the gods. Diocletian is dead. Maybe some of you and others have heard his name before. Most have never heard of it, a footnote in history. Jesus Christ lives, and God's word is what is spread around the world. Be encouraged by this.
Do the work. Don't get anxious about it. I've never said anything more true in my entire life. God is in control. Doesn't mean don't do anything. Do the work, always.
But God is in control. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. I hope that's comforting.
I hope that lowers the anxiety a bit. That's the goal of this podcast, is to lower the anxiety. I hope that mission accomplished here. Mike Slater dot Locals dot com, transcript commercial free. transcript commercial free. Mike Slater dot Locals dot com.