God's laugh should bring us comfort. As crazy as things get, as much as it looks like the wicked are winning, God is laughing. And so should we.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Yesterday's episode, we did the first half of Psalm 2. So if you didn't hear yesterday's episode, just hit the back button and listen to that one first. The point is that God is in control of all things. You can plot against him, and it might look like your plots are working, you're scheming and conniving, but they won't work, and it won't end well for you. God laughs. You want to make God laugh? There's a couple ways to do it. First, make plans that are contrary to his will. God will laugh. That's what it says in Psalm 2 verse 4. He who sits in the heavens shall laugh. He also laughs when the wicked think that their plans are working. Psalm 37, 12 says, The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at them.
But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he sees that his day is coming. So, don't get frustrated when it looks like the wicked are winning. They think they're winning, but we don't need to think that they are, because God's laughing. We should have confidence that God has it. He has so much confidence, He's laughing at them. The wicked have no idea what they're up against.
Psalm 59 says, Deliver me from my enemies, O my God, defend me from those who rise against me, deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloodthirsty men. Awake to punish all the nations,
do not be merciful to any wicked transgressors. But you, O Lord, shall laugh at them. So it's not going well for me. A lot of people rising up against me. But you, Lord, you laugh at them. So, what do we do if we're not supposed to be
anxious about the plots of the wicked and how it looks like they're working. God's laughing at it. What do we do? Let's pick up Psalm 2, verse 10. Now therefore, be wise, O kings, be instructed, you judges of the earth, serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way
when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in him. So the first part of the psalm was about kings who plot against God. So now he's saying, kings, knock it off in your effort to defy God. Surrender to God. Serve him and rejoice. Blessed are those who put their trust in him.
To bring this back to the laughing, a fool can laugh. Proverbs 29 says, If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs. There is no quiet. So fools laugh, but our job is to laugh out of confidence. Psalm 52, six says, "'The righteous shall see and fear and shall laugh at him, "'saying, see the man who would not make God his refuge,
"'but trusted in the abundance of his riches "'and sought refuge in his own destruction.'" So we have confidence. The righteous shall also laugh.
So how do we relate this today?
Things are nuts, things are crazy. What in the world is going on? We told, gosh, we tell so many horrible stories, but like stories that make you like, what? I'm not going to, I mean, well, I guess again, the VMAs, I saw a clip of Katy Perry at the
Let's just say you can't watch the clip at work. It's horrific. It's wildly pornographic and gross. It's absolutely disgusting in every way. And you're like, wow, how much worse could it get? Then we told a story of an illegal alien from,
I believe, El Salvador, who had a rap sheet in El Salvador, came to America, illegally, and strangled, raped, and murdered a 20-year-old girl. And then, and here's, as if that's not bad enough, here's the extra crazy cherry on top of the whole story. This was in July of 2023, police had video of them there, had audio
recording of them there. But they needed DNA evidence. So they gave him his Miranda rights, but they let him go because they needed the DNA evidence. So they sent the DNA off to be analyzed. How long do you think it takes to analyze DNA? Like an hour? I have no idea. Two hours maybe. Maybe they sent it off on a Friday,
and like a holiday weekend, so I don't know. Four days, let's say it took four days max. That didn't happen on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and then Monday was a holiday, they came back on Tuesday and did it. Took six months.
In the meantime, this illegal alien enrolled at the local high school, and went to school with 1,400 other kids in the high school. And then he was ultimately arrested. Once the DNA evidence came back, six months later, he was arrested and sentenced to 70 years in prison.
But in the meantime, he was just hanging around the school. Just outside Baltimore. It's unbelievable. That's just one example of things are crazy. Trump said, the world is laughing at us.
I had to debate the other day.
He said, the whole world is laughing at us. It's how stupid we are. It looks like Satan is winning. People lost their minds. If people knew really how bad things were, we'd live in a much more serious country.
But God laughs, not at our discomfort, never. He laughs at the plans of the wicked. And that laughter should give us comfort. I heard it once, God laughs to dispel our fears. That's the theme of this podcast, is we have so much anxiety about
politics and I want to alleviate that anxiety and knowing that God is laughing at the people who are trying to cause you harm should give us comfort. God laughs to remind us that no purpose of his can be thwarted and those who oppose God now they don't hear him laugh but one day they'll hear him, and they won't be comforted like we are. They'll be terrified at his fury. That's Psalm 2, verse 5.
The psalm ends with, kiss the sun. Now this is about kings. So this is about the inferior giving honor to their superiors. So the kings of the earth kiss the sun. realize that you are inferior to God. For us, Jesus is the Son of God.
John 14, 6, Jesus said, I'm the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Do not be stressed about wicked plans of wicked people. Do not be stressed about wicked plans of wicked people. God laughs and we should be comforted.