I had the honor of speaking to Dr. Laura today and, naturally, was scolded by her at the end of the conversation! I'll tell you why she did, but we also highlight one of Dr. Laura's best pieces of advice: Stop following your feelings and start THINKING.
Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Well, I'm coming off of a bit of a high from just a moment ago. Got to talk to the great Dr. Laura Schlesinger. It's an incredible honor. I've been nervous all week. My producer had to tell me right before, he's like, Sleder, it's going to be great.
He's going to give me like a pep talk. I just wanted to make the most of the moment because Dr. Laura, I often credit Glenn Beck with this. Glenn Beck was my first independent radio inspiration but Dr. Laura was the first person I ever listened to. So my mom is on flaming, like flaming on fire Hillary Clinton supporter through and through. I like my mom to joy Behar politically. So growing up we would drive 45 minutes each way to swim practice in high school and so I was in the car with my mom a lot and we'd listen to the radio and if Rush was on I forget like Rush was not allowed at all in the car but we would always listen to Dr. Laura which I think is a really interesting Venn diagram that I don't quite understand exactly. How somebody who loves Hillary can also love Dr. Laura. I don't quite get it, but I love Dr. Laura, and I think she was a part of my moral formation early, relatively early in life. So it was just awesome to talk to her, and it ended perfectly. So we had this great conversation about her life and career and stuff, whatever.
I said, okay, well I got one last question for you. This is Mike in Tennessee calling, question, and it was about our kids. And we homeschooled last year, and this year, I told her, we put our two oldest into school.
And they have, that's all I said, school. And they have these influences now with their peers. And the kids are coming home saying like, what is Minecraft? And what is Fortnite and what is TikTok? So I just asked her about protecting kids from outside influences in an appropriate way and she went on a
tear about public schools. Just ripped into them. It was awesome. I loved it but I like she was really like she was ripping into me too. She was ripping about public school, but how could I, how could you put your kids into public school? And I didn't have the heart even to tell her,
oh, it's not, we didn't put them in public school. She went on about how every kid should be in a homeschool co-op. And it's like, oh, our kids, basically that's what it is. But I didn't do it.
I like melted all of her callers for 50 years who were like, oh, yeah, you're right.
Thank you.
Okay, bye. That was the end of it. It was great because I was scolded by Dr. Laura. And that's just perfect. All these years of listening to Dr. Laura and I got scolded. And it wasn't like 100% accurate, but whatever, I still loved it.
Dr. Laura is about moral clarity, the truth, standing up for what is real, being bold, not getting distracted or led by our feelings, but standing on truth. And it was such a great interview,
maybe we can put on, I'll talk to the powers that be, maybe we can just move it over here and you can listen to it here as well. But this is a good excuse, now we're gonna get to Nahum in just a second, but this is a good excuse to talk about
what I believe are the three pseudo-intellectual ideas that are ruining our society. The first is, who are you to say? The second is, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and my truth. These are three lies. So we should believe in the good, the beautiful, and the true.
We believe in goodness, but the devil says, who are you to say? We believe in objective beauty. Oh no, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And we believe in truth. No, no, no, that's my truth. And all of those rejections come from the ultimate idea, which is not worshiping God,
denying God, and worshiping the self. There was a survey done recently, 84% of Americans believe that enjoying yourself is the highest goal of life. 84%. 86% say that to enjoy yourself, you must pursue the things you desire the most. That is so, so not it at all.
91% affirm the statement to find yourself, look within yourself. Oh, the Bible says you need to die to self. Matthew 16 says, if anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, follow me. Forever, whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life, for my
sake, will find it. But the modern ethic today says, you need to look within yourself. I don't know these two gentlemen, David Kinnaman or Gabe Lyons, I don't know them, but I want to give them credit for at least this, the modern day six commandments. Number one, your mind is the source and standard of truth.
So no matter what, no matter what, trust yourself. Commandment number two, your emotions are authoritative. So never question or let anyone else question your feelings. Hashtag follow your heart. Number three, you are sovereign, so flex your omnipotence and bend the universe around your dreams and desires.
Hashtag live your truth. Number four, you are supreme, so always act according to your chief end to glorify and enjoy yourself forever. Hashtag YOLO. You are the sumum bonum, the standard of goodness, so don't let anyone oppress you with the antiquated notion of being a sinner who needs grace. Hashtag never change.
And number six, you are the creator. So use that limitless creative power to craft your identity and purpose. Hashtag authenticity. What a wonderful, concise and unfortunately accurate description of where we are today in our culture. These are the exact opposite of what built our society, and the exact opposite, of course,
of the Bible. Nahum 1.2 says, God is jealous. Well, I thought jealousy was bad. No, it's a different kind of jealousy. Exodus 20 says, You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
You shall not bow down to them or worship them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God." God is jealous when we give to another thing something that rightly belongs to Him. Our worship and our love. To be clear, this is not the same jealousy that we might feel when someone has more money than we have. It's different. Jealousy is a sin when you desire something that does not belong to you.
But the worship and praise and love for God belongs to him and him alone. So him being jealous of it, that's not how we think of jealousy today. So my question for Dr. Laura was really about this. I asked about outside influences. As my kids get older, there's going to be more and more outside influences. But I want them to focus on what is good, beautiful, and true in the world.
And while they're under our care, we are going to protect our home and make sure that they can direct their focus on exactly that. And not sending them into the snake pit that is the public school is a good start. But the ultimate goal is to make our kids focus their lives on God. Why? God is jealous. Let me end with a little Charles Spurgeon. He's jealous of your trust.
He will not permit you to trust in the arm of the flesh. 2 Chronicles 32 8. When we lean on him he is glad but when we transfer our dependence to another, when we rely on our own wisdom, or the wisdom of a friend, or worse of all, when we trust in any works of our own, he is displeased, and he will discipline us to bring us back to himself. He is also jealous of our company.
There should be no one with whom we talk as much as with Jesus. To live in him alone is true love, but to commune with the world, to find satisfaction in our sinful comforts? To prefer even the society of our fellow Christians to secret time spent with Him? This is grievous to our jealous Lord. He wants us to abide in Him and enjoy constant fellowship with Him, and many of the trials
He sends us are intended to wean our hearts from created things, fixing them more closely on Himself. Let this jealousy that would keep us near Christ be a comfort to you. For if he loves you so much, you may be sure that he will allow nothing to harm you." And this was Dr. Laura's whole point. It's like, all the advice I give, this is what she said today, she said, all the advice I give is to protect people. And it says, he will protect you from all
your enemies. Oh, that we might have grace today to keep our hearts in sacred purity towards the beloved one. May a sacred jealousy shut our eyes to all the fascinations of the world. So many lies out there. So many lies constantly in our culture and directed towards our kids, but all of us as well. Let's keep our eyes on Jesus, on God. God is jealous, and that is a wonderful thing. Mike Slater dot locals dot com is the website. Transcript commercial free on the website. What do you get when you sign up with a website and you can email from the new
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