***This episode is not appropriate for kids***
I don't know if the accusations against Mark Robinson are true. But we have to learn that there is no such thing as things being done in the dark.
I welcome politics by faith brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Have you followed the Mark Robinson story that just broke yesterday? I don't know if it's true. I don't know if these accusations are true. My hunch is that it is. He's denying it.
But I don't know, I've seen enough of these scandals to kind of tell when it's a fake one or not. This seems to be true. Now does it matter politically? That's for you to decide and the people of North Carolina to decide. But I think the accusations are probably accurate. I don't know.
We'll find out. But here's what the accusations are. So Mark Robinson is a super compelling speaker. He speaks like a, he's got a great voice. He's got like a, sounds like a black preacher. And he was well known because he, well he wasn't, he was a nobody, he was just a regular guy. I shouldn't say nobody, he was just a regular guy. And he spoke at a Greensboro, North Carolina city council meeting about gun rights, about some second amendment issue in town.
He's pro-second amendment, conservative guy. And it was such a compelling viral video that went around that everyone's like, hey, you should run for office. So we did. He ran for for lieutenant governor, and he won. This is just in 2020. So it just happened. And this election is running for governor of North Carolina, he won the Republican
primary, and he's running against the current Democrat governor in a red state. So it should be a shoe in right? Well, he was behind. And I don't know enough about him or the race to know why he's been behind in North Carolina. So far. I know the left hates him for a lot of reasons. Black conservative, that's really all there needs to be. He's also very pro-life. He said, I want Carolina to be the most pro-life state in the nation. Hands down, abortion
is murder. It's a scourge on this nation that needs to go. The left obviously won't take kindly to that. So that's Mark Robinson. Here's the attack. And CNN launched this attack, I think the day or the day before, the Republicans can no longer take him off the ballot. So even if he wanted or was forced to drop out of the race or wanted to drop out of the race, there's nothing the Republicans can do.
And obviously, CNN did that on purpose. They didn't release this when they knew about it. They released it on this one particular day. So the claim is that he has this username he uses all the time, Minisoldr, M-I-N-I-S-O-L-D-R, and he's used this in many places on the internet, like YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, all these different things.
And he also had the same username on some pornographic website. And there's a message board on this website, and this person wrote, ranging from bizarre to deviant things. I'll just share two of them real quick. If there's any kids listening, it's not a kid's, I should have put that in the beginning.
I'll put it in the comment or the description of this, but if there's any kids listening, they should not listen to this episode. He told the story of when he was 14, he was in some public area where there were showers and he was able to look through some vents
and sat there for an hour and watched as several girls came in and showered. I went peeping again the next morning but after that the ladder was locked. So those two times were the only times I got to do it on memories. That's one story. And then he talked about, he said, I'm a perv too.
It's like weird, deviant, perverted stuff. So the political question is, should what a person did, I mean these are from a long time ago, 10 years ago, should what a person did on a pornographic website message board be a factor in whether or not they should be the governor of your state. That's the political question. That's for the people in North Carolina to figure out.
Here's my message for everyone. Repent. Repent.
You think things are done in the dark. They're not. God sees all of it. You think you're doing them in the dark. It's not dark. God sees it all.
You think you're doing them in the dark. It's not dark God sees it all Now that's all that should matter But if we want to bring it, you know to your time still under other women It's like like eternal damnation should be enough motivation to straighten up But if eternal damnation is not if going to hell for all of eternity is not enough motivation to get it right now, maybe some shame while still on this
earth is enough reason to shape up. Alright, so if that's the motivation you need, it will all come out. You think you're doing it in the dark and you've gotten away with it so far, but it will come out. The guideline, the most obvious guideline is do not do anything that you would not email to everyone at your work. That's the standard, right? Do not do anything on the internet that you wouldn't have your mom standing right behind you. If you're hiding stuff
because you think you know you can't, you're headed in a P. Diddy direction. You're headed in the Sean Combs direction now you may not have the money to go or whatever to go all the way that way you know as extravagantly as he did but how about we don't head anywhere in that direction at all acts 319 repent therefore and turn back that your sins may be
blotted out. I should say when I first became a Christian I heard that the word repent was a military term that meant turn around. That's not true but it's a good, like good to think about. If it did, if repent meant turn around, then this verse would say, turn around and turn around, that your sins may be blotted out. So it's a little different than that.
The first Greek word, repent, it's about your mind. It's about changing your mind, realizing that what you're doing is wrong and then learning to hate the sin. You change your mind for the better. That's the word repent. The next Greek word is turn around.
And that's more of a physical turning around. So it's both. So we turn around with our mind. So what does that say again? It's repent therefore and turn back that your sins may be blotted out. So we repent with our mind and then we turn away in our actions? God do both. If you turn away with your mind but you
keep doing it, no good. And maybe you stop doing the thing but you're still sinning in your heart, not good. We want to repent in mind and action. We need to ask God to turn us from sin in all ways and every way. We need to hate our sins so much that we have to turn from it. You've known the Bible? Of course you do.
This is disgusting. I must turn from this physically, in every way. I hate it in my heart. I hate it in my brain. And I have to hate it with my body and turn away from it entirely. We need fully converted hearts, a complete renewal of our minds,
and a complete change in our actions. If you, listen, if you do those things, and let's say some things that you did 10 years ago or last week or whatever before you were saved, come to light, you can say, yeah, that's right, that happened, I did that, awful,
I wasn't a Christian then, now I am, I've repented in every way. New life, born again. And that story, it's meant to be like an attack on you. Oh, look what you did. It's like, yeah, I did.
Brutal. Let me tell you about Jesus. And that story can be a testimony to God's grace. It's beautiful. If you don't repent and things like this come to light, then it can ruin your political career.
But way more importantly, if you don't repent, you'll go to hell forever. Luke 13 through, oh that's very harsh. Luke 13 through, no I tell you, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Perish means more than a physical death because we all die. Perish here is final judgment. I hear stories like this of self-destructive behavior.
It's so brutal I think about this all the time when I first met Glenn back and I asked him advice and this is like 15 years ago I asked for his advice I thought he was gonna get something about radio and presenting an argument and I don't know some radio technique or something and he said avoid self destructive behavior he was an alcoholic so he knew about that avoid self destructive behavior just don't do this stuff.
I hate, it's so sad. I watch someone, it's a promising whatever in some way, whether it's a promising career or like a good dad or mom or whatever, and they just blow it. Just do such stupid things, like such an unforced error with things like this. And it's not like I'm so much better than that. I don't mean it to come across like that.
We need to constantly be aware to repent, repent, repent, repent, repent. I don't want you. We need you. I don't want you taken out by stuff like this. Let's learn from the mistakes of others. We must repent. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcripts are commercially free on the website. Transcripts are commercially free on the website. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.