God moved us from the dark to the "marvelous light". Why is the light marvelous? Why did God choose that adjective or use any adjective at all? If we know the depth of our sin, we'll realize how marvelous it is that we'd ever be chosen at all.
Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Thanks for being here. I want to do a word study this fine morning. Our preacher at church on Sunday did a great job with 1 Peter 2. This line in particular, verse 9, You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people. Once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." Our Power Preacher did a fine job going through nearly every word in those two sentences right there. Like what it means to be a royal priesthood.
That's interesting, isn't it? So the royal part means privileges, but the priesthood part, I shouldn't say but, and the priesthood part means there are responsibilities to serve as well. Talked about a holy nation, people of his possession, all this stuff, but one word he didn't touch on that was standing out to me was the use of the word marvelous. So that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of the darkness and into His marvelous light. Why marvelous? Why not just say light? Out of the darkness into the light. Why did you have to put that extra adjective in there? Why marvelous light?
And I couldn't go on in my life without knowing why. Marvelous. What does marvelous mean? It's a great word. I've heard it before, but I've never used it. How are you doing today?
Marvelous. I don't think I've ever used the word. But why is it used here? Why did God choose the word, marvelous? Why is the light marvelous? Well, the Greek word means, worthy of pious admiration.
Excellent. Causing amazement joined with terror. Extraordinary, striking, surprising. I like this one. Passing human comprehension. I think that's my favorite use of the word marvelous.
Passing human comprehension, but also that sense of amazement joined with terror. That's good too. Revelation 15.1, then I saw another sign in heaven. Great and amazing, but it's the same Greek word for marvelous. Seven angels with seven plagues, which are the last, for with them the wrath of God is finished.
So it's in Revelation, the same word. A marvel is something that is a wonder, a surprise, a miracle. The idea is astonishment, amazement, awe. When Moses saw the burning bush, as described in Acts 731, when Moses saw it, he was amazed at the sight, and as he drew near to it to look, there came the voice of the Lord.
That word amazed, it's the same Greek word, marvelous. When Jesus calmed the storm, Matthew 8, the disciples, the Bible says the men, the disciples, they marveled, saying, what sort of man is this? That even winds and sea obey him. They marveled.
When Jesus spoke with the Samaritan women, John 5, 27, just then, his disciples came back, they marveled that he was talking with a woman. Even Jesus marveled with the centurion's faith. Matthew 8, 10, when Jesus heard this, he marveled and said to those who followed him truly I tell you with no one in Israel have I found such faith the words actually used in the Bible a lot and it got me thinking do I marvel
enough I don't think I do I need to marvel more there's plenty to marvel about why don't I marvel enough I don't marvel I need more marvel and the first thing people think of right when you hear the word Marvel I'm sure you've already thought of now is the other comic book I guess they're now movies more than anything now so they were first called timely comics and then Atlas comics and finally they landed on Marvel comics his idea
was they want the reader to be inspired by limitless possibilities those are silly comic books God is real and what he can do has no limits. He's already done amazing things. I like to inspire a sense of awe in my kids. No matter what it is. We were just the other day, Jack, we were drawing and Jack's like, what do you want me to draw? I said, draw an elephant. He's like, show me a picture of an elephant. I was like, no, no, just draw it. Just do it. It was terrible. Like, have I drew an elephant? Like, I couldn't do it.
I couldn't do it either. So we're just laughing at our elephants. But then we, like, how did God make an elephant? Isn't that amazing? How did he know how to do that? And what did it look like?
How did he know? Why? Why did he want an elephant to look like an elephant? How did he even come up with that? He has no limits at what he can do. Yesterday, we made homemade mayonnaise, and we taught the process of emulsification, which
is crazy. and egg yolk and you stir it really fast you add the oil really slowly and you stir it really fast and it turns into this new thing mayonnaise! What in the world is that? Marvel! It's good to marvel. Not necessarily just what humans have done, although there's some good in that as well
but what God has done, what God is capable of, and the truth is, if you bring it back to 1 Peter 2, if you truly know what a sinner you are, then you know how marvelous it is that he chose you to become one of his children. If you really know what a sinner you are, then you will be awe-inspired. You will be in awe that He chose you to be one of His children.
And then you'll tell everyone you know, and nothing will stop you. But if you don't know how much of a sinner you are, then you won't be that grateful for God choosing you. Because like, of course He would choose me, I'm pretty awesome.
And because He chose you, but like, of course, who won it? You're not going to tell people about it because, you know, what's the big deal? There's nothing important to share. The more accurate of a description we have of ourselves, the more we will marvel at God and our salvation. And when we fully realize this, the impossibility of it, the seeming impossibility of it, we'll realize that God did not just take us from the darkness to the marvelous light.