How did we get to the point where we're told, "I can't find any good employees! We need to bring in the Haitians." What? We used to be a country with a strong work ethic. That has been intentionally eroded by the government. Then they can bring in the illegals. It's all going according to plan.
Welcome to Politics by Faith brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. We had a wild show today and I look forward to picking up more of this on Monday. It's at SiriusXM. That was Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM, Patriot, 6 to 9 every morning. The thesis that I've been working on, and I'm annoyed because when I went to bed last night, I had a perfect in my head and I didn't write it down. And then I woke up this morning and I had a perfect again.
I was like, this is amazing. I was like, well, let me just get ready and then I'll just get to work. And I forgot it. In the next six minutes, I forgot exactly how it worked. But this is the general idea of it is that for tens of millions of Americans, we have crisis, a lack of work ethic and a demoralization of working-aged men.
This demoralization is caused by the government and other cultural forces, which we'll talk about. This work crisis has left a void of work that needs to be done, which has led to bitterness and division and near if not already destruction of our home depending on where you live. There's a lot there and we can workshop a couple words here and there but I think you get the gist. Let's talk about the work ethic crisis.
First,there was a study done by this group called Unleash Prosperity. A couple guys from the Heritage Foundation I saw on the website, it says Steve Moore was the main person. I don't know if this is the same Steven Moore from the Wall Street Journal or Steve Moore, someone different. I don't know. But the group's called Unleash Prosperity. And they calculated all of the
welfare benefits that someone can receive in every state. This is after COVID unemployment stuff. Remember, these are after the COVID extra benefits. It's just your regular welfare. On average, on average, an adult would need to make $80,000 a year to make the same as a family with two unemployed parents and two kids.
$80,000 a year.
Now every state is different. Washington's the highest. They have a lot of welfare programs, I guess. $122,000 a year. It's 58 bucks an hour. California's $71,000 a year.
Mississippi's the lowest, 37,000 dollars a year, it's still 18 bucks an hour. So let's just do the 80,000 dollars because that's the average. So if you have a job that pays 70,000, why on earth would you take a job if the welfare pays 80,000? You know, bust your butt all day to make 70,000 when you could do nothing and make 80,000? That doesn't make any sense. Now a little perspective here.
The national median household income is $78,000. So welfare, average welfare for this country is more than the median household income. So for half of the country, it makes no sense to work. You're better off doing nothing. Now signing up for welfare programs, it's like a full-time job in and of itself. But don't worry if you're an illegal alien, there are NGOs, non-government organizations, that will do
it for you. And if you're here, I know like the Haitians are here under some like pseudo legal status, they're automatically eligible for every means-tested welfare program. They just gotta sign up and all these organizations will help them sign up. So we have a situation where it is, if you just look at it economically, it is rational to not work and sign up for welfare for half of the country. Half the country.
I was talking to Rand Paul the other day. He said the labor participation rate in America is 62%. So that means 38% are not working, which is about right. It's about right, right? With the numbers that we're talking about right now. Welfare, $80,000 a year on average, right?
We're working on average this year. But $80,000 a year, that's the median household income. So yeah, it makes sense that about half people won't work. Some people who make less than $80,000 will still work because, well, out of pride. Or they may be making less now,
but they see themselves making more in the future, so you gotta put the years in now to make more later. So I think 38% not working sounds about right when you have welfare on average $80,000 a year. If the same share of Americans, 16 to 64, were in the labor force today as there were in 1960, there would
be 4.8 million more men in the labor force. And then these business owners say oh we can't find anyone to work. They're there, they exist, they just won't. And some people say well they don't do it because the welfare is too high? And how much of it is just work ethic in general? Now that's the economic lay of the land right now. Now of course there's other benefits, maybe not of course, maybe a statement.
There are other benefits to working. There are intangibles of working. There is value to working. There are the benefit of your kids seeing you get up go to work your wife respecting you for working
There's more than just the money. There's also a biblical calling to work It's good to work. It's good for the soul Second Thessalonians 3 6 even when we were with you We would give you this command if anyone's not willing to work, let him not eat, Paul wrote. If you don't work, don't eat. But we've removed God from every aspect of our culture.
I wonder if people, I wonder back in this, you know,
conversation of getting God out of our culture, getting the Bible out of our culture, I wonder if anyone said, hey, here's all the reasons why this is a bad idea. And one of them is it will really hurt our work ethic. I wonder if anyone ever made that argument, because that's what happened. We have this thing we call the Protestant work ethic. It used to be the Puritan work ethic, the Protestant work ethic.
That's not natural. It's not normal.
It is normal for us to be lazy. Sloth is what's normal. That's our sinful nature. To work hard, that's unnatural. It requires effort requires a culture to reinforce and still as I should say it's still a young age and then Reinforces you get older because your instinct is to be lazy
and if you don't have that culture then Everyone will be lazy. That's our natural That's the flesh But work is good. Adam and Eve were told to tend to the garden before the fall John Calvin said Christians should be intent upon their calling and Devote themselves to lawful and honorable employments without which the life of man is of a wandering nature
The Bible often speaks against sluggards that's the word they use don't be a sluggard Again, that's the natural state of being you the Bible wouldn't have to say don't be this if people weren't naturally this but we have a government and a culture that encourages sluggishness. Through welfare programs to an education system, we have an education system that doesn't the kids can't read. The graduating can't read kids
graduate can't think but also they're lazy bad attitudes. They're sluggards. We let people be sluggards. We have not called them higher. Proverbs 6 9 How long will you lie there you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? Proverbs 10 26 As vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so are sluggards to those who send them. So that's the from the employers perspective. It's painful.
My favorite sluggard scripture, Proverbs 19, 24, A sluggard buries his hand in the dish. He will not even bring it back to his mouth. I love that. He's like, I'm so lazy, I won't even use a fork. I won't even use a fork to carry the food to my hand, to my face.
That's laziness. As the door turns on its hinges, so does the sluggard on his bed. Just back and forth, back and forth. Proverbs 20 verse 4, sluggards do not plow in season. So at harvest time they look but find nothing. You didn't work, you didn't put the work in.
So of course you have nothing at the end. The Bible speaks to all this ancient wisdom. But why would you go to work when the government gives you $80,000 for not working? Here's the bottom line.
It's very simple.
People hate God. And one of the things God tells us to do is work. Therefore people hate work. It's a very simple equation. So we need to raise our kids to have work ethic. We must be intentional.
We must fight against this cultural push to be a slugger. We have our natural desires to be a slugger and then we have this cultural push to be one, be a slugger. But no, we must fight against that at every turn.
And here's the other thing.
If you're not a slugger, if you're a slugger, I'm here, yeah, but I'm not lazy. I'm gonna work hard my whole life. Great, awesome. You can't be bitter. And I know this is the guy who's making $80,000 doing, we had a guy calling today whose neighbor
works for the government, does next to nothing, makes $130,000 a year plus all the benefits and all the rest. And you could tell in his voice, and I would be too, I get it, I would be bitter about
I'm busting my butt over here making less than him, he's doing nothing, I understand but we cannot become bitter. Ephesians 4, 31, let all bitterness be put away from you. It will destroy you.
If you become bitter at what's happening, we have to change it. It's wicked and wrong and bad. We need to change it, but we can't be bitter about it. Because if we become bitter, the people who are doing this all intentionally, this is all intentional, then they truly will have won.
We'll have one. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcript and commercial free. No commercials on this. You listen to this podcast on the website version. You get an email about it every day too. You get an email about it every day too. Mike Slater dot locals dot com.