I thought Kamala was shutting down pro-Hamas protestors. Nope. She was shutting down a Christian.
Hey, welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Welcome. If you listen to Breitbart News Daily, I mention this podcast rarely on Sirius XM Patriot. No particular reason. They let me.
Or they've never told me not to, I guess.
I'm just not a very good self-promoter, I guess.
But if it comes up, I'll mention it. But it came up a lot today. Here is what happened. I saw this clip of Kamala that has been going around and the left is very proud of this Very proud of this moment right here of Kamala at one of her rallies in Wisconsin where there is a heckler in the audience
Oh you guys are at the wrong rally
You go girl. Oh
Yeah, she's waving at him yeah see you later
no I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street
oh man that Kamala oh that Kamala oh she's great isn't she mama-la mama-la sure she's not a mom, but whatever. We'll call her Mama La, just the same. Now, I saw that clip, and you know, whatever. You go, girl.
Sure, fine.
I just, before I saw that clip, I saw that Israel killed the head of Hamas. And then I saw that her administration is giving TPS, temporary protected status to Lebanese people and people from Lebanon Lebanese citizens in America for 18 months temporary protected status and it's 18 months but it can be renewed over and over again just like we keep renewing the Haitians temporary status from an earthquake that happened in 2010 so there was that story and my thought was oh well they did that mostly to give a little nod to the Muslim Americans in Michigan that Kamala is doing
very poorly with right now, not a voting bloc that she's doing very well with. So I had all those thoughts in my head. I forget which one happened first. I think all that stuff happened first and then I saw the clip. That's how it went. I saw that clip and I assumed like it happened a couple of times before her rallies that
the protesters at her rally, the hecklers were pro-Palestine hecklers. Oh, because Kamala said something like the death of the leader Hamas will lead to the end of the war in Gaza, or should lead to the end of war in Gaza. So I was like, oh, well these are pro-Palestinian protesters that Kamala heckled back, right? No, that's not what it was. They were not chanting free, free Palestine at the rally. They were not chanting from the river to the sea. Do you know what the person yelled out loud?
You know what the person yelled out loud?
I heard a video, someone sent me a video from someone in the audience of this moment. Now I want to confirm it because anything I see online, I think it's fake. I assume it's fake. And every official video that I see of this moment, you can't hear what the person's yelling. You can't hear what they're chanting in the crowd. Usually you can. You usually hear some commotion in the background.
You can't even hear commotion here. All you hear is Kamala jump to the, you know, shutting them down. So what did the person yell in the background? What did the heckler yell in the background Jesus is Lord
oh you guys are at the wrong rally
that's true that is actually very true people at that rally would not yell Jesus is Lord. Now, I saw the video and didn't believe that it was true. I need to confirm it. I can't find any other video of the moment, official video. But here's the context of what she was talking about when the guy yelled Jesus is Lord.
Donald Trump hand selected three members of the United States Supreme Court. With the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe v. Wade and they did as he intended. Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally.
So the context was abortion, which would be a time when someone might yell, Jesus is Lord,
not free, free Palestine.
Pretty amazing, right? So that just came up on the show today. That's like, I'm actually, I shouldn't say I'm shocked or stunned by it, but I really need to collect my thoughts on the wickedness of that moment, actually, that she heard someone yes or nothing or okay or I'm Christian too or pretending to be or anything. No, it's like no, no, you're at the wrong rally with that Jesus is Lord talk.
You go to that other, you go to that Trump rally if you want to talk like that, that hate speech. So after that moment, a lot of people called in talking about Christians voting and that happens to be what we've been talking about this week. So let me share a couple things today. My first contribution today, I should emphasize my contribution before I get to our caller's
contribution is 1 Peter 2.13. Therefore, submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether to the king and supreme or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men, as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bond-servants
of God. Honor all people. Love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the King."
Very interesting.
Let me steal this from John Piper. He got this question. He said, I've been struggling with the question lately about whether or not a Christian who lives in a free society is obligated to vote. God commands us to submit to governing authorities, Romans 13 1, to pray regularly for them, 1st Timothy 2, and he gives us an allowance for civil disobedience in rare cases when it's
necessary, Acts 5 29. And he goes, okay, but what about voting? Okay, so I'll submit, I'll pray, okay, God above man, got it. What about voting? Piper says that this section from 1 Peter is about having a double identity in a fallen world and our role in it. We are sojourners and exiles. This is not our home, which is very interesting because ever since the Republican National Convention, if you listen to Breitbart News Daily, I've been saying a lot, this is our home in context of illegal immigration and what maybe I should change that on the show now that I think about it I've been saying in the
context of America's not a shell corporation we're not an LLC we're not just a GDP we're a place where a real-life actual place but we're not even just a place this is my home but maybe I'm the so you get the context of that. It's way more powerful. And I love it when the World War II veteran at the RNC said this. He said, this is our home.
Maybe I should say on the radio that I should say, this is our earthly home. It's still important, but it's a nice, you know, subtle nod that this is not our forever home. I think I'll start saying that from now on. But this dual identity, so we are first and foremost slaves of God. And we're sent forth by God into a foreign world to make sure that we show the glory
of God and spread the gospel. So first, you are a chosen race, Christians, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. That's the Christian part. Then, be subject, for the Lord's sake, to every human institution. So we're slaves of God and we are put here in America for the glory of God to spread the gospel and do good.
Peter mentions this a few times here. He says, for this is the will of God, that by doing good, I think he mentions it three times, by doing good. I love this first point from John Piper. He says, first of all, everyone, you vote every single week when you go to church because you're choosing to worship
the King of all kings and the president over all presidents. So that's your first duty and obligation. That's your vote with your feet and your heart and your song. And voting on November 4th is a form of doing good as a part of this sojourner exile identity. Piper said it is one kind of good deed. We hope by voting for worthy, competent, wise candidates that the common good
will come to more people. That is our goal. We quoted R.C. Sproul yesterday about for him abortion is the top priority. So by voting in a certain way that will lead to Supreme Court justices that ultimately ended abortion or excuse me ended Roe v. Wade we are saving lives. It's one part of it. I corrected myself right there because it certainly didn't end abortion. That's why we still then have to do more good works with pro-life centers and pro-life
ministries. But voting is one good action. It is a single act of good that you're called to do. I like that a lot. 1 Peter 2. Then we had a caller who said, Slater, have you ever read this from the Geneva Bible? So the Geneva Bible was the Bible used by 16th century Protestants. It was the Bible that the pilgrims first brought to America, the Geneva Bible.
First let's read Ephesians 6, 12 in the ESV. We've heard this many times. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. Okay, so what do we wrestle against? The rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness. Remember the word cosmic powers.
Against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. That's ESV. Here's the Geneva translation. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness which are in the high places.
Hold on. ESV translates this, cosmic powers. Geneva translates it, worldly governors. Very interesting. What is worldly governors? Okay well now we got to go to the Greek. Cosmokrator is the Greek word here. Cosmos, that's where we get the word, K-O-S-M-O, that's where we get the cosmos, the spirit, like cosmic, cosmic. And then krateo means to be in possession of, to hold, to have rule over.
So you can see where ESV gets cosmic powers, cosmic rulers. But you can also see where the Geneva people get worldly, right, the cosmos of the world, governors, rulers, leaders. In my research, I found the Greek translated as the devil and his demons. One translation describes it as it's referring to demons influencing the lives of worldly people used only in
Ephesians 6 12. Very interesting. So think about this. It's against spiritual powers. Yes. Spiritual powers that influence our governors in the world. The Geneva Translation emphasizes a direct link between the spiritual powers and the governors who are here in flesh and blood. Now our enemy is not the flesh and blood,
our enemy is not Nancy Pelosi. It is still spiritual powers, but it's not spiritual powers that just work generally. There's lots of ways that spiritual powers work, and Peter here emphasizes the way that spiritual powers work through leaders of our world, here in the flesh and blood. Again, Nancy Pelosi herself is not the enemy. The enemy are the spiritual forces that are controlling or manipulating her as Speaker of the House,
or her as influential democratic leader. The flesh and blood is still not the enemy, but the cosmic forces work through flesh and blood of people in power. So, we have to choose our leaders wisely and then pray for them so that they're not influenced by these demons and spiritual forces anymore. We in a free society have a gift from God that we have the ability to vote people out of power and put new ones in power. And we pray for the people we put in power, that they are not manipulated by these spiritual forces anymore. Not the wicked ones, but the
godly ones. I hope I did some sort of justice to that point that a caller made on this morning's show. Let's stop there because it's a lot. Let's come back on Monday and we'll give the the point that the pastor and preacher in Ohio ended the show with with some ecclesiastes. We'll make that point on Monday. Until then, have a wonderful weekend and let's pray for this election and let's pray for our leaders.
And let's pray against the spiritual forces of evil. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcript commercial free on the website Mike Slater dot locals dot com.