I also prefer voting on election day, but the arguments I've heard from campaigns are compelling. But whenever you vote, make sure that's not the only thing you do...
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Sorry I've been gone the last two days. Vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote early and encourage everyone you know to vote early. I am an election day voter. I always have been because I'm a conservative and conservatives are traditionalists and we like to do things the way we've always done them and the way they should be done, darn it! I'm such a traditionalist that I don't like the way Southwest Airlines does their boarding.
But when I read that they're changing their boarding policy, I got mad at them. I got upset that Southwest is changing a boarding policy that I don't even like. All right. That's how sometimes irrationally against change. I am how, how irrationally traditionalist I am. So it is a lot to get me to not vote on election day.
But I think the arguments I've heard over the last few weeks are compelling. First, it is good to vote on election day to lock in your vote and save the campaign time and money, not worrying about you. They don't have to knock on your door.
They don't have to call you or text you on election day. But they can focus their time and money and limited energy on the low propensity voter or the undecided voter on election day. So you vote, you lock it in, you're good to go. And now the campaign says, great, we don't have to worry about you anymore. You already voted.
Let's instead focus on this guy who hasn't voted in any of the last few elections. One campaign told me that in the swing states at least, when you vote early, you save the campaign $88, not knocking on your door. So voting early saves your campaign money. If you're not going to give your campaign money, your favorite campaign money, at least save them money. Bernie, second reason you should vote early, Bernie Moreno told me the other day that, date of other election says that 20% of Republicans
who say they're going to vote on election day don't. That can be for a number of reasons. Could be laziness, it could be no fault of their own. Something happens. Like yesterday, they were cleaning up the room and Jack threw a marker into the garbage can, but missed and hit Grace in the lip.
She had a bloody lip. And it was a great learning experience because I was like, Jack, all right, so this was a marker to the lip. What if it was scissors to the eye? Hopefully we can learn our lesson now
so that something like that never happens. But you never know if your daughter will get some problem that has to go to the hospital instead of you never know you never know what's gonna happen so don't even leave it up to chance just do it get it done. Third reason why I'm voting early there's a greater likelihood if everyone votes early as many people as possible vote early there's a greater likelihood that we can find out the
results of the landslide on election day and not have things drag out for weeks. If they can tally up all the early votes quickly, then we'll know right away and that would be wonderful. Fourth reason why I'm voting early is if you vote early and then later someone comes and tries to vote in your name fraudulently, they can't. It's already done. You already voted.
So it decreases chances of voter fraud in the future.
It's also exciting, we had a bunch of calls today from people all over the country, mostly Florida actually, but all over the country who have voted early and it's great, they loved it. One guy called in and he said he really likes the excitement of voting on election day, but he voted early and there was a lot of excitement still,
voting early, I'm voting this afternoon with the kids and I don't know, we'll see how much excitement there is in Tennessee. I don't know. It's not a swing state but I think people are still gonna be pretty jazzed. So don't worry about that. There'll be excitement. There'll be plenty of excitement on election day when Trump wins. You don't have to save all the excitement for that one day. Spread it out. Have some excitement
today and then get ready for some excitement on the night of November 5th. The most important thing though is it clears the way. You voting now clears the way for the low propensity voter who wants to vote, I guess, but I don't want to stand in line for half an hour to vote. I will happily vote early now so that I get out of line, out of the line so the low propensity voter doesn't have to wait in a long line on Election Day and they can vote. So in a way it's like you're voting twice, kind of, right? Because you voting now makes
it more likely that this low propensity voter will vote on election day. So it's your vote, and then you're making it easier for someone else to vote. There's two votes. So that's my argument as to why I believe you should vote early if you can. And then, once we win, we can knock it off with all this nonsense and get rid of early voting and drop boxes and all the other ways that it's so easy to cheat and vote fraudulently and all the rest. But we got to win first.
I want to share this scripture on today's episode. Acts 9 11. Behold, he is praying. It's about Paul on the road to Damascus. Verse one says, then Paul still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord. We last saw Paul in the previous chapter where it says he was making havoc of the church,
entering every house, dragging off men and women, committing them to prison, murdering people. So here he is, still doing it. The first reference to the way says that if he found any who were of the way, being a Christian of the way. So then Jesus talks to Paul and Jesus says, Arise and go into the city and you will be told what to do.
So Paul went, can't see anymore, he's blind, he goes three days without seeing, can't eat or drink either. That experience so wrecked him, he couldn't do anything. So three days later we get to verse 10. Now there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias. And to him the Lord said in a vision, Ananias!
And he said, Here I am, Lord. So the Lord said to him, Arise, and go to the street called Straight. I love this. Specifically, here's exactly where you're going to go. Inquire at the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus. For behold, he is praying and in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias that's you
coming in and putting his hand on him so that he might receive his sight when I first read this I was confused I thought it was Ananias who was praying but no it's God is telling Ananias to go find Paul who's praying this is the man who just the other day was killing Christians is now praying to God in Jesus's name. I don't know why we don't hear this a lot. We hear a lot of vote.
You know, on the left it says vote or die. Why not vote and pray? We don't ever hear those put together. Vote and pray. Pray vote and pray. So pray before, vote and pray after.
Pray, vote, and pray. It's a classic story, and I like this joke a lot. The guy's shipwrecked, and he's on an island. And he's praying to God to help him. Rescue me, please. Rescue me, God.
And a guy comes by in a boat. He says, hop in! And the guy says, no, I'm not going to hop in. I prayed to God that he will rescue me. And the guy's like, all right, whatever. So then a helicopter comes by and the helicopter says,
Hop on in! Climb the rope! And the guy says, No! I'm praying to God that he will rescue me! Then finally, I don't know what's the other one, a cruise ship comes by and says, Eric, hop on the cruise ship!
The guy says, No! I prayed to God that he will rescue me! And then finally the guy dies and he goes to God and he's like, God, where were you? Why didn't you rescue me? And God's like, I sent you a boat, a helicopter, and a cruise ship to pick you up.
I think it's true with our country as well. God, why didn't you save this country? I gave you November 5th. I gave you a chance. I gave you the opportunity to vote. I gave you two weeks of early voting.
What do you mean? God hears our prayers instantly. God loves your prayer. Psalm 912, He does not forget the cry of the afflicted. He loves when you pray. We need to be the people who God says of us,
Behold, He is praying. Pray, vote, pray. Pray. It's a wonderful poem written by Josiah Condor from early 1800s. It's called, Oh God, Who didst thy will unfold? One of the stanzas says, Faith asks no signal from the skies to show that prayers accepted rise. Our priest is in the holy place and answers from the throne
Vote and pray. Vote and pray.
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