If you're feeling anxious right now, grab on to Paul's "trustworthy sayings". With politics at this time, we can work and hope. Let's stand firm on promises we know are true.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. We had a wonderful gratitude segment this morning on Sirius XM Patriot. We do it every Monday at 6 o'clock. What are you grateful for? And the premise of it, real quick, is politics are important, but that's not going to save our country.
Virtue will save our country. And Cicero said that the parent of all virtues is gratitude. No virtues are possible or no one will live any of the virtues if you're not grateful for in this case our country or anything. So we take some time to work out our gratitude muscles. I was really hesitant to do it.
We've done it for like six months and it's been great. It started off slow because no one, you know, it's weird to do but it's great. Every week it's been awesome and takes a different spin every time but I was really hesitant to do it this morning because we're two weeks away from the election and a lot happened this weekend it's like oh we got to get to the rally we got to get to Madison Square Garden we got to get to
Kamala's rally in Houston we got to do this and that and JD was on meet the press and bumble and like ah let's just let's just do the grad dude see how it goes and it was amazing maybe one of the best we ever had. Because it always starts with someone and then there's this big snowball effect. So someone called in this morning
and talked about their amazing wife. And then we had a bunch of men calling in, praising their wives. It was great. When does that ever happen? Seriously, when do people,
because Satan controls our culture and culture's decided that you need to criticize your wife and criticize your doofus husband. So to have men come out on the radio and praise their amazing wives and become emotionally overwhelmed while doing so on a Monday at 6 o'clock Eastern, it's like 608. Oh, that's really great.
And it reminded me of course of Proverbs 31, it says her husband is respected at the gate, at the city gate, but it ends with her children arise and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praises her. We had a lot of men on the radio calling in and praising their wives. It was really nice. I want to talk about four trustworthy sayings today.
Our preacher just yesterday said that when someone, especially a politician, but when someone says, believe me, then you can be pretty sure just not believe if someone starts off on you. But when Jesus says, truly I tell you, or truly, truly, then you better listen up.
And the Bible also has four trustworthy sayings from Paul. Let me read them. First Timothy 1.15. Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Thank goodness for that.
First Timothy 4.8, Godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance. The third is Second Timothy 2.11. Here's a trustworthy saying, if we endure, we will also reign with him. And the fourth is Titus 3 3. This is a trustworthy saying and I
want you to insist on these teachings so that all who trust in God will devote themselves to doing good. Okay so what's the connection between these four? What's the weave? The first one is the foundation of our salvation, free grace from God. The second is an affirmation that you are saved in this life and forevermore. The third is a call to endure, to suffer for Christ. And if you endure, I promise you will reign for him, with him forever. And then number four is in the meantime, do good works. Of course,
you're not saved by good works, but it's a sign of being saved. Go do good. And Spurgeon has this imagery of a tree and the salvation is the roots, the trunk is the privilege that is our life today and forevermore in a state of free grace. The branches are the suffering that you must endure and then from that are the good works of the fruit of the Spirit. Pretty good right? Four I'm right now working on a segment for tomorrow on a, someone sent me this, well I'll read this.
This is from Beth. She said, today I read this about people unable to deal with the uncertainty of the election, mostly them saying they need pot or booze to get by. Then I listened to your gratitude segment. Thank you for your calm, refreshing, reasoned perspective.
Like, oh yeah, that's why we need this. So this Wall Street Journal article, America's having a panic attack over the election. And then one Democratic operative said, there are not enough gummies I can take to soothe the angst. I was like, oh geez.
These are people who have way too much anxiety and they're not, I don't want to blame just, because even if you're a Christian and you do have something to, something eternal to hang on to, you can still fall into these anxiety traps. I don't want to say there's just pagans who do this, but my call, my point of this message is, if you're feeling anxious about the unknown and uncertainty of the election, grab onto
trustworthy sayings. Get your rock strong. Stand on the rock of the trustworthy sayings. That what's it say? Deserve full acceptance. Meaning every single aspect of your life is built around these trustworthy sayings.
I don't know, people ask me all the time what's gonna happen in the election, I don't know, and I don't know what's gonna happen after the election. Like I'm way more, I have way more anxiety about the day after the election,
two days after the election, when all heck breaks loose. I think Trump will win, and I think the Democrats are gonna freak out, I think it's gonna be very violent and terrible. And that causes anxiety. I think when Trump wins, it'll be a lot like that scene from the John Adams miniseries,
which I haven't seen in like 20 years, so I can't recommend it fully. But when I saw it, I remember loving it. And it's a scene when all the founding fathers vote for revolution. They vote in the Declaration of Independence. And you'd think they'd be jumping up and down, hooting and hollering, giving high fives. I don't know if they did high fives back then, but they're not.
They just stare at each other. And it's super somber and it's very serious because they know what they really did and they know what the stakes are and they know what this then requires of them and of the other people in the colonies. And I think there's going to be a lot of that after the election too, even among Trump supporters, I hope.
I hope it's like a day of celebrating, maybe a little bit of, maybe a little bit of gloating. I don't know. But then hopefully it turns very somber and serious because we have a lot of work to do after that. And I don't know what can get done. You know, I'm a big fan of, let's see if I can pull this off here. There's the RFKs, like make America healthy again, like making our food healthy again. I think that's a wonderful, very, very important thing. And I'm excited that it's being embraced by Trump and hopefully
by the conservative movement. Okay, so Adam Crowley tweeted this. Removing the Aunt Jemima branding, but keeping the high fructose corn syrup with brown dye and sodiohexamethasophalate is a pretty stellar example of how liberals
love to make hollow symbolic gestures while keeping in place the system that's actually killing people. Oh my God, that's great. So I don't know, can anything get done in that regard? I hope so.
Can Trump really get rid of the income tags? I hope so. Can Elon cut half the budget like no politicians been able to do? I hope so. But I have way more than hope with eternal things. I can only think and hope when it comes to politics. But here are some trustworthy sayings that I have way more than just hope in. If a politician ever gets you frustrated or if this election season is getting you anxious Get in the Bible because everything in here is true and as trustworthy as can be I
Guarantee you if you grab on to things that are trustworthy like this You'll be better off and our country will be better off to Mike Slater dot locals comm is the website We just put the transcript up there and it's commercial free on the website Mike Slater locals calm up there and it's commercial free on the website Mike Slater dot locals dot com