How would you FEEL if Kamala won? Now, let's turn that into action so you don't feel that way 7 days from now. All the while knowing that God is sovereign over all things.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Thanks for being here. Yesterday we talked about trustworthy sayings, things that are true. I'm preparing a segment for tomorrow's show about what if Kamala wins. And to really feel, just sit for a minute and imagine her winning and then notice how you feel. And then let's translate that into thoughts and actions so that we don't feel that way
in real life. So you don't end up actually feeling that way a week from today. We'll do more of that on tomorrow's Sirius XM show. Do we talk about the Wall Street Journal article on yesterday's episode here. America's having a panic attack over the election. Quote, there's not enough gummies I can take to soothe the angst. The whole article is about Democrats drinking and smoking marijuana and eating gummies in
order to get through this next week. And it's like, oh we could all, those people especially, but we all could use some trustworthy sayings that we can cling to with confidence. Because elections, it's all, polls, all this, it's untrustworthy. You know, even elections are untrustworthy, but I don't wanna, we don't need to talk about that anymore.
But I voted yesterday, and you know, you fill out this form and then you put it in this scantron and this machine, and it's gone. You're like, well, I hope that worked. I mean, who knows? And then wherever it goes off to, you know, how easy is it to change the zeros and ones
in some sort of tabulation machine? So, you see, you vote. You've got to vote. I don't want that discouraging from voting. You've got to vote. But, you know, it's not like trusting in God, which is what we need to go back to, especially
over this next week. It's going to be crazy. Today I want to talk about Ecclesiastes 1. One generation passes away and another generation comes. But the earth abides forever. The sun also rises and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it arose.
The wind goes toward the south, turns around to the north. The wind whirls around continually and comes again on its circuit. All the rivers came, there they return again."
One of the themes of this podcast is there's nothing new under the sun. I think it's really important for us to note that there has been political upheaval in American history. We fought a civil war for the love of Pete, and there will be political upheaval coming our way again. And it will be nothing new. Everyone will panic and freak out. I'm not saying it's good but it's nothing new. You'll hear all this unprecedented. No, nothing's unprecedented. It's always happened. But
why do I want to focus on the scripture and what's the connection today? The election is going to be here before you know it and then it'll be gone and then there'll be another one and then there'll be another one and time will keep ticking and we'll make it through. I think we are resilient. I think we'll make it through whatever comes But it's gonna be hard. It's no question if Kamala wins. It's gonna be bad if Trump wins the left will make darn sure
It's bad So it's gonna be a tough time Moving forward just to drive on that point real quick. Let's say Trump wins Do you think they'll let him take office? And then let's say they do do you think they'll let him actually deport people it's gonna be brutal to get that done. The left will never take anything without a fight. So we need to be ready
to deal with this. So what do we do? We got to go back to our trustworthy sayings. Cling to what we know is true. And this verse from Ecclesiastes, again the theme that there's nothing to do under the sun, it's all been done before. But also in the midst of it, let's be grateful. This last verse about how all the rivers run to the sea but the sea is not full why is it not full well God made it so that clouds lift water up and
rain back over land and fill the rivers up which then run back into the sea made a whole cycle out of it how amazing to me it's a message of gratitude but also of giving because this is how God made creation the oceans give imagine imagine the ocean stopped giving the world wouldn't operate. We'd all die. Right?
If the ocean just kept all the water that goes into them. That's the end of it. It's like, oh, everyone's dead. But no, the oceans give. And there's a parallel there to donating to your church as well. But it's true with everything in our life.
We need to be generous and loving and encouraging people who build, not destroy. Because there's going to be a lot of the opposite coming up here soon. So to summarize I know I feel this is a little rambly today. So let me summarize clearly Number one, don't be anxious turn to trustworthy sayings was yesterday's episode Stand firm on what you know is true in a time of crazy uncertainty Cling to what is certain that is God's promises. Second, be grateful that God made this planet and
he made the systems of the planet works that we can live and he is sovereign over everything. Do I know what God is sovereign over? I heard a great post the other day. He's sovereign over random things like seemingly random things. Proverbs 16 says the lot is cast into the lap but it's every decision is from the Lord. He's sovereign over what Proverbs 21, the king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord.
He turns it wherever he pleases. He's in charge of every single thing you do. Proverbs 20 to 24 says a man's steps are from the Lord. How then can man understand his way? God is sovereign over your salvation. Talked about that today.
He's sovereign over your life and death. He's sovereign over evil things. Amos 3, 6, is a trumpet blown in a city and the people are not afraid? Does disaster come to a city unless the Lord has done it? He is sovereign over all things. Ephesians 1, 11, God works all things according to the counsel of His will.
Psalm 115, 3, our God is in the heavens. He does all that He pleases. Job 42, I know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. He is sovereign over everything so do not let anxiety wash away. Imagine again what seven days from now could look like. Feel certain feelings. Have that change your thoughts and then your actions to what you believe is good. But throughout all that and after it's done, we cannot be people of anxiety
and certainly can't be people of destruction. Mike Slater, dot locals dot com, transcript commercial free, Mike Slater dot locals dot Mike Slater, dot locals dot com, transcript commercial free, Mike Slater dot locals dotcom.