Russel Moore wrote a piece in Christianity Today "HOW TO GET THROUGH THE NEXT FOUR YEARS". We can do better than that. We're commanded to do more than that. One of the fruits of the spirit is Joy. This is true no matter who the president is.
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. Came across an article the other day, How to Get Through the Next Four Years. It was an article in Christianity Today. How to get through the next four years. I said, that's interesting. I'll click.
Kind of a downer because I don't want anyone just getting through life I'm reading a book right now on the pilgrims Where is it here? It is the Mayflower the families the voyage and the founding of America by Rebecca Frazier. It's great Even on their two-month journey across the ocean, which is more miserable than anything we could ever imagine cold a hundred foot swells You know constantly rocking rotting food,
rotting moldy clothes, you're always wet, chamber pots, women giving birth. Can you believe all of this? And when you're under the deck, the ceilings are five feet tall, stinks, just horrific, for two months.
And as difficult as that was, they never lost hope. They prayed, they sang, they weren't getting through. As miserable and awful as it was, they still weren't getting through. Whether it was the two months of the boat ride
or even the five more months that they had to wait on shore where half of them died, they were singing songs and praying and full of hope, as miserable as it was. And here's Russell Moore, like how are we gonna get through? Now we should be people of joy. We're called to be. Romans 14 17 says, for the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and
peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. And then of course the fruits of the Spirit. What are the fruits of the Spirit? Love, joy. It's the second one. I don't know if they're in ranked order, but the second one is joy. Joy is not getting through this. If you're just getting through, you're not joyful.
I don't know anything about Russell Moore. Maybe you do, I don't, I don't really care. One of the comments to this article was, oh please, you wouldn't have written this if Kamala won. That's probably right. This guy's pretty depressed.
He tells a story of at the airport, and, you know, what do you think of the election? He's like, what do you think of the election? He says, the last thing I wanted to talk about after ten years of talking about him was Donald Trump.
But the news cycle will be the Donald Trump show all day every day for four more years. But it turns out most people liked the drama just fine. Meaning they voted for him. Can you believe it? So here we go.
He said, there's very little any of us can do to control the next four years, with a new cycle that will be like the last near decade, all Trump all the time. Maybe, let me get back to that. Let me quote a little more here.
What we call politics these days, offers people a sense of meaning and purpose, an interruption to the dead everydayness of life. A jolt of adrenaline can feel almost like life for a little while. This kind of political drama is related to actual political life, the way that pornography is to intimacy.
Porn gives the same physical sensation as a sexual union. The nervous system responds the way it's meant to respond in the union of a husband and a wife. It just does so by getting rid of the love, the connection, the other person. In other words, he gives the physical sense without what actually brings about the joy. I actually, I should like that.
I mean, that's true. He says, you don't need to be part of some make-believe drama. You don't need to adopt some politician as a father figure. No one is. You have an actual father who's making plans for you. And when you realize how temporary, how fleeting, and how pitiful much of what is counted as
glory is in this moment, you can learn how to love it without placing on it the burden of making you happy or driving you crazy. You always come to hate our idols, whatever they are, because they never give us what we want. The news cycle will be crazy for the next 40 years. You don't have to be.
Okay, some of that I agree with. He's in a lot of despair over Trump winning. That's fine, I get it. I'd be upset if Kamala won too, so we'll give him some grace, give him some more time to get over I guess but this idea that like Trump's gonna be so much trouble like what are you talking about we have no trouble you think Trump's gonna be
trouble give me a break talk about privilege you know we live in the freest country in the world and when the left is in charge who was it who persecuted Christians like with the FACE Act putting pro-life Christians in prison, grandmas in prison. Listen, you're going to have a government that won't do that anymore. That's good, right?
Should we at least celebrate that? There's plenty of trouble in life, yes, but it has nothing to do with Trump. Someone called in on my radio show the other day on Sirius XM Patriot, and they said that a friend on Facebook said that when Trump won,
this woman, she said she felt the same she did after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. And this guy was like, oh, oh no, no, that's not healthy. That's not it at all. And this caller had such a good heart, he didn't want to rub it in her face, he didn't want to gloat.
He wanted, like I do, just to prove her wrong in our actions over the next couple years. And I think that's the right approach, to prove someone wrong and then graciously, hopefully it's apparent on their own, but if not, to communicate what is true.
I just like that heart a lot, but we can't, we can't become resentful. Let me quote John MacArthur, we can't become resentful and then full of hate and then this like grumpy, oh, how are we going to get through the next one? No, no, no, no.
This is John MacArthur. He said, we don't like the way the world is, do we? And we don't like the way things are going in our world today. We don't like it. We don't like the attack on truth. We don't like the attack on honesty, dignity, morality.
We don't like the attack on the family. We don't like it. We don't like the elevation of moral perversion. We don't like the escalating crime. We don't like the horrors of terrorism. We don't like any of that.
We resent it. We resent it with a holy resentment. But we can't cross a line where all of a sudden our resentment of that becomes the resentment of the people who are captive to the kingdom of darkness. That's so good. Our goal is not to just survive and get through it.
And our job isn't to fight the enemy. Really, our job is to win the enemy. MacArthur says we have to be the light of the gospel to the very ones that persecute us. So how do we fight back to win the enemy, you have to have a passion for goodness. How about that answer?
Is that satisfying? I don't know. That may not be satisfying. It's true, though. How do you win the enemy? You have to have a passion for goodness.
Peter said, who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good? Notice, right there in the Bible. Who's there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good? So Russell Moore, like, wants to get through the next four years. I just want to focus on what's good. I want to be zealous for it.
And that woman who's in such despair, like when she got diagnosed with cancer, I just want to be zealous for good. And even if throughout this process of being zealous for good, there's suffering because of your zealousness, so be it. The Bible says, even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. We need Christians who are courageous, bold, righteous, holy, and zealous for good.
I came across this prayer, Augustine of Hippo, a long time ago. Lord, my God, Lord, our God, make us happy in you. gold, silver, or land, not from earthly veins and transitory goods of this perishable life. Do not let us speak with pride. Instead, make us happy in you, since we will never lose you. We are not lost with you.
Happy are those whose God is the Lord. You will not be angry if we say that you alone are my portion, Psalm 16, 5. I'm excited for the next four years. I think it's gonna be great politically. It's gonna be a lot of fun, and it's gonna be really exciting.
Things are gonna happen that have never happened before, and I didn't even think would ever happen in our country, in a good way. But no matter who the president is, and no matter how many departments of bureaucracy bureaucracy, Vivek and Elon cut. We can't keep our focus off of Jesus. This is a
prayer from the Archbishop of Constantinople in the year 400. He said, Lord, help us leave behind our worries about what everyone around us thinks of us. Instead, let's be diligent about one thing only, that we harbor no evil thing and nothing that displeases you. And if I could add to that, God, help us not to get through the next four years, or even just to get through the day. But I pray, God, that we can use every day as a day to glorify You in whatever way we
can and to do it with joy, to do it all with joy and a zealousness for good. And I think, I hope that I would say the same thing no matter who was the president. Mike Slater dot locals dot com. Transcript and commercial free.
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