We should not be surprised. Of course he was going to pardon his son and protect himself. Will Trump show mercy to the soon-to-be former president?
Welcome to Politics by Faith brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. I was going to do a whole thing on Matthew 24 and Matthew 25 that I read this morning about being ready for the day that Jesus returns. And he will come and sweep us all away and no one knows the day and hour so stay awake and don't be left out like the five virgins who did not have oil in their lamps.
Actually, now that I think about it though, I may be able to bring it back around to that. Maybe we'll see. But instead of going deeper into that, maybe we'll save it for another day. I think we got to talk about Joe pardoning Hunter. So Hunter Biden did a lot of illegal things. We can spend hours and hours and hours.
Let me try to make this kind of short. Once Hunter Biden's laptop was accepted as legitimate, remember we were told it was Russian disinformation and 50 intelligence analyst experts said it was Russian disinformation. Remember all that? Once it came out as a real thing, after we were lied to repeatedly the political pressure was so great against Joe that Hunter needed to be charged with something there was a
plethora of crimes but they ended up getting them on a gun charge now I want to be clear about this there's the old story of the mafia boss whichever one it was who they couldn't get him on certain crimes, but they ended up getting him on some tax evasion crime because it's all they could pin on him. That's not what this was. They could have gotten Hunter on plenty of crimes. They purposefully only got him on a minor gun charge. The crime was when he applied for a
gun, the form, the federal form, asks, are you using drugs? And he said, no. But then here on this laptop it says that, it's obvious it doesn't say, it's obvious, here's a picture of you indeed using drugs.
By the way, this laptop, quick sidebar, the idea that this laptop exists is so crazy. It exists because he, being a crackhead left it at the laptop
repair store and left it there for longer than the whatever it is, 30 days, and therefore became the legal property of the laptop repair owner, who then handed it over to the media.
Like, what?
So, the whole thing's insane. So, they said, hey, we're gonna get you on this minor gun charge. So they go to a judge with a plea deal. People forget about this part of the story. They go to the judge with a plea deal and they say the plea deal is he'll plead guilty but also
he's immune from any other possible crime that he's ever committed. And the judge said whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you talking about I've never seen this before and the judge said I cannot accept this plea deal this is insane this makes no sense I do not accept so they said oh okay so now we have to go through an actual trial here because that's really important to remember that that first thing happened now let me just go back to this previous point this gun charge
is a it's a minor nothing but they had to do something so that they could say see no one's above the law sure we're not gonna charge him with bribery and foreign lobbying and you know it's time with Burisma in Ukraine getting paid $86,000 a month when his dad is the president of America we're not gonna charge him with any of that no but we're gonna get him on this judge gun charge because see no one's above the law and meanwhile in that charge they tried in the original plea deal to make it so that he was
immune from all other crime, being therefore above the law. It didn't work, though. Now, the point of that plea deal was really to get Joe off the hook. You protect Hunter from any further prosecution related to corrupt business dealings in Ukraine and China, then you can protect Joe as well. That was the plan, but the judge did not accept it.
So they had to have a proper trial, and he was found guilty of the gun charges because of course. Now Joe at the time said he would not pardon his son. And we have clips aplenty of him and the press secretary, whatever her name is, saying they're not going to. Someone made a 10-minute montage. Here's a second minute. It's great.
Presidential promise to put the law before a family.
I said I abide by the jury decision. I will do that and I will not pardon him.
Letting the world know that he will not wipe away the decision of 12 of his son's peers
was asked directly and he has said he wouldn't pardon his son if he gets convicted.
Let's wait and see what happens if he loses.
Yeah, but I mean, but he said it.
Yeah, he said it. You don't believe him?
He's going to get pardoned by his dad, there's no question about that.
The president has ruled out pardoning his son. Major commitment from the president accepting the outcome of the trial and also pledging not to pardon his son. So the challenge for him is really to continue to live up to his values when it was really personal and he did that today. It seems like a pretty normal straightforward answer but it it it takes new weight when we see what Trump is saying about the outcome of his trial what we're hearing from other Republicans who say they don't accept the jury's verdict here in New York.
The contrast is profound. To sit there and say, well, I'm not going to intervene in the legal process and I wouldn't pardon my son. One side, Democrats and Joe Biden protecting the justice system, and on the other, Republicans and Trump protecting Trump.
A current president of the United States has so much respect for the law that he has said he would not pardon his son. I mean, what? You know, again, it's all about the contrast.
President Biden saying I will respect whatever this jury decides versus Donald Trump after he
was convicted on 34 counts, saying the entire system is rigged against them.
It goes on. It's nine minutes. Here's a good one right here. This guy charges.
He is not doing that. He is not doing it because he is living what it means to have a rule of law in this country. And then it is. And I mean, if you want to know if he believes it, you can actually see what is happening with his own son.
That's great. So the idea that like anyone believed that he wouldn't pardon his son, that is so insane to me. Of course he was going to pardon his own son. You think he has principles? You really thought he believed in the rule of law? You kidding me? He broke the
law. He and Hunter and his whole family broke the law knowing that they had a get out of jail free card. Obviously. And they were going to use it in the end if they needed to, of course. Insane. We've told the story of Brutus before. Brutus was the first leader of the Roman Republic. And the tyrant before him, his name was Tarquinius Superbus, they exiled him and he tried to come back and take power again from the new leader of the Republic and led a coup, but the coup was led by Brutus' two sons.
So once this was exposed, all the people of Rome looked at the new leader of the Republic to see what he would do to see if he would follow the law and punish his own two sons, sentence them to death for treason or would he put his sons above the law. What was he going to do? This is an incredible moment in our history. I know it happened in ancient Rome but this is part of our history because in the end Brutus followed through with the law and sentenced his own two sons to death. A pivotal moment in our history that our founders intimately knew because it
proved that no one is above the law or was an example of it. Joe Biden is not Brutus. Joe Biden is not that man of principle of course. And there were two sides. The people who were for the pardons said it would be a check against the judicial branch. Maybe the judicial branch will go too far and be too harsh in punishing someone. And the founders also thought that it could be used as a tool if there was an insurrection or a war
and the president could say, hey, you insurrectionists, you guys, knock it off and I'll pardon you. If you stop now, I'll pardon you, we'll pretend this whole thing never happened.
And it's been done before.
George Washington used the pardon power to give amnesty to those in the Whiskey Rebellion in 1795. And it was, again, a gesture of, hey, let's get back to national unity here. Lincoln did it to encourage people in the Confederate Army to desert and say, hey, if you desert the army,
we'll pardon you. Andrew Johnson pardoned Jefferson Davis, former president of the Confederacy. That was a big one. He did that on Christmas Day. These were acts of mercy in the name
of bringing the country together. The most famous in our era is Ford pardoning Nixon. All right, it's all just move on here. And Barack Obama is given a lot. He gave 1,927 pardons. George W. Bush only gave 200 in his eight years.
So Obama did it a lot. Trump gave 144 in his first term. But why were some founders against pardon? Well, our founders thought, what if the president, who has the pardoning power, is pardoning someone for a crime that they themselves were involved in? George Mason from Virginia, he was against pardoning. He said the power of pardoning, I'm against the power of pardoning because he may frequently the president may frequently pardon crimes which were advised by himself
It may happen in some future day that he will establish a monarchy and destroy the Republic Mason said if he has the power of granting pardons before indictment or conviction may he not stop inquiry and prevent detection Here's Joe pardoning his son, surely, the rest of his family to come. Maybe he can prevent inquiry and detection against his own crimes. Edmund Randolph, he was worried that the president will be involved in treason and can pardon himself for crimes, quote, that he may himself be guilty of.
He said the traitors may be his own instruments and he can pardon them.
That's why they were against it.
But in the end, the rebuttal to that was, well, treason is an impeachable offense. And the founders put in the constitution, they said, the president shall have the power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment and they said, if the president engages in unjust pardons, then they can be impeached for that.
So if Joe had more time on his term, then we could impeach Joe for this, and maybe remove him from office. So there were checks and balances against all that. That one's a bit moot, though, because if you only do it with a month left in your term,
or if you do it on the day you're out the door, then you can't really be impeached for it. In the end, those founders who were against the pardoning power, they were right. They saw the one coming that the president would one day be involved in a criminal enterprise himself to a certain extent, still yet to be determined, uh, and
would pardon to protect him. So we'll find out what Joe does next with the rest of his family. And we'll also see what the incoming Trump administration does. And will they go after Joe himself and Joe's family? Not for political purposes, because there's no political reason to go after Joe Biden and the Biden family.
Like they have no power. They're done. There's no legacy beyond that that needs to be snuffed out. There's no, there's no political purpose to go after Joe Biden. It would only be because they broke the law. So will Joe pardon himself?
Joe Biden himself and to prevent that and will Trump have any mercy left in the tank? Will he have any mercy left over in him? I don't I don't think he will. He did in 2016. We've talked about this many times. I said, what are you going to put?
When are you going to lock out Hillary? He's like, we're not going to do that.
We're going to do that.
We're going to move on. Be bad for the Clintons to be bad for the country. Not necessary. Let's just move on. And look how he was thanked for it, by the Democrats. Not at all.
We've said many times that I think there's a parallel universe where the Democrats, instead of losing their minds after the 2016 election, decided to be normal people and could actually have gotten a lot done with a president who likes making deals. And it could have been a very different time.
Instead, they decided to go nuts. And here we are now. I don't think there's any mercy left inside of Trump nor should there be. We'll see what Trump does with the January 6th criminals now in light of this pardon abuse. So lots more to be learned about all this. I think that's enough for right now but because this is a faith-based podcast I say faith-based I've never said that stupid because it's a
Christian podcast faith-based who might kill you because we appeal to because this is a podcast about Buddhism and Hinduism and you know other religions it's not it's a Christian pocket let's bring it to the Bible so this morning I read the parable the ten virgins there are so Matthew 25 there's not ten five of them have oil in their lamps and five do not and while they're sleeping, the bridegroom, who's Jesus in the parable, or represents Jesus in the parable, comes back while they're sleeping. And the
five who are ready say, great. And the five who are not ready say, oh please let us have some of your oil. Now in the modern sentimentality, we think that the five who are prepared would say, okay, here has some mind, we can all get it. But the five who are prepared indeed say, no, tough noogies. I don't know the Greek for that, tough noogies. I added that in there. They say, no, you can't, we're not going to do it. You're on your own. You weren't prepared. So the ones who are not prepared, they go and they try to buy some oil. They do buy some oil,
they get back it's too late and Jesus says truly I say to you I do not know you and the point of this parable is to be prepared now for Jesus's return because it will happen in a moment a moment's notice and you're either prepared or you're not there's no getting ready after the fact but it also speaks to the swiftness of justice, I would say. In our broken, fallen world, justice is not perfect. Innocent people are sentenced to crimes they did not commit.
Sentences are unfair or uneven. Someone may commit a major crime and get a slap on the wrist, and some people commit a minor crime and they're in there for a long time. And there are unjust pardons, like this one. It's just a fallen, broken world. fallen broken one but when it comes to the kingdom of heaven it is perfectly
just the Bible says God is just here's a Hebrew 610 God is not unjust he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help him Colossians 325 anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs and there's no favoritism Psalm 89 14
Justice and righteousness which always work hand in hand are the foundation of God's throne Justice and righteousness here on earth justice is broken broken. Justice is not perfect. But God's justice is perfect. So, get yourself ready for it. Mike Slater dot Locals dot com. Transcript commercial free on the website.
Mike Slater dot Locals dot com. Transcript commercial free on the website. Mike Slater dot Locals dot com.