We often ask on the radio show, "Perhaps the opposite is true." We're told so many lies and most of the time they're not even slightly off. Often the exact opposite is true. For example, we've been raised to believe that book burning is bad. What does the Bible say about it?
Welcome to Politics by Faith, brought to you by the Patriot Gold Group. I want to talk about Acts 19, this section here that I must admit I've never read before. I don't know how.
I thought I've read all of Acts. I must have skipped this part somehow. But I read it. I was captivated, of course. Let me read this section. There's three parts.
We'll start in verse 11. Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul. He's in Ephesus at the time. So that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them, and the evil spirits went out of them. So, unusual miracles is translated, miracles not of the ordinary kind.
So it was indeed bizarre that God was working miracles through the sweat rags or the aprons of Paul the tent maker and just people who touched them were healed. And the Bible admits that this is unusual. This is not how it normally works. Now apparently the people of Ephesus, not apparently, it's actually true that the people of Ephesus were all into superstition and sorcery and
all this type of stuff. So this spoke to those people, oh here's a magical item and it works. Now notice it says God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul. It doesn't say that Paul did these miracles. It said God does the miracles. Okay, that's the first thing. A little bizarre.
A lot, right? So what happens next? Second part. Some Jewish exorcists called out, in the name of the Lord Jesus, over those with evil spirits,
saying, we exorcise you, like exorcism, by the Jesus whom Paul preaches. And the evil spirit answered and said Jesus I know Paul I know who are you then the man in whom the evil spirit was and then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them overpowered them and prevailed against them so that they fled out of
that house naked and wounded the point here is that these these Jewish leaders they were exercising in the name of Jesus but they didn't know Jesus they know personal relationship with Jesus and this is true of many of us. We may know the Jesus that the preacher talks about. We may know the Jesus that my family believed in and raised me to know about. But do you really know him?
And you better. We just talked about it yesterday. I told the story of the parable of the ten virgins, five who didn't have the oil and the lamp, and they went to go get some, but by the time they got back it was too late and the bridegroom Jesus says truly I say to you I do not know you Matthew 7 21 not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven on that day many will
say to me Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do mighty works in your name and then I will declare to them I never knew you depart depart from me, you workers of lawlessness." These Jewish people did not have a relationship with Jesus. Now the evil spirit knew Jesus and the evil spirit knew Paul, but they didn't know these men because these men weren't a threat.
Okay so let's get to part three now. This story, I'll just share it, became known both to all Jews and Greeks dwelling in Ephesus and fear fell upon them all and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. So see how God has worked. So God did miracles in an unusual way which then inspired these Jews to try to cast out evil spirits in the name of Jesus. A thing happened which that then magnified the name of
Jesus and many who had believed came confessing and telling their deeds. What deeds? We'll get to it. Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them and it told of 50,000 pieces of silver.
So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed. Unbelievable. So through these stories, the things that happened, stories That stories you think that happened people being healed by Paul's apron and What happened with the Jewish exorcism attempt people began to fear the Lord fear Jesus. This is a stronghold of Satan emphasis
superstition satanic practices all these books on sorcery and and other ungodly things people came and Confessed their sins and then burned their books. That's like, that was the act, the proof of their confession. 50,000 pieces of silver. We believe that's something like one to five million dollars worth of books and relics that they burned in that pile.
That's incredible. Let me quote Charles Spurgeon. He said, now by Paul's preaching and through the providence of God the people of Ephesus began to be convinced that the use of magic was a wicked and disgraceful thing and many of them came forward and confessed that they've been guilty of it they confessed it to the preacher they confessed it to the
church they confessed it to the hearers and when they had done this they proved the honesty of their confession for they brought out all their charms and magic books and made a great fire of them all why didn't they sell them to somebody they were so much money Yes, but if they sold them they would have done mischief to somebody else The best thing was to destroy these vipers by burning them in the fire moreover they showed their hatred of sin by burning the books as
They could not have done in any other way and yet again The burning of the books was a mighty sermon to everybody who saw it. What is it you're burning? The book's worth 50 pounds, what are you doing? Oh, it's a magic book and we're done with it. The child of God has nothing to do with such things, so we've burnt them.
That was a better sermon than even Paul himself could have preached upon this subject. Look at the loss the people sustained. I dare say many of them were poor. Two thousand pounds in those days was a much larger sum than it is now, but they lost it all cheerfully to get rid of the obnoxious books which once they had treasured in their houses. This line is so good.
This is a triumph of the gospel when men give up what they prize and when they are willing to suffer great loss in order to get rid of great sin. I love how God works through this three-part story right here. It's also interesting today, you know, everything's backwards today. That's why the motto of my radio show is, perhaps the opposite is true. You know, hear today about book burning.
Ooh, book burning, it's so terrible, it's so awful. Not always. They did it here. And it was the only thing they could have done. Now I don't know how many of us are engaged in sorcery, but we all have idols.
And if the gospel saves your soul, you'll give it up. The dearest idol I have known, whatever that idol be, help me to tear it from its throne and worship only Thee. No more idols in our life. Only Jesus. Let's burn the rest. MikeSlater.Locals.com is the website.
MikeSlater.Locals.com is the website. Transcripts there. No commercials. MikeSlater.Locals.com