Donald Trump signed an executive order reclaiming Denali as Mt. McKinley and turning the Gulf of Mexico into the Gulf of America. This matters and the Left knows it matters. Having symbols and names that reflect your country’s history is important.
Welcome to Politics by Faith. Thanks for being here. The point of this podcast has been to take the news of the day and share some truth from the Bible, put it through a biblical lens, because there's nothing new under the sun. It's amazing how much of what we've been going through and are right now, it's all in the Bible.
And the objective of all this was to decrease our anxiety. It always made me feel better knowing that we've been here before and we've made it through before. So it helped with any anxiety that I was feeling and hopefully you as well.
Because when you're anxious, well that's not good. You can't think clearly and anxiety can take you out and we need you. So that's been what this podcast is for the last couple years. But this moment, I'm gonna be honest,
I'm not anxious. Not about anything politically. We're winning. Trump's crushing it. I don't know how long this will last. Hopefully forever.
Right? Why not? The new American golden age. But, at this moment, anxiety is not my big concern. So in this episode, we're going to put a little less emphasis on the anxiety part and a little extra emphasis on the truth.
In this show, we believe in the good, the beautiful, and the true. Of the million things that have happened in just the last few days, this one got a little bit of attention, but I think it deserves a little bit more, because I think it's actually a very big deal. And a sign of many more things to come. And that is the renaming of Denali back to Mount
McKinley. The Associated Press said that they will indeed refer to Denali as Mount McKinley as per Trump's executive order. They said the area lies solely in the United States and as president Trump has the authority to change federal geographical names within the country.
I think that's a little jab at Trump also renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. Sounds like the AP will not be honoring that one. We will, though. Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in North America, and President McKinley was assassinated in Buffalo in 1901. It was Obama, back in 2015, who renamed it to Denali, which is what the local peoples called it, meaning the high one. So someone on the Twitter
said, can someone explain to me why the name of a mountain in Alaska is even remotely on the top 10,000 issues facing this country? Who is this for? So this is a form of attack called minimizing and it's when someone acts like what you're doing is so silly and so stupid and the goal is to undermine your zeal for what is good.
And undermine your zeal for what is proper. Like you'll have a conviction about something and their reaction is, Oh, come on, what's the big deal? Doesn't matter. Why do you care so much? To try to get you to loosen up on your conviction. But you shouldn't because things like this actually do matter? And I'll explain to this person who's not asking honestly, but I'll take the time to explain anyway. Why does it matter? Well
first of all it takes one second, so it's not like this is some like major time intensive activity that's going to take the entire term. Like it's done. Second point, if it's not important, why do you care right now? You care because you know it matters. The left is very good at propaganda and iconography as well. And we lived through it, and we've lived through the last few decades, but more recently with
Black Lives Matter and George Floyd making their own statues and defacing and even tearing down our statues. You know this matters. Everyone on the left is like, oh what's the big deal? You know it matters. Language matters. Why did you woke fools change the name of nine military bases just a couple years ago? It's been 21 million
dollars. A lot of confusion. A lot of time actually to change the name of a military base. Why? Because you know language matters what we name things says a lot about who we are and we can't have it be Fort Bragg anymore no no no no the left had a naming Commission right and it wasn't just the military is all over the place like I mean I was in San Diego when this hysteria was going on and they had a naming Commission where they overviewed all the names of all the schools and San
Diego ended up getting rid of Henry Henry Clay Elementary because he owns slaves. Of course, Robert E. Lee Elementary, San Francisco, of course, is even worse in the middle of covid as if there's nothing else to worry about. Right. They renamed 44 different schools and they wanted to get rid of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. They want to rename all of these is a form of conquest over America, over our own history. And they were so ridiculous, they were so zealous that they wanted to get rid of Paul Revere as it was an elementary school. And it was
because they thought that he attacked the Penobscot Indians. But in reality he was a leader of something called the Penobscot Expedition. But that was actually a battle against the British. It wasn't attacking the Indians. It was attacking the British in the area where these Indians lived.
It wasn't attacking the Indians. But they didn't care. It was just, we gotta destroy our history. Okay, so my point is, the left knows this matters. So when Trump comes in and renames a thing, like one thing, oh, how stupid is that? What's the point?
I know, names matter and it's time we reclaim them. Now let's go to the Bible where names matter a lot there too. God had Adam name the animals. That's significant, isn't it? Why didn't God just tell Adam what the name of the animals are? Among other things, this shows that man has a responsibility with accurate language and naming. Psalm 147, He, God, determines the number of the stars.
He gives all of them their names. He names all the stars. Christians know the name Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. This has always bothered me. Well, I shouldn't say it always bothered me because I didn't know. But when I learned that that wasn't their real names, it bothers me that that's what
we still call them. I wish we knew their, I wish we called them by their real names. Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Those were their Hebrew names. But when they were taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, they were given new names. So Hananiah means Yahweh is gracious His name was changed to Shadrach which means
Command of Aku who is the moon God So I'm under the command of the moon God see how blasphemous that is Mishael his real name means who is what God is? And that was changed to Meshach, which means, who is as Aku is, the moon god.
Right? So replacing the one true God with these pagan false moon gods. Azariah means, Yahweh has helped. And that was changed to Abednego, which means, slave of the god Nergal, who was the god of death and disease back in Babylon. So you go from a name that honored Yahweh, the honored God, and change it to a name that honors the god of death and disease, Nergal.
So names matter. What we name things matter to the king of Babylon, we're going to rename people in an effort to change their identity. That's why he did that. Strip them of their true identity and give them this new identity. Or at least try. They were unsuccessful as per the rest of the story. We in America, we don't have this association with names like we used to for the most part. I mean there's some people like my fourth son's middle
name is David, named after my dad, right? So we'll do stuff like that. But for the most part, our name, like most people, a lot of people, they give a name just because it sounds good. One of my buddies, his name is totally made up, like his parents just made up a sound.
So we don't have that connection with, like your name actually means something and you have to live up to it. So over time, we've lost sight of the fact that names are very significant. The Israelites, God gave them many different names.
Israelites, Jews, Hebrews, children of Abraham, daughter of Zion, God's chosen people. God renamed Abram to Abraham. He renamed Jacob to Israel. Jesus' name means something. It means God saves or Emmanuel, God with us. You have a name Whatever your name is your parents gave you
But you're gonna get a new name Check out this from Revelation 2 it says to the one who conquers I Will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone With a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it. If you were born again, you still keep your old name. It's just everything else about you is different. As it says in Ephesians 4, put off your former way of life, your old self, which is being corrupted by its
deceitful desires, to be renewed in the spirit of your mind and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. But you keep your name. My name is still Mike. It was before I was a Christian and my name is still Mike. But when I go to heaven I will be given a new name. I love that Revelation 2 when it says to the one who conquers or another translation to the one who overcomes which means you're saved. First John 5 4 says for everyone born of God overcomes the world.
And this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith. So that's 1 John, John wrote Revelation as well. So you overcome the world, you're now in heaven. And when you get there, you get a new name. And that name that you get is your true identity.
I was talking to Miriam about how our names don't really mean that much anymore. My name is Michael. My parents were not thinking, oh, Michael means who is like God or a gift from God. Like they were, right? We don't, we don't put that.
It's like the sound of it. We don't put that cultural emphasis on our names anymore. Other cultures might, but God does. When you go to heaven, your name is who you truly are. And one of the commandments, you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. For the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain."
This is all to say names matter. So do not be discouraged by the people who are trying to trick you by saying they don't matter. They know that they do. Satan knows that words matter. We must understand that truth as well.
There's a guy on the Twitter that I follow that is right about some things sometimes. And he's wrong about this though. He was responding to Dan Crenshaw. Congressman Dan Crenshaw took a picture of Apple Maps. That was his first mistake, Apple Maps.
Who uses Apple Maps, come on. Sorry, this should not be as divisive. Like this, out of this whole podcast, that's gonna be the divisive thing. I was in the car the other day with a buddy who was driving he typed an apple massive. What are you doing? What is that?
Apple Maps every time I've ever tried to use this stuff anyway Dan Crenshaw took a picture of Apple Maps, and it still says Gulf of Mexico and Dan Crenshaw Like maybe half jokingly maybe not send it you know tags Tim Cook on it like hey you got to change this room But this guy on Twitter said this sort of thing is too dumb to even rise to political correctness. It's more like membership in a cult of personality in which dear leaders directives no matter how silly must be enforced. And he said let me quantify the importance of
changing the name of this body of water. Zero. And that guy's wrong. Having symbols and names that reflect your country's history and identity is good. I like this line someone wrote, they said, icons, symbols, and names of public spaces are important tools for shaping cultural norms in a society. When an invading army comes in, this has always been true,
when an invading army comes in and conquers a land, they change the name of it. They put a new flag on top of it, this is ours now, and we're changing the identity of it. And we've had for a while now, we've had a sort of invading army from within
trying to destroy our history and to change our identity. That's been their ultimate goal. Orwell wrote about this in 1984. He said, everything faded into mist. The past was erased. The erasure was then forgotten, and the lie became truth.
So in conclusion, names matter, and words matter. If I may, as I'm recording this, it's the March for Life in Washington, D.C., the day after Donald Trump just pardoned 23 pro-life activists who were put in prison by Joe Biden.
We'll save face act for another day, but you have these stories of these pro-life activists who would be singing or praying outside of an abortion center. There's one story where a guy pushed an abortion escort. And the local police came and they're like, hey guys, whatever, everyone go home, knock it off. And no charges were filed by the local police.
And then months later, the feds come in and arrest this guy and throw him in jail for years because he violated the FACE Act, it stands for the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. So Trump is the most pro-life president we've ever had. He's done more for the pro-life movement than any other president. That's for certain. What did W do? Anyway, you have activists, pro-abortion activists, who will not call abortion murder. And they will not call this clump of cells a baby.
If you remember the other day, we were talking about the clump of cells that was in its 207th trimester, the former CEO of Planned Parenthood, whose life was no longer viable, died the other day.
Poor clump of cells. The left knows that language matters, and far too often we've let them have the upper ground when it comes to language and they've been able to conceal the truth and deceive so many people because of it. So the other day Trump signed this executive order ending
birthright citizenship and it's gonna go to up to the Supreme Court which I'm happy about and the New York Times said undocumented women ask will my unborn child be a citizen? You're like well hold on hold on first of all it's not undocumented it's illegal alien second of all women? You mean birthing people? And then all of a sudden now it's an unborn child and no longer a clump of cells. See how they use language? The left has known for a long time the importance of names and words. It's time we do too.
Juliet said in romeo and juliet what's in a name a lot actually that was the last rallying cry during all the black lives matter hysteria right say her name it's all there is a say her name george floyd died say his name and i agree with him names matter it's mount mckinley and the gulf of america Mike Slater dot locals dot com is my website up there we put the podcast commercial-free with the transcript on the website