Samson did incredible things, and then God had a way of humbling him. We cannot lose faith or lose sight of where all victories come from.
Hello, welcome to Politics by Faith. Slater, are you really going to throw a wet blanket on all the winning that's been going on this past week? I'm going to come here to this podcast, usually a time of peace and joy, and you're going to come here and you're going to be a Debbie Downer? No, I will not.
I will not do that at all. It's been amazing. Everything's been perfect. This last week has felt like a year. It's been a lifetime's worth of winning politically. I've never experienced so much winning and it all got jammed in a week.
We did on SiriusXM, we did a segment on Trump visiting the LA about the wildfires and we talked to the mayor, confronted the mayor and Gavin Newsom. And then I went on Friday and it felt like eight months ago. Did you see clips of that?
It was like 48 news stories ago. And it was Friday. Things are going to keep moving at lightning speed and it's great, it keeps everyone's head spinning, certainly the media and the enemy. I heard the analogy and I
like it of that I love Lucy scene when they're at the chocolate factory and they're eating all the chocolates and just can't keep up I can't keep up with Trump and his team I can't do it it's impossible I've given up even trying can't be done but everything I've seen it's all been great now this is not a wet blanket but I will say it can't go on perfectly forever. There's gonna be hurdles,
and there's gonna be limitations, and there'll be mistakes. There will be court cases that we lose, at least in the moment. I think a lot of these cases that I'm thinking of off the top of my head are gonna go to the Supreme Court,
like the birthright citizenship one, anything about Schedule F employees, firing federal employees, all these things will go up to Supreme Court. I think we'll win. But in the meantime, there'll be some disappointments there.
There'll be some disappointments in the legislature. The media may get a victory now and again, although, man, they've been really pathetic lately. They're so bad right now. I love the JD Vance clip against, what's her name?
Margaret. And JD says, I don't really care, Margaret. That's great.
Make America great again is the best slogan ever, but I don't really care. Margaret is a really strong second place. I don't really care, Margaret. And Margaret says, you know, we're a nation of immigrants as if that's like, Oh, really? I never heard that before. Margaret, like she really thought she had just this ultimate Trump card, like a,
like a final finishing move, a blow on JD Vance. And he in no way would be able to come back from, you know, we're a nation of immigrants, JD, Mr. Vice president. And she has a smug look on her face. Like she really just landed.
And JD is like, yes, Margaret, we're a nation of some immigrants and mostly settlers, but that does not mean that 240 years later we have to have the dumbest immigration policy in the world.
So good.
So the media is awful. They're a one-trick pony, and I don't know what to do when your trick doesn't work anymore. When your trick no longer enthralls the masses, I don't know what to do next." So the media is out. But maybe once in a while they'll hit a little jab. But my point is we cannot
stop pressing forward to the truth and what is right. I had a thought the other day. The left went too far on immigration. They just went too far. They could have had some middle ground and they could have sat there and it would have been okay for them. But they started defending and giving sanctuary, literally, to rapists and murderers. And now because of the pushback, it's all over.
It's all gone. No one's safe. Everyone's going back. This started because J.D. Pritzker, the governor of Illinois, he's like, listen, we're all for getting rid of illegal aliens
who are criminals and violent. And it's like, no you don't. You've never thought that. You provide sanctuary to these people. Tom Holman and ICE, they're going into your cities, blue cities across the country,
and they're deporting these people who have been already arrested multiple times by the local authorities and given sanctuary and released and did not notify ICE. So you've lost all credibility on this, all lefty governors and mayors.
You've lost all credibility. There is no rest of the sentence. There is no but we support all the other law abiding illegal aliens. It's like, no, it's done, the ship has sailed, you lost, they're all gone.
And that's your fault. I really believe that if the left drew a line of, all right, we'll let in the, you know, the law-abiding illegals or whatever, but we're gonna crack down hard on the rapists and murderers, they probably could have, like, this could have kept their, this, this, the jig could have gone off for another couple decades without people waking up. But when you let in the gang members and the MS-13 and the MERS, like, what are you guys doing?
And now it's over. It's all over. The jig is up. So because of that, I had a thought. I said, okay, well, can we learn a lesson here? Can the right learn a lesson?
Can we go too far? If the left went too far with illegal immigration, can we go too far? Can we be too extreme and then there'd be this major pushback against us and then we crumble like they crumble I was thinking that through and then I my work inclusion is no, I don't think so Because I don't think there's such thing as pushing too far to the truth
You could push too far to the left and maybe you could push too far to the right But I don't think you can push too far to the truth There's no such thing as too much fruits of the spirit right no one's like whoa, whoa, that's way too much love, or too much joy, slow it down. Your kindness is too much, like that doesn't, you can't have too much beauty,
you can't have too much righteousness, you can't have too much truth. So we just have to keep pushing to the truth, and don't limit that, and don't think that you can go too far, or too fast, or too much to an extreme, or that there'll be a pushback.
People are like, whoa, that's too much truth. We can't do that. It's like, no, no, no. Truth all the way. Don't stop. I want to share a lesson from Samson,
and we'll see if this is relevant here. It's from Judges 15. So by this point, Samson killed a lion with his bare hands. Trump's pretty unstoppable. I don't know if Trump could kill a lion with his bearings. Defeated 30 Philistines first. Then he caught 300 foxes, tied torches to
their tails, and set fire to the Philistines' crops. It's pretty crazy move him up by the way people Judah ratted him out right they arrested him right that just showed how much under the oppression of the Philistines were that the men of Judah went down and said we're gonna arrest you and we got to give you over to the Philistines right so he's tied up and he ripped from the ropes there's a great line here here it is then the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, remember that, and
the ropes that were on his arms became like flax that's burned with fire and his bonds broke loose from his hands. Okay, so then what did he do next? He killed a thousand Philistines using the jawbone of a donkey. So he did some pretty Judges 15 18 says then he became very thirsty so he cried out to the Lord and said you have given this great deliverance by the hand of your servant you have and now shall I die of thirst and fall into the hand of the
uncircumcised of the Philistines I'm gonna die of thirst here? Look at everything I've just done here and now I'm going to die because I'm too thirsty? So think about this for a second. Samson just did these amazing things. Just killed an army by himself. And him being thirsty is what's going to take him out?
Now what do we learn from this? Charles Spurgeon made this point. He said, it is common for God's people, when they have enjoyed a great deliverance, to find a trouble that's too much for them. Samson slays a thousand Philistines, piling them up in heaps, and then faints for a little water. Jacob wrestles with God, overcoming omnipotence itself and then goes limping on his hip.
Isn't it strange that there must be a shrinking of strength whenever we win the day?
Why is this the case? It is as if the Lord must teach us our littleness, our nothingness, to keep us within bounds do you think you did that Samson now Samson doesn't right because what's he say here he said right here you have given this great deliverance so he knows already but how quickly we forget what God has done for us. So God has to teach us our littleness, our nothingness, to keep us within bounds. God has many ways of humbling His people.
Dear child of God, if after great mercy you are laid very low, your case is not an unusual one. When David had ascended the throne of Israel, he said, this is 2 Samuel 3, 39, I am weak today though anointed King How amazing that I'm now the king, but I am weak You must expect to feel weakest
When you are enjoying your greatest triumph Now, let's just think the political world for last week. Do you think you had a hand in anything? I mean, let's say we all you know, you vote you do this whatever But do you think for one second that Donald Trump getting shot in the ear was some sort of fluke? Maybe it was just like luck? Just luck?
What do you make of the fact that that bullet missed his brain by a millimeter? Even less than that, a nanometer from leaving the gun a couple hundred yards away. You think that was dumb luck? No way, that's not how that works. There is a great triumph here that I believe God has a major role in. But let us not believe for one minute that any of this is our doing.
God has many ways of humbling His people. Now how did this story end? Let me go back to the scripture. So God split the hollow place that is in... So Samson prayed for water. I'm so thirsty. I need some water. So God split the hollow place and water came out and he drank and his spirit returned and he revived. We must always go back to God's Word. We have to always be in tune with
God and the Holy Spirit so that we can be revived constantly. So let's not ever be discouraged about the truth and let's never go on thinking that any of the good things that happen are of our own doing. It's all God's grace and all praise goes to Him. And if we continue to pray to Him, then His will will continue to be done. Spurgeon ends with this so weary brother or sister cheer your heart with Samson's words resting assured that God will deliver you before long.
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